17 C.F.R. § 240.18a-4

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 240.18a-4 - Segregation requirements for security-based swap dealers and major security-based swap participants

Section 240.18a-4 applies to a security-based swap dealer or major security-based swap participant registered under section 15F(b) of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78o-10(b) ), including a security-based swap dealer that is an OTC derivatives dealer as that term is defined in § 240.3b-12 . A security-based swap dealer registered under section 15F of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78 o-10) that is also a broker or dealer registered under section 15 of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78o ), other than an OTC derivatives dealer, is subject to the customer protection requirements under § 240.15c 3-3, including paragraph (p) of that rule with respect to its security-based swap activity.

(a)Definitions. For the purposes of this section:
(1) The term cleared security-based swap means a security-based swap that is, directly or indirectly, submitted to and cleared by a clearing agency registered with the Commission pursuant to section 17A of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78q-1 ) ;
(2) The term excess securities collateral means securities and money market instruments carried for the account of a security-based swap customer that have a market value in excess of the current exposure of the security-based swap dealer (after reducing the current exposure by the amount of cash in the account) to the security-based swap customer, excluding:
(i) Securities and money market instruments held in a qualified clearing agency account but only to the extent the securities and money market instruments are being used to meet a margin requirement of the clearing agency resulting from a security-based swap transaction of the security-based swap customer; and
(ii) Securities and money market instruments held in a qualified registered security-based swap dealer account or in a third-party custodial account but only to the extent the securities and money market instruments are being used to meet a regulatory margin requirement of another security-based swap dealer resulting from the security-based swap dealer entering into a non-cleared security-based swap transaction with the other security-based swap dealer to offset the risk of a non-cleared security-based swap transaction between the security-based swap dealer and the security-based swap customer.
(3) The term foreign major security-based swap participant has the meaning set forth in § 240.3a 67-10(a)(6).
(4) The term foreign security-based swap dealer has the meaning set forth in § 240.3a 71-3(a)(7).
(5) The term qualified clearing agency account means an account of a security-based swap dealer at a clearing agency registered with the Commission pursuant to section 17A of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78q-1 ) that holds funds and other property in order to margin, guarantee, or secure cleared security-based swap transactions for the security-based swap customers of the security-based swap dealer that meets the following conditions:
(i) The account is designated "Special Clearing Account for the Exclusive Benefit of the Cleared Security-Based Swap Customers of [name of security-based swap dealer]";
(ii) The clearing agency has acknowledged in a written notice provided to and retained by the security-based swap dealer that the funds and other property in the account are being held by the clearing agency for the exclusive benefit of the security-based swap customers of the security-based swap dealer in accordance with the regulations of the Commission and are being kept separate from any other accounts maintained by the security-based swap dealer with the clearing agency; and
(iii) The account is subject to a written contract between the security-based swap dealer and the clearing agency which provides that the funds and other property in the account shall be subject to no right, charge, security interest, lien, or claim of any kind in favor of the clearing agency or any person claiming through the clearing agency, except a right, charge, security interest, lien, or claim resulting from a cleared security-based swap transaction effected in the account.
(6) The term qualified registered security-based swap dealer account means an account at another security-based swap dealer registered with the Commission pursuant to section 15F of the Act that meets the following conditions:
(i) The account is designated "Special Reserve Account for the Exclusive Benefit of the Security-Based Swap Customers of [name of security-based swap dealer]";
(ii) The other security-based swap dealer has acknowledged in a written notice provided to and retained by the security-based swap dealer that the funds and other property held in the account are being held by the other security-based swap dealer for the exclusive benefit of the security-based swap customers of the security-based swap dealer in accordance with the regulations of the Commission and are being kept separate from any other accounts maintained by the security-based swap dealer with the other security-based swap dealer;
(iii) The account is subject to a written contract between the security-based swap dealer and the other security-based swap dealer which provides that the funds and other property in the account shall be subject to no right, charge, security interest, lien, or claim of any kind in favor of the other security-based swap dealer or any person claiming through the other security-based swap dealer, except a right, charge, security interest, lien, or claim resulting from a non-cleared security-based swap transaction effected in the account; and
(iv) The account and the assets in the account are not subject to any type of subordination agreement between the security-based swap dealer and the other security-based swap dealer.
