Wyo. Stat. § 39-13-108

Current through the 2024 legislative session
Section 39-13-108 - Enforcement
(a) Audits. There are no specific applicable provisions for audits for this chapter.
(b) Interest. The following shall apply:
(i) Except as otherwise provided in W.S. 39-13-113, taxes provided by this act are due and payable at the office of the county treasurer of the county in which the taxes are levied. Fifty percent (50%) of the taxes are due on and after September 1 and payable on and after November 10 in each year and the remaining fifty percent (50%) of the taxes are due on and after March 1 and payable on and after May 10 of the succeeding calendar year except as hereafter provided. If the entire tax is paid on or before December 31, no interest or penalty is chargeable;
(ii) The balance of any tax not paid as provided by W.S. 39-13-113 or paragraph (i) of this subsection is delinquent after the day on which it is payable and shall bear interest at eighteen percent (18%) per annum until paid or collected;
(iii) Taxes are delinquent pursuant to paragraph (ii) of this subsection when a taxpayer or his agent knew or reasonably should have known that the total tax liability was not paid when due;
(iv) Rail car companies. If the taxes levied and payable to the department under W.S. 39-13-104(g) are not paid on December 31 of the year levied, they shall become delinquent and shall bear interest at the rate of eleven percent (11%) per annum. If the taxes and interest due are not paid before February 1 following the levy, the department may collect them by distress and sale of any property belonging to the delinquent owner in the manner required of county treasurers, and the order of the department shall be sufficient authority therefor. The department may use any other remedy available for the collection of monies due.
(c) Offenses and penalties. The following shall apply:
(i) Offenses. The following shall apply:
(A) Any officer neglecting or refusing to comply with any requirement of this act for which no other penalty is provided, may be fined not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) to be recovered against him and his sureties;
(B) Any county treasurer, or person acting in his behalf, failing to comply with any provision of paragraph (e)(ii) of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof may be fined not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00);
(C) Any person is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable upon conviction by a fine of not more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) if he:
(I) Knowingly fails to file the statement required under W.S. 39-14-107(a)(i)(A), 39-14-207(a)(i), 39-14-307(a)(i), 39-14-407(a)(i), 39-14-507(a)(i), 39-14-607(a)(i) and 39-14-707(a)(i);
(II) Knowingly makes any false statement or willfully and knowingly orders or authorizes the making of a false statement in the statement required under W.S. 39-13-107(a)(ii), 39-14-107(a)(i)(A), 39-14-207(a)(i), 39-14-307(a)(i), 39-14-407(a)(i), 39-14-507(a)(i), 39-14-607(a)(i) and 39-14-707(a)(i).
(D) This paragraph does not preclude prosecution pursuant to any other applicable law.
(ii) Penalties. The following shall apply:
(