17 C.F.R. § 240.18a-4a

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 240.18a-4a - Exhibit A-Formula for determination of security-based swap customer reserve requirements under Section 240.18a-4

Credits Debits
1. Free credit balances and other credit balances in the accounts carried for security-based swap customers (See Note A)$______
2. Monies borrowed collateralized by securities in accounts carried for security-based swap customers (See Note B)$______
3. Security-based swap customers' securities failed to receive (See Note C)$______
4. Credit balances in firm accounts which are attributable to principal sales to security-based swap customers$______
5. Market value of stock dividends, stock splits and similar distributions receivable outstanding over 30 calendar days$______
6. Market value of short security count differences over 30 calendar days old$______
7. Market value of short securities and credits (not to be offset by longs or by debits) in all suspense accounts over 30 calendar days$______
8. Market value of securities which are in transfer in excess of 40 calendar days and have not been confirmed to be in transfer by the transfer agent or the issuer during the 40 days$______
9. Securities borrowed to effectuate short sales by security-based swap customers and securities borrowed to make delivery on security-based swap customers' securities failed to deliver$______
10. Failed to deliver of security-based swap customers' securities not older than 30 calendar days$______
11. Margin required and on deposit with the Options Clearing Corporation for all option contracts written or purchased in accounts carried for security-based swap customers (See Note D)$______
12. Margin related to security futures products written, purchased or sold in accounts carried for security-based swap customers required and on deposit in a qualified clearing agency account at a clearing agency registered with the Commission under section 17A of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78q-1 ) or a derivatives clearing organization registered with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission under section 5b of the Commodity Exchange Act (7 U.S.C. 7a-1 ) (See Note E)$______
13. Margin related to cleared security-based swap transactions in accounts carried for security-based swap customers required and on deposit in a qualified clearing agency account at a clearing agency registered with the Commission pursuant to section 17A of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78q-1 ) $______
14. Margin related to non-cleared security-based swap transactions in accounts carried for security-based swap customers required and held in a qualified registered security-based swap dealer account at another security-based swap dealer or at a third-party custodial account$______
Total Credits$______
Total Debits$______
Excess of Credits over Debits$______

Note A. Item 1 must include all outstanding drafts payable to security-based swap customers which have been applied against free credit balances or other credit balances and must also include checks drawn in excess of bank balances per the records of the security-based swap dealer.

Note B. Item 2 shall include the amount of options-related or security futures product-related Letters of Credit obtained by a member of a registered clearing agency or a derivatives clearing organization which are collateralized by security-based swap customers' securities, to the extent of the member's margin requirement at the registered clearing agency or derivatives clearing organization.

Note C. Item 3 must include in addition to security-based swap customers' securities failed to receive the amount by which the market value of securities failed to receive and outstanding more than thirty (30) calendar days exceeds their contract value.

Note D. Item 11 must include the amount of margin required and on deposit with Options Clearing Corporation to the extent such margin is represented by cash, proprietary qualified securities, and letters of credit collateralized by security-based swap customers' securities.

Note E.

(a) Item 12 must include the amount of margin required and on deposit with a clearing agency registered with the Commission under section 17A of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78q-1 ) or a derivatives clearing organization registered with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission under section 5b of the Commodity Exchange Act (7 U.S.C. 7a-1 ) for security-based swap customer accounts to the extent that the margin is represented by cash, proprietary qualified securities, and letters of credit collateralized by security-based swap customers' securities.
(b) Item 12 will apply only if the security-based swap dealer has the margin related to security futures products on deposit with:
(1) A registered clearing agency or derivatives clearing organization that:
(i) Maintains security deposits from clearing members in connection with regulated options or futures transactions and assessment power over member firms that equal a combined total of at least $2 billion, at least $500 million of which must be in the form of security deposits. For purposes of this Note E the term "security deposits" refers to a general fund, other than margin deposits or their equivalent, that consists of cash or securities held by a registered clearing agency or derivative clearing organization;
(ii) Maintains at least $3 billion in margin deposits; or
(iii) Does not meet the requirements of paragraphs (b)(1)(i) through (b)(1)(ii) of this Note E, if the Commission has determined, upon a written request for exemption by or for the benefit of the security-based swap dealer, that the security-based swap dealer may utilize such a registered clearing agency or derivatives clearing organization. The Commission may, in its sole discretion, grant such an exemption subject to such conditions as are appropriate under the circumstances, if the Commission determines that such conditional or unconditional exemption is necessary or appropriate in the public interest, and is consistent with the protection of investors; and
(2) A registered clearing agency or derivatives clearing organization that, if it holds funds or securities deposited as margin for security futures products in a bank, as defined in section 3(a)(6) of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78c(a)(6) ), obtains and preserves written notification from the bank at which it holds such funds and securities or at which such funds and securities are held on its behalf. The written notification will state that all funds and/or securities deposited with the bank as margin (including security-based swap customer security futures products margin), or held by the bank and pledged to such registered clearing agency or derivatives clearing agency as margin, are being held by the bank for the exclusive benefit of clearing members of the registered clearing agency or derivatives clearing organization (subject to the interest of such registered clearing agency or derivatives clearing organization therein), and are being kept separate from any other accounts maintained by the registered clearing agency or derivatives clearing organization with the bank. The written notification also will provide that such funds and/or securities will at no time be used directly or indirectly as security for a loan to the registered clearing agency or derivatives clearing organization by the bank, and will be subject to no right, charge, security interest, lien, or claim of any kind in favor of the bank or any person claiming through the bank. This provision, however, will not prohibit a registered clearing agency or derivatives clearing organization from pledging security-based swap customer funds or securities as collateral to a bank for any purpose that the rules of the Commission or the registered clearing agency or derivatives clearing organization otherwise permit; and
(3) A registered clearing agency or derivatives clearing organization that establishes, documents, and maintains:
(i) Safeguards in the handling, transfer, and delivery of cash and securities;
(ii) Fidelity bond coverage for its employees and agents who handle security-based swap customer funds or securities. In the case of agents of a registered clearing agency or derivatives clearing organization, the agent may provide the fidelity bond coverage; and
(iii) Provisions for periodic examination by independent public accountants; and
(4) A derivatives clearing organization that, if it is not otherwise registered with the Commission, has provided the Commission with a written undertaking, in a form acceptable to the Commission, executed by a duly authorized person at the derivatives clearing organization, to the effect that, with respect to the clearance and settlement of the security-based swap customer security futures products of the security-based swap dealer, the derivatives clearing organization will permit the Commission to examine the books and records of the derivatives clearing organization for compliance with the requirements set forth in § 240.15c 3-3a, Note E. (b)(1) through (3).
(c) Item 12 will apply only if a security-based swap dealer determines, at least annually, that the registered clearing agency or derivatives clearing organization with which the security-based swap dealer has on deposit margin related to security futures products meets the conditions of this Note E.

17 C.F.R. §240.18a-4a

84 FR 44075, Aug. 22, 2019
84 FR 44075, 10/21/2019