(7) The term qualified security means:
(i) Obligations of the United States;
(ii) Obligations fully guaranteed as to principal and interest by the United States; and
(iii) General obligations of any State or a political subdivision of a State that:
(A) Are not traded flat and are not in default;
(B) Were part of an initial offering of $500 million or greater; and
(C) Were issued by an issuer that has published audited financial statements within 120 days of its most recent fiscal year end.
(8) The term security-based swap customer means any person from whom or on whose behalf the security-based swap dealer has received or acquired or holds funds or other property for the account of the person with respect to a cleared or non-cleared security-based swap transaction. The term does not include a person to the extent that person has a claim for funds or other property which by contract, agreement or understanding, or by operation of law, is part of the capital of the security-based swap dealer or is subordinated to all claims of security-based swap customers of the security-based swap dealer.
(9) The term special reserve account for the exclusive benefit of security-based swap customers means an account at a bank that meets the following conditions:
(i) The account is designated "Special Reserve Account for the Exclusive Benefit of the Security-Based Swap Customers of [name of security-based swap dealer]";
(ii) The account is subject to a written acknowledgement by the bank provided to and retained by the security-based swap dealer that the funds and other property held in the account are being held by the bank for the exclusive benefit of the security-based swap customers of the security-based swap dealer in accordance with the regulations of the Commission and are being kept separate from any other accounts maintained by the security-based swap dealer with the bank; and
(iii) The account is subject to a written contract between the security-based swap dealer and the bank which provides that the funds and other property in the account shall at no time be used directly or indirectly as security for a loan or other extension of credit to the security-based swap dealer by the bank and, shall be subject to no right, charge, security interest, lien, or claim of any kind in favor of the bank or any person claiming through the bank.
(10) The term third-party custodial account means an account carried by an independent third-party custodian that meets the following conditions:
(i) The account is established for the purposes of meeting regulatory margin requirements of another security-based swap dealer;
(ii) The account is carried by a bank as defined in section 3(a)(6) of the Act or a registered U.S. clearing organization or depository or, if the collateral to be held in the account consists of foreign securities or currencies, a supervised foreign bank, clearing organization, or depository that customarily maintains custody of such foreign securities or currencies;
(iii) The account is designated for and on behalf of the security-based swap dealer for the benefit of its security-based swap customers and the account is subject to a written acknowledgement by the bank, clearing organization, or depository provided to and retained by the security-based swap dealer that the funds and other property held in the account are being held by the bank, clearing organization, or depository for the exclusive benefit of the security-based swap customers of the security-based swap dealer and are being kept separate from any other accounts maintained by the security-based swap dealer with the bank, clearing organization, or depository; and
(iv) The account is subject to a written contract between the security-based swap dealer and the bank, clearing organization, or depository which provides that the funds and other property in the account shall at no time be used directly or indirectly as security for a loan or other extension of credit to the security-based swap dealer by the bank, clearing organization, or depository and, shall be subject to no right, charge, security interest, lien, or claim of any kind in favor of the bank, clearing organization, or depository or any person claiming through the bank, clearing organization, or depository.
(11) The term U.S. person has the meaning set forth in § 240.3a 71-3(a)(4).
(b)Physical possession or control of excess securities collateral.
(1) A security-based swap dealer must promptly obtain and thereafter maintain physical possession or control of all excess securities collateral carried for the security-based swap accounts of security-based swap customers.
