Md. Code Regs.

Current through Register Vol. 51, No. 20, October 4, 2024
Section - Interior and Emergency Equipment - Applicable to Type II School Vehicles Only
A. Seats, Stanchions, Rails.

Procedures:Reject Vehicle If:
(1) Seats and Seat Belts. (a) Inspect seats for secure anchorage to floor. (b) Inspect seats for condition of frames, springs, and cover material. (c) Inspect driver's and occupant's seat belt webbing for fraying, splitting, tearing, malfunctioning buckles; loose, damaged, or missing anchorages or damaged or weakened floor pan. (d) Inspect for torn or broken interior metal trim, etc., which may present a hazard to occupants.(1) (a) Any seat anchor belts are not securely fastened to floor or side mounting rail. (b) Cover material is torn, springs are exposed, if seat frame is loose, cracked or broken. (c) Driver's seat belt is missing. (d) Seat belt webbing is frayed, split, or torn. (e) Buckles do not operate properly. (f) Belt anchorages are loose, badly corroded, or not fastened to belt. (g) Belt mounting surfaces are badly deformed, damaged, or corroded. (h) Floor pans are damaged or weakened at anchorage. (i) Occupants' seat belts are missing when required.
(2) Stanchions and Guard Rails (when applicable). Inspect all stanchions, guard rails, grab handles, etc., for tightness, mounting, and general condition.(2) (a) Any looseness is detected, or any fastening parts are missing, broken, or cracked. (b) Cover material or padding is torn (when applicable).

B. Visors and Defroster. The sun visor shall be located in front and above the driver and passenger position.

Procedures:Reject Vehicle If:
(1) Sun Visors. Inspect sun visor for loose, missing, or broken parts which would prevent it from being adjusted, or holding an adjustment.(1) (a) Visor is missing. (b) Visor on driver's side cannot be positioned to protect driver's eyes from sun. (c) Visor is difficult to adjust or will not maintain a set adjustment.
(2) Windshield Defroster. Inspect for presence and proper functioning of windshield defroster.The device and/or auxiliary fans, etc., shall keep windshield, window at driver's left, and glass in service door clear.(2) Windshield defroster defogger is missing or fails to function properly.

C. Heaters, Step or Stepwell, and Vents.

Procedures:Reject Vehicle If:
(1) Interior Heaters. (a) Inspect heater(s) for capability of maintaining inside temperature of 50°F at minimum average January outside temperature. (b) Inspect for leakage and general condition of heating system including heater hoses, tubing, shielding, valves, and controls.(1) (a) Heater cannot maintain a temperature of 50°F at minimum average January outside temperature. (b) Any leakage or malfunction of heating system is detected. (c) Interior heater or pipes not properly shielded. (d) Cut off valve in engine compartment is not present.
(2) Step or Stepwell. Inspect general condition of step or stepwell at all door entrances.(2) (a) Step or stepwell is blocked, cluttered, or surface material is loose. (b) Light for stepwell is missing or fails to function. (c) Step or stepwell is not covered with nonskid material.
(3) Ventilation. Check for function and general condition of ventilating system.(3) System fails to furnish fresh air under operating conditions.

D. Fire Extinguisher, First Aid Kit, and Tire Chains. Every school vehicle shall be equipped with a nontoxic dry chemical fire extinguisher having a rating of at least 5 lb./10 B.C. and equipped with a gauge, and first aid container mounted in plain view in the driver's compartment and, when applicable, tire chains.

Procedures:Reject Vehicle If:
(1) Fire Extinguisher. Inspect for presence, location, condition and accessibility of the fire extinguisher.(1) Extinguisher: (a) Is missing; (b) Seal is broken; (c) Is not readily accessible to driver; (d) Gauge shows low reading; (e) Does not have the proper rating.
(2) First Aid Kit. (a) Inspect for presence, accessibility, and general condition of the first aid kit.It shall be readily identifiable and contain at least the following: (i) Four adhesive bandages; (ii) Four adhesive tapes-1 inch by 5 yards; (iii) One bandage compress-2 inches by 48 inches; (iv) Four bandage compresses-4 inches by 4 inches; (v) Two gauze compresses-3 inches by 3 inches; (vi) Three gauze compresses-24 inches by 72 inches; (vii) Two triangular bandages-40 inches; (viii) One gauze bandage-2 inches by 6 yards; (ix) One wire splint; (x) Two tourniquets; (xi) One pair of forceps; (xii) One pair of scissors; (xiii) Unit kit-empty.(2) First aid kit contents: (a) Are missing; (b) Are not readily accessible; (c) Package seals are broken; (d) Are not readily identifiable.
(3) Chains, Tires. When and where tire chains are required, inspect for presence and condition of tire chains.(3) Chains, Tires: (a) Are missing, when required; (b) Are not serviceable; (c) Are not proper size.

