30 Tex. Admin. Code § 335.224

Current through Reg. 49, No. 40; October 4, 2024
Section 335.224 - Additional Interim Status Standards for Burners

In addition to the interim status standards for burners under §335.221(a)(7) - (14) of this title (relating to Applicability and Standards), owners and operators of "existing" boilers and industrial furnaces that burn hazardous waste are subject to the following provisions, including the applicable provisions of Subchapter A of this chapter (relating to Industrial Solid Waste and Municipal Hazardous Waste Management in General) and Subchapter E of this chapter (relating to Interim Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Storage, Processing, or Disposal Facilities), as follows:

(1) If a boiler or industrial furnace is located at a facility that already has a permit or interim status, then the owner or operator must comply with the applicable rules and regulations dealing with permit amendments or modifications under Chapter 305 of this title (relating to Consolidated Permits) and 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) §270.42, or revisions of applications for hazardous waste permits and changes during interim status under Chapter 305 of this title and 40 CFR §270.72.
(2) The requirements of this section and §335.221(a)(7) - (14) of this title do not apply to hazardous wastes and facilities exempt under § 335.221(b) of this title or exempt under 40 CFR §266.108, as adopted under § 335.221(a)(19) of this title.
(3) Owners and operators of existing boilers and industrial furnaces that burn hazardous waste are subject to the following provisions:
(A) § 335.12 of this title (relating to Shipping Requirements Applicable to Owners or Operators of Storage, Processing, or Disposal Facilities);
(B) § 335.15 of this title (relating to Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements Applicable to Owners or Operators of Storage, Processing, or Disposal Facilities);
(C) § 335.113 of this title (relating to Reporting of Emergency Situations by Emergency Coordinator);
(D) § 335.115 of this title (relating to Additional Reports);
(E) § 335.127 of this title (relating to Cost Estimate for Closure);
(4) The owner or operator must provide complete and accurate information specified in 40 CFR §266.103(b)(2) to the executive director on or before August 21, 1992, and must establish limits for the operating parameters specified in 40 CFR §266.103(b)(3). Such information is termed a "certification of precompliance" and constitutes a certification that the owner or operator has determined that, when the facility is operated within the limits specified in 40 CFR §266.103(b)(3), the owner or operator believes that, using best engineering judgment, emissions of particulate matter, metals, HCl and C12 are not likely to exceed the limits provided under 40 CFR §§266.105, 266.106, and 266.107. The facility may burn hazardous waste only under the operating conditions that the owner or operator establishes under 40 CFR §266.103(b)(3) until the owner or operator submits a revised certification of precompliance under 40 CFR §266.103(b)(8) or a certification of compliance under 40 CFR §266.103(c), or until a permit is issued.
(5) On or before August 21, 1992, the owner or operator must submit a notice for publication in a newspaper regularly published, and generally circulated within the county and area wherein the facility is located and send a copy of the notice of those persons and entities listed under § 39.413 of this title (relating to Mailed Notice). The owner and operator must provide to the executive director, with the certification of precompliance, evidence of submittal of the notice for publication. The public notice requirements of this section do not apply to recertifications under 40 CFR §266.103(b)(8). The notice shall be entitled "Notice of Certification of Precompliance with Hazardous Waste Burning Requirements of 40 Code of Federal Regulations §266.103(b) and 30 TAC § 335.224(4) and (5)." An owner or operator who satisfied the public notice requirements under 40 CFR §266.103(b)(6) will be considered compliant with this paragraph provided that the owner or operator submits evidence of such public notice on or before 30 days after the effective date of this paragraph. The notice shall include:
(A) name and address of the owner and operator of the facility as well as the location of the device burning hazardous waste;
(B) date that the certification of precompliance was submitted to the executive director;
(C) brief description of the regulatory process required to comply with the interim status requirements of this section, §335.221(a)(7) - (14) of this title, and 40 CFR §266.103, including required emissions testing to demonstrate conformance with emissions standards for organic compounds, particulate matter, metals, and HCl and Cl2;
(D) types and quantities of hazardous waste burned including, but not limited to, source(s), whether solids or liquids, as well as an appropriate description(s) of the waste(s);