(2) A security-based swap dealer has control of excess securities collateral only if the securities and money market instruments:
(i) Are represented by one or more certificates in the custody or control of a clearing corporation or other subsidiary organization of either national securities exchanges, or of a custodian bank in accordance with a system for the central handling of securities complying with the provisions of §§ 240.8c-1(g) and 240.15c 2-1(g) the delivery of which certificates to the security-based swap dealer does not require the payment of money or value, and if the books or records of the security-based swap dealer identify the security-based swap customers entitled to receive specified quantities or units of the securities so held for such security-based swap customers collectively;
(ii) Are the subject of bona fide items of transfer; provided that securities and money market instruments shall be deemed not to be the subject of bona fide items of transfer if, within 40 calendar days after they have been transmitted for transfer by the security-based swap dealer to the issuer or its transfer agent, new certificates conforming to the instructions of the security-based swap dealer have not been received by the security-based swap dealer, the security-based swap dealer has not received a written statement by the issuer or its transfer agent acknowledging the transfer instructions and the possession of the securities or money market instruments, or the security-based swap dealer has not obtained a revalidation of a window ticket from a transfer agent with respect to the certificate delivered for transfer;
(iii) Are in the custody or control of a bank as defined in section 3(a)(6) of the Act, the delivery of which securities or money market instruments to the security-based swap dealer does not require the payment of money or value and the bank having acknowledged in writing that the securities and money market instruments in its custody or control are not subject to any right, charge, security interest, lien or claim of any kind in favor of a bank or any person claiming through the bank;
(A) Are held in or are in transit between offices of the security-based swap dealer; or
(B) Are held by a corporate subsidiary if the security-based swap dealer owns and exercises a majority of the voting rights of all of the voting securities of such subsidiary, assumes or guarantees all of the subsidiary's obligations and liabilities, operates the subsidiary as a branch office of the security-based swap dealer, and assumes full responsibility for compliance by the subsidiary and all of its associated persons with the provisions of the Federal securities laws as well as for all of the other acts of the subsidiary and such associated persons; or
(v) Are held in such other locations as the Commission shall upon application from a security-based swap dealer find and designate to be adequate for the protection of security-based swap customer securities.
(3) Each business day the security-based swap dealer must determine from its books and records the quantity of excess securities collateral in its possession or control as of the close of the previous business day and the quantity of excess securities collateral not in its possession or control as of the previous business day. If the security-based swap dealer did not obtain possession or control of all excess securities collateral on the previous business day as required by this section and there are securities or money market instruments of the same issue and class in any of the following non-control locations:
(i) Securities or money market instruments subject to a lien securing an obligation of the security-based swap dealer, then the security-based swap dealer, not later than the next business day on which the determination is made, must issue instructions for the release of the securities or money market instruments from the lien and must obtain physical possession or control of the securities or money market instruments within two business days following the date of the instructions;
(ii) Securities or money market instruments held in a qualified clearing agency account, then the security-based swap dealer, not later than the next business day on which the determination is made, must issue instructions for the release of the securities or money market instruments by the clearing agency and must obtain physical possession or control of the securities or money market instruments within two business days following the date of the instructions;
(iii) Securities or money market instruments held in a qualified registered security-based swap dealer account maintained by another security-based swap dealer or in a third-party custodial account, then the security-based swap dealer, not later than the next business day on which the determination is made, must issue instructions for the release of the securities or money market instruments by the other security-based swap dealer or by the third-party custodian and must obtain physical possession or control of the securities or money market instruments within two business days following the date of the instructions;
(iv) Securities or money market instruments loaned by the security-based swap dealer, then the security-based swap dealer, not later than the next business day on which the determination is made, must issue instructions for the return of the loaned securities or money market instruments and must obtain physical possession or control of the securities or money market instruments within five business days following the date of the instructions;
(v) Securities or money market instruments failed to receive for more than 30 calendar days, then the security-based swap dealer, not later than the next business day on which the determination is made, must take prompt steps to obtain physical possession or control of the securities or money market instruments through a buy-in procedure or otherwise;
(vi) Securities or money market instruments receivable by the security-based swap dealer as a security dividend, stock split or similar distribution for more than 45 calendar days, then the security-based swap dealer, not later than the next business day on which the determination is made, must take prompt steps to obtain physical possession or control of the securities or money market instruments through a buy-in procedure or otherwise; or
(vii) Securities or money market instruments included on the security-based swap dealer's books or records that allocate to a short position of the security-based swap dealer or a short position for another person, for more than 30 calendar days, then the security-based swap dealer must, not later than the business day following the day on which the determination is made, take prompt steps to obtain physical possession or control of such securities or money market instruments.
(c)Deposit requirement for special reserve account for the exclusive benefit of security-based swap customers.
(1) A security-based swap dealer must maintain a special reserve account for the exclusive benefit of security-based swap customers that is separate from any other bank account of the security-based swap dealer. The security-based swap dealer must at all times maintain in the special reserve account for the exclusive benefit of security-based swap customers, through deposits into the account, cash and/or qualified securities in amounts computed in accordance with the formula set forth in § 240.18a-4a .
