Wyo. Stat. § 9-3-103

Current through the 2024 legislative session
Section 9-3-103 - Transportation expenses; limitation on longevity or length-of-service allowances
(a) Any state, county or precinct officer or employee required to travel in the performance of the duties of his office is entitled to receive reimbursement for all actual and necessary transportation expenses incurred as provided by one (1) of the following methods:
(i) If common carrier transportation is used, the actual expense not to exceed economy fare charged the general public is reimbursable. If deluxe accommodations are desired, the amount exceeding economy fare shall be paid personally by the officer or employee. Passenger coupons issued by the transportation company or an official fare receipt shall accompany the claim submitted to the state auditor or the board of county commissioners for audit and payment. With prior approval of the respective executive agency head, the management council or the chief justice of the supreme court, actual expenses in excess of the economy fare may be reimbursed;
(ii) If rented, chartered or contracted vehicle transportation is used, reimbursement is limited to reasonable rates determined by the administrative head of the governmental unit where claim is submitted. The vendor's official receipt for charges shall accompany the claim submitted to the state auditor or board of county commissioners for audit and payment;
(iii) If private vehicle transportation is used, reimbursement shall be as determined by the governor for the state and by the governing body of any other entity, based on a mileage allowance not to exceed the maximum nontaxable rates allowed by the internal revenue service at the time of travel.
(A) Repealed By Laws 2001, Ch. 23, § 2.
(B) Repealed By Laws 2001, Ch. 23, § 2.
(C) Repealed By Laws 2001, Ch. 23, § 2.
(b) At the discretion of the administrative head of the governmental unit in which claim is submitted, reimbursement may be authorized for actual but necessary vehicle parking fees, car wash expenses, toll fees, taxi fares and taxi driver tips.
(c) Before any claim for transportation expenses is paid, the claimant shall present to the state auditor or the board of county commissioners for audit and payment a verified claim made out in separate items properly dated. The value of each item shall be specifically described to the satisfaction of the auditing officer or board to indicate that the expense has been properly incurred for the benefit of the state or county in pursuance of the claimant's official duties.
(d) County commissioners shall at all times receive transportation expense reimbursement when engaged upon official county business. Other officers of the county shall receive transportation expense reimbursement subject to the approval of the board of county commissioners.
(e) No state official or employee shall receive transportation expense reimbursement when traveling from his residence to the place of his employment and return.
(f) A state officer, judge or employee whose salary is fixed by W.S. 9-3-101 or by any other specific act of the legislature shall not receive any additional allowance based on longevity or length of service, or any other compensation, perquisite or allowances whatever except per diem and necessary traveling and moving expenses when otherwise authorized by law. If any officer, judge or employee, or any retired officer, judge or employee, is receiving compensation or retirement benefits on the effective date of this act which include an additional allowance for longevity or length of service previously authorized, those compensation or retirement benefits shall not be immediately reduced or diminished, but that portion of the compensation or retirement benefits being received on the effective date of this act which is attributable to longevity or length of service allowance shall be reduced or disallowed to the extent it is offset by future increases in salary or retirement benefits authorized by act of the legislature. This subsection does not apply to retirement, health insurance or life insurance benefits, but only to compensation received for length of service.

W.S. 9-3-103