(E) type of device(s) in which the hazardous waste is burned including a physical description and maximum production rate of each device;
(F) types and quantities per year of other fuels and industrial furnace feedstocks fed to each unit;
(G) brief description of the basis for this certification of precompliance as specified in 40 CFR §266.103(b)(2);
(H) locations where the record for the facility can be viewed and copied by interested parties. These records and locations shall at a minimum include:
(i) The administrative record kept by the local Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) regional office; and
(ii) The Boiler and Industrial Furnace (BIF) correspondence file kept at the facility site where the device is located. The correspondence file must include all correspondence between the facility and the Regional Director of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), state and local regulatory officials, including copies of all certifications and notifications, such as the precompliance certification, precompliance public notice, notice of compliance testing, compliance test report, compliance certification, time extension requests and approvals or denials, enforcement notifications of violations, and copies of EPA and state site visit reports submitted to the owner or operator.
(I) notification of the establishment by the facility owner or operator of a facility mailing list whereby interested parties shall notify the facility owner or operator that they wish to be placed on the mailing list to receive future information and notices about this facility; and
(J) location (mailing address) of the local TCEQ regional office, where further information can be obtained on TCEQ regulation of hazardous waste burning.
(6) On or before August 21, 1992, the owner or operator shall conduct emissions testing to document compliance with the emissions standards of 40 CFR §§266.103(a)(5)(i)(D), 266.104(b) - (e), and 266.105 - 266.107, under the procedures prescribed by this paragraph and paragraphs (7) and (8) of this section and 40 CFR §266.103(c), except under extensions of time provided by 40 CFR §266.103(c)(7). Based on the compliance test, the owner or operator shall submit to the executive director a complete and accurate "certification of compliance," in accordance with 40 CFR §266.103(c)(4), with those emission standards establishing limits on the operating parameters specified in 40 CFR §266.103(c)(1). In accordance with paragraphs (12) and (13) of this section, the executive director may reject the certification of compliance or require additional information to be submitted within specified time frames.
(7) Compliance testing must be conducted under conditions for which the owner or operator has submitted a certification of precompliance under 40 CFR §266.103(b) and paragraphs (4) - (5) of this section, and under conditions established in the notification of compliance testing required by 40 CFR §266.103(c)(2). The owner and operator may seek approval on a case-by-case basis to use compliance test data from one unit in lieu of testing a similar on-site unit. To support the request, the owner or operator must provide a comparison of the hazardous waste burned and other feedstreams, and the design, operation, and maintenance of both the tested unit and the similar unit. The director shall provide a written approval to use compliance test data in lieu of testing a similar unit if he finds that the hazardous wastes, the devices, and the operating conditions are sufficiently similar, and the data from the other compliance test is adequate to meet the requirements of §266.103(c).
(8) If the owner or operator chooses to submit a revised certification of compliance (recertification of compliance) under 40 CFR §266.103(c)(8), or if the owner or operator is required to submit a recertification of compliance under paragraphs (9) or (11) of this section, then the owner or operator shall submit the recertification of compliance to the executive director under the procedures in 40 CFR §266.103(c)(8)(i) - (iv). In accordance with paragraphs (12) and (13) of this section, the executive director may reject the recertification of compliance or require additional information to be submitted within specified time frames.
(9) The owner or operator must conduct compliance testing and submit to the executive director a recertification of compliance under the provisions of paragraph (8) of this section and 40 CFR §266.103(c), within 150 days of rejection by the executive director under this paragraph and paragraphs (6) and (8) of this section. In accordance with paragraphs (12) and (13) of this section, the executive director may reject the recertification of compliance or require additional information to be submitted within specified time frames. Except for the activities necessary for the owner or operator to conduct the compliance testing in accordance with 40 CFR §266.103(c)(8)(i) - (iv), and except for a rejection by the executive director of a recertification of compliance which was voluntarily submitted by the owner or operator pursuant to paragraph (8) of this section, upon rejection by the executive director and until a subsequent recertification of compliance is approved under paragraph (8) of this section, the owner or operator shall not burn hazardous waste in the unit for which a certification of compliance or recertification of compliance was rejected.