(i) In determining the amount maintained in a special reserve account for the exclusive benefit of security-based swap customers, the security-based swap dealer must deduct:
(A) The percentage of the value of a general obligation of a State or a political subdivision of a State specified in § 240.15c 3-1(c)(2)(vi);
(B) The aggregate value of general obligations of a State or a political subdivision of a State to the extent the amount of the obligations of a single issuer (after applying the deduction in paragraph (c)(1)(i)(A) of this section) exceeds two percent of the amount required to be maintained in the special reserve account for the exclusive benefit of security-based swap customers;
(C) The aggregate value of all general obligations of States or political subdivisions of States to the extent the amount of the obligations (after applying the deduction in paragraph (c)(1)(i)(A) of this section) exceeds 10 percent of the amount required to be maintained in the special reserve account for the exclusive benefit of security-based swap customers;
(D) The amount of cash deposited with a single non-affiliated bank to the extent the amount exceeds 15 percent of the equity capital of the bank as reported by the bank in its most recent Call Report or any successor form the bank is required to file by its appropriate federal banking agency (as defined by section 3 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1813 ) ); and
(E) The total amount of cash deposited with an affiliated bank.
(ii)Exception. A security-based swap dealer for which there is a prudential regulator need not take the deduction specified in paragraph (c)(1)(i)(D) of this section if it maintains the special reserve account for the exclusive benefit of security-based swap customers itself rather than at an affiliated or non-affiliated bank.
(2) A security-based swap dealer must not accept or use credits identified in the items of the formula set forth in § 240.18a-4a except for the specified purposes indicated under items comprising Total Debits under the formula, and, to the extent Total Credits exceed Total Debits, at least the net amount thereof must be maintained in the Special Reserve Account pursuant to paragraph (c)(1) of this section.
(i) The computations necessary to determine the amount required to be maintained in the special reserve account for the exclusive benefit of security-based swap customers must be made weekly as of the close of the last business day of the week and any deposit required to be made into the account must be made no later than one hour after the opening of banking business on the second following business day. The security-based swap dealer may make a withdrawal from the special reserve account for the exclusive benefit of security-based swap customers only if the amount remaining in the account after the withdrawal is equal to or exceeds the amount required to be maintained in the account pursuant to paragraph (c)(1) of this section.
(ii) Computations in addition to the computations required pursuant to paragraph (c)(3)(i) of this section may be made as of the close of any business day, and deposits so computed must be made no later than one hour after the open of banking business on the second following business day.
(4) A security-based swap dealer must promptly deposit into a special reserve account for the exclusive benefit of security-based swap customers cash and/or qualified securities of the security-based swap dealer if the amount of cash and/or qualified securities in one or more special reserve accounts for the exclusive benefit of security-based swap customers falls below the amount required to be maintained pursuant to this section.
(d)Requirements for non-cleared security-based swaps -
(1)Notice. A security-based swap dealer and a major security-based swap participant must provide the notice required pursuant to section 3E(f)(1)(A) of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78 c-5(f)) in writing to a duly authorized individual prior to the execution of the first non-cleared security-based swap transaction with the counterparty occurring after the compliance date of this section.
(2)Subordination -
(i)Counterparty that elects to have individual segregation at an independent third-party custodian. A security-based swap dealer must obtain an agreement from a counterparty whose funds or other property to meet a margin requirement of the security-based swap dealer are held at a third-party custodian in which the counterparty agrees to subordinate its claims against the security-based swap dealer for the funds or other property held at the third-party custodian to the claims of security-based swap customers of the security-based swap dealer but only to the extent that funds or other property provided by the counterparty to the third-party custodian are not treated as customer property as that term is defined in 11 U.S.C. 741 in a liquidation of the security-based swap dealer.
(ii)Counterparty that elects to have no segregation. A security-based swap dealer must obtain an agreement from a counterparty that affirmatively chooses not to require segregation of funds or other property pursuant to section 3E(f) of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78c-5(f) ) in which the counterparty agrees to subordinate all of its claims against the security-based swap dealer to the claims of security-based swap customers of the security-based swap dealer.
