Wyo. Stat. § 41-3-913

Current through the 2024 legislative session
Section 41-3-913 - Control areas; election of control area advisory board; mileage and expense allowances
(a) When an underground water district or subdistrict is declared to be a control area, when the board of control geographically redesignates a control area or when the board of control approves the recommendation of a control area advisory board that board member districts be designated or redesignated, a control area advisory board shall be created in the manner provided herein. The control area advisory board shall consist of five (5) adults who own land or underground water rights, or who are the officers, officials or members of the board of a corporation which owns land or underground water rights within the control area. The board shall represent the entire control area.
(b) The state engineer shall notify the division advisory committee of the division in which the control area is located, of the designation or redesignation of the control area. Within twenty (20) days of notification, the division advisory committee shall select a nominating committee of not less than three (3) persons entitled to vote in the election of the control area advisory board. The nominating committee shall nominate not less than five (5) persons for election to the control area advisory board or, if board member districts have been established, it shall nominate at least one (1) person for election in each district. Within thirty (30) days of its selection, the nominating committee shall report its nominations to the division advisory committee. The division advisory committee shall call an election of members of the control area advisory board, to be held within forty (40) days from the date of the report. The call of the election shall state the time, the place within the control area, the purpose of the election, and the names of persons nominated for election. It shall be published for two (2) consecutive weeks at least twenty (20) days prior to the election in a newspaper of general circulation in each county in which a part of the control area or board member district lies.
(c) Every person or corporation owning or, by virtue of public land filing, entitled to possession of land which is a part of the control area is entitled to cast for each member to be elected one (1) vote for each acre of such land as assessed upon the last annual assessment roll of the county in which the land is located, or as shown by the public land filing. A person owning a tract of land of less than one (1) acre is entitled to cast one (1) vote for each member to be elected. The grantee or assignee of the water in or under any described land is entitled to vote, as prescribed herein, in the place of the person or corporation owning or entitled to the possession of the land. However, if board member districts are established, only the votes which derive from within each district shall be cast in the election of the district board member.
(d) At the hour and place of the election the division advisory committee shall call the roll of those entitled to vote, and the number of votes each is entitled to. They shall make a record of the qualified voters present, receive all proxies and prescribe the method of canvassing the votes. All proxies shall be in writing and signed by the person entitled to vote. The five (5) persons receiving the highest number of votes, or the person receiving the highest number of votes within each board member district, shall be declared to be elected, regardless of whether or not they have received a majority of votes cast. No election shall be invalid because a majority of the acreage of the control area or board member district was not represented at the election. Two (2) of the members so elected shall serve until one (1) year from the third Tuesday in July of the year following the election, and three (3) of the members so elected shall serve until two (2) years following such date. The division advisory committee shall decide by lot which members shall serve for these terms.
(e) During the first fifteen (15) days of July next preceding the expiration of the term of any member an election shall be held to elect members of the control area advisory board. The control area advisory board shall call and conduct the election in the same manner prescribed for the first election. Members elected at any election after the first election shall serve for a term of four (4) years. Whenever the office of any member becomes vacant for any cause, a person to fill the vacancy of the unexpired term shall be appointed by the remaining members. The costs of elections shall be paid by the state engineer's office.
(f) Each member of the control area advisory board shall receive the same per diem, mileage and expense allowances while attending and traveling to and from meetings of the board and other official business of the board in the same manner and amount as employees of the state. No person shall represent more than one (1) board member district during any term of office, and no person shall serve on a control area advisory board for more than two (2) consecutive terms.

W.S. 41-3-913