(10) Except for a rejection by the executive director of a recertification of compliance which was voluntarily submitted by the owner or operator pursuant to paragraph (8) of this section, upon receipt of the third rejection by the executive director of a certification of compliance and/or recertification of compliance for the burning of hazardous waste in a boiler or industrial furnace, the owner or operator shall stop burning hazardous waste in the unit for which the certification and/or recertification were rejected, begin closure activities under 40 CFR §266.103(l), and shall not resume the burning of hazardous waste except under an operating permit issued under Chapter 305 of this title;
(11) Notwithstanding any requirement for a recertification under paragraph (9) of this section, the owner or operator must conduct compliance testing and submit to the executive director a recertification of compliance under the provisions of paragraph (8) of this section and 40 CFR §266.103(c) within five years from submitting the previous certification or recertification (excluding recertification(s) submitted under paragraph (9) of this section). If the owner or operator seeks to recertify compliance under new operating conditions, then the owner or operator must comply with the requirements of paragraph (8) of this section. In accordance with paragraphs (12) and (13) of this section, the executive director may reject the recertification of compliance or require additional information to be submitted within specified time frames.
(12) The executive director may reject certifications or recertifications of compliance based on the failure of the owner or operator to meet the substantive requirements under 40 CFR §266.103 or this section, including, but not limited to, the following:
(A) incorrect or inappropriate calculations or other mathematical techniques which lead to significant effects on operating condition limitations;
(B) incorrect or inappropriate sampling, physical measurements, or analysis techniques which lead to significant effects on operating condition limitations;
(C) equipment failure or malfunction during the compliance test which leads to inadequate results or incorrect results which significantly affects the limits on operating conditions;
(D) inappropriate feed rates of waste, raw production materials, and/or fuels which leads to significant effects on operating condition limitations;
(E) failure to operate the compliance test under steady-state conditions; or
(F) other significant deficiencies which, in the opinion of the executive director will lead to endangerment to public health and welfare or insufficient protection of public property or the environment.
(13) The owner or operator may appeal to the commission any rejection of a certification or recertification by the executive director. Owners and operators who appeal to the commission any rejection of a certification or recertification by the executive director may continue operations under the rejected certification or recertification until the rejection is upheld by the commission.
(14) If the owner or operator does not comply with the interim status compliance schedule provided by paragraphs (4) - (6), (9), or (11) of this section, hazardous waste burning must terminate on the date of the deadline, closure activities must begin under 40 CFR §266.103(l), and hazardous waste burning may not resume except under an operating permit issued under Chapter 305 of this title. For purposes of compliance with the closure provisions of paragraph (4) of this subsection and 40 CFR §265.112(d)(2) and § 265.113 (as adopted in § 335.112(a)(6) of this title (relating to Standards)) the boiler or industrial furnace has received "the known final volume of hazardous waste" on the date that the deadline is missed.
(15) During the compliance test required by paragraph (7) of this section and 40 CFR §266.103(c)(3), and upon certification of compliance under 40 CFR §266.103(c), a boiler or industrial furnace must be operated with a functioning system that automatically cuts off the hazardous waste feed when the applicable operating conditions specified in 40 CFR §266.103(c)(1)(i) and (v) - (xiii) deviate from those established in the certification of compliance, and the boiler or industrial furnace must be operated in accordance with 40 CFR §266.103(g)(1) - (2).

30 Tex. Admin. Code § 335.224

The provisions of this §335.224 adopted to be effective July 29, 1992, 17 TexReg 5017; amended to be effective November 23, 1993, 18 TexReg 8218; amended to be effective February 26, 1996, 21 TexReg 1142; amended to be effective November 15, 2001, 26 TexReg 9135; amended to be effective October 29, 2009, 34 TexReg 7321