E. Warning Devices.

Procedures:Reject Vehicle If:
(1) Inspect for presence, condition and accessibility of: (a) At least three red electric lanterns or three red emergency reflectors which meet Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety Standards; (b) At least three red-burning fuses, 30-minute stand-up type stored in a canister near the driver.(1) Warning devices: (a) Are missing, do not function as designed or are not of an approved type; (b) Are improperly stored; (c) Are not readily accessible.

F. Color, Signs, Lettering, Retro-Reflective Tape, and Identification.

Procedures:Reject Vehicle If:
(1) Color. Inspect for proper color. (a) Body-National School Bus Yellow. (b) Lettering, body trim, and bumpers shall be black. Bumpers may be covered with a retroreflective material.(1) Colors do not match standard.
(2) Signs and Lettering. Inspect for Lettering. (a) "SCHOOL BUS" front and rear (8 inch by 1 inch stroke black lettering, mounted as high as possible). (b) "EMERGENCY DOOR OR EXIT" inside and outside (2 inch black lettering, mounted directly above the door or on the door above the glass). (c) Operation of Emergency Door or Exit Latch (6 inch black arrow by 3/4 inch stroke indicating direction to release door or exit, inside and outside (d) "STOP ON SIGNAL" when required (4 inch by 3/4 inch stroke black lettering below rear window).
(e) Side Emergency Windows (if equipped). (i) "EMERGENCY EXIT"(2 inch by 3/8 inch stroke black lettering, mounted directly above the emergency window on both the inside and outside surfaces of the vehicle). (ii) Operating instructions necessary to unlatch and open emergency exit shall be in letters of a color that contrasts with its background and located within 6 inches of the release mechanism on the inside surface of the vehicle.A decal containing the instructions may be placed on the window. For buses manufactured after July 31, 2009, the decal shall be transparent except for the lettering. (f) Roof Vent/Emergency Exit. (i) "EMERGENCY EXIT" (in letters at least 2 inches high, of a color that contrasts with its background and located on an inside and outside surface of the exit, or within 12 inches of the roof exit opening). (ii) Operating instructions necessary to unlatch and open emergency exit shall be in letters of a color that contrasts with its background and located within 6 inches of the release mechanism on the inside and outside surface of the vehicle.
(2) Signs or lettering: (a) When required, are missing, illegible or obscured; (b) Are not proper size or color; (c) Are not located as required or permitted.
(3) Retro-Reflective Tape. Each opening for a required emergency exit on a school vehicle manufactured after May 2, 1994 shall be outlined around its outside perimeter with yellow retro-reflective tape having a minimum width of 1 inch.(3) Retro-reflective tape: (a) Is missing when required, or is loose, defective, or obscured; (b) Is not the proper size or color; (c) Is not located as required.
(4) Identification. Inspect for presence, size and condition of required or permitted identification.(4) Identification: (a) When required, is missing, illegible, or obscured; (b) Is not proper size; (c) Is not located where required or permitted; (d) Is not required or permitted.
(5) Required: (a) Vehicles owned by local Boards of Education: (i) Name of school system (both sides of vehicle 6-1/2 inches high by 1 inch stroke); (ii) Identification number (all four sides 6 inches high by 3/4 inch stroke visible directly from the front, rear, and each side). (b) Vehicles contracted to local Boards of Education: (i) Contractor's name (to rear of entrance door 3 inches high by 1/2 inch stroke in a 16 inch by 30 inch area); (ii) Identification number (all four sides 6 inches high by 3/4 inch stroke visible directly from the front, rear, and each side). (c) All other vehicles: (i) Owner's name (to rear of entrance door 3 inches high by 1/2 inch stroke); (ii) Identification number (all four sides 6 inches high by 3/4 inch stroke visible directly from the front, rear, and each side).
(6) Permitted: (a) ICC number (to rear of entrance door 3 inches high by 1/2 inch stroke); (b) Address of owner (to rear of entrance door 3 inches high by 1/2 inch stroke); (c) Telephone number of owner (to rear of entrance door 3 inches high by 1/2 inch stroke).

Md. Code Regs.

Regulations .12B, F; amended effective January 23, 1981 (8:2 Md. R. 114)
Regulation .12F amended effective February 1, 2012 (39:1 Md. R. 18)