Wyo. Stat. § 41-3-402

Current through the 2024 legislative session
Section 41-3-402 - Initiation by state engineer; hearing; appeal
(a) When any appropriator has failed, intentionally or unintentionally, to use any portion of surface, underground or reservoir water appropriated by him, whether under an adjudicated or unadjudicated right, for a period of five (5) successive years, the state engineer may initiate forfeiture proceedings against the appropriator with the state board of control, to determine the validity of the unused right. The state engineer shall designate the area to be affected by the proceedings, not to contain in area more than one (1) water division. The total absence of water to divert during an irrigation season precludes the inclusion of any period of nonuse resulting therefrom in the computation of the successive five (5) year period. The secretary of the board shall refer the matter for a hearing to the superintendent of the water division where the forfeiture is alleged to have occurred. This section does not apply to any reservoir for which an extension has been granted during the period of extension under W.S. 41-3-401(a).
(b) The superintendent shall send notices, by certified mail, of the time, place, and purpose of the hearing to all owners of lands covered by the appropriations involved in the forfeiture proceeding. Such persons shall be joined as parties to the forfeiture proceedings as contestees. The state shall be designated as contestant. In a case where notice by certified mail cannot be accomplished, an advertisement published once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the forfeiture is alleged to have occurred, naming the parties in the case and setting forth the time, place, and purpose of the hearing, and a general description of the water rights whose status is under consideration, shall answer the requirements of notice. Notice by certified mail shall first be attempted before notice by advertisement is employed. Advertisement costs shall be paid by the state engineer. In addition, whenever it appears necessary for full and proper notice, the superintendent may post a notice of the hearing in a conspicuous place on the land or at the place where the water rights are attached or utilized, or on the point of diversion.
(c) Any use of a contested water right, easement, privilege, or portion thereof, by the water user, his lessees, agents, transferees or assignees on or after the date of the notice shall be inadmissible as evidence of beneficial use in all hearings or appeals arising out of the alleged forfeiture.
(d) A transcript shall be made of the hearing. The record shall be delivered to the superintendent. The state engineer shall provide and pay for the costs of such record. At the conclusion of the hearing, the transcript, all other evidence, and the report of the superintendent shall be transmitted to the board of control by the superintendent. At its next meeting, the board shall vote by secret written ballot to declare the right in question forfeited or to decline to do so. Any forfeiture requires three (3) affirmative votes by the board.
(e) Whenever the state engineer has initiated forfeiture proceedings, he shall not participate as a voting member of the board of control in any determination of whether any water right, easement, or privilege is to be forfeited, all other laws to the contrary notwithstanding.
(f) Such proceedings shall not be initiated by the state engineer after the use of a water right, easement or privilege has occurred.
(g) Any time within two (2) years after the date the board has entered an order forfeiting a water right, any person who can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the board by written petition, proof, or affidavits, that he was an owner, lessee or beneficiary of the forfeited right, that he had no actual or constructive notice of the forfeiture hearings, and that he has been damaged thereby, may require the board to reopen the case for a determination of whether such right shall remain forfeited or be reactivated without loss of priority.
(h) Whenever the board has declared any water right forfeited, it shall send a certified copy of the declaration to each contestee within sixty (60) days. Such party may within thirty (30) days after the date of mailing, appeal to the district court of the district wherein the hearing was originally held or in the district court of Laramie county.
(j) Nothing in this section shall be construed to allow the state engineer to initiate forfeiture proceedings against water rights which are being put to beneficial use, wholly or in part.

W.S. 41-3-402