(e)Segregation and disclosure requirements for foreign security-based swap dealers and foreign major security-based swap participants -
(1)Segregation requirements for foreign security-based swap dealers -
(i)Foreign bank. Section 3E of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78c-5 ) and this section thereunder apply to a foreign security-based swap dealer registered under section 15F of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78o-10 ) that is a foreign bank, foreign savings bank, foreign cooperative bank, foreign savings and loan association, foreign building and loan association, or foreign credit union:
(A) With respect to a security-based swap customer that is a U.S. person, and
(B) With respect to a security-based swap customer that is not a U.S. person if the foreign security-based swap dealer holds funds or other property arising out of a transaction had by such person with a branch or agency (as defined in section 1(b) of the International Banking Act of 1978) in the United States of such foreign security-based swap dealer.
(ii)Not a foreign bank. Section 3E of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78c-5 ) and this section thereunder apply to a foreign security-based swap dealer registered under section 15F of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78o -10) that is not a foreign bank, foreign savings bank, foreign cooperative bank, foreign savings and loan association, foreign building and loan association, or foreign credit union:
(A)Cleared security-based swaps. With respect to all cleared security-based swap transactions, if such foreign security-based swap dealer has received or acquired or holds funds or other property for at least one security-based swap customer that is a U.S. person with respect to a cleared security-based swap transaction with such U.S. person, and
(B)Non-cleared security-based swaps. With respect to funds or other property such foreign security-based swap dealer has received or acquired or holds for a security-based swap customer that is a U.S. person with respect to a non-cleared security-based swap transaction with such U.S. person.
(2)Segregation requirements for foreign major security-based swap participants. Section 3E of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78c-5 ) and this section thereunder apply to a foreign major security-based swap participant registered under section 15F of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78o-10 ), with respect to a counterparty that is a U.S. person.
(3)Disclosure requirements for foreign security-based swap dealers. A foreign security-based swap dealer registered under section 15F of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78o-10 ) must disclose in writing to a security-based swap customer that is a U.S. person, prior to receiving, acquiring, or holding funds or other property for such security-based swap customer with respect to a security-based swap transaction, the potential treatment of the funds or other property segregated by such foreign security-based swap dealer pursuant to section 3E of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78c-5 ), and the rules and regulations thereunder, in insolvency proceedings under U.S. bankruptcy law and any applicable foreign insolvency laws. Such disclosure must include whether the foreign security-based swap dealer is subject to the segregation requirement set forth in section 3E of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78c-5 ), and the rules and regulations thereunder, with respect to the funds or other property received, acquired, or held for the security-based swap customer that will receive the disclosure, whether the foreign security-based swap dealer could be subject to the stockbroker liquidation provisions in the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, whether the segregated funds or other property could be afforded customer property treatment under U.S. bankruptcy law, and any other relevant considerations that may affect the treatment of the funds or other property segregated under section 3E of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78c-5 ), and the rules and regulations thereunder, in insolvency proceedings of the foreign security-based swap dealer.
(f)Exemption. The requirements of this section do not apply if the following conditions are met:
(1) The security-based swap dealer does not:
(i) Effect transactions in cleared security-based swaps for or on behalf of another person;
(ii) Have any open transactions in cleared security-based swaps executed for or on behalf of another person; and
(iii) Hold or control any money, securities, or other property to margin, guarantee, or secure a cleared security-based swap transaction executed for or on behalf of another person (including money, securities, or other property accruing to another person as a result of a cleared security-based swap transaction);
(2) The security-based swap dealer provides the notice required pursuant to section 3E(f)(1)(A) of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78c-5(f) (1)(A)) in writing to a duly authorized individual prior to the execution of the first non-cleared security-based swap transaction with the counterparty occurring after the compliance date of this section; and
(3) The security-based swap dealer discloses in writing to a counterparty before engaging in the first non-cleared security-based swap transaction with the counterparty that any margin collateral received and held by the security-based swap dealer will not be subject to a segregation requirement and how a claim of a counterparty for the collateral would be treated in a bankruptcy or other formal liquidation proceeding of the security-based swap dealer.

17 C.F.R. §240.18a-4

84 FR 44071, Aug. 22, 2019
84 FR 44071, 10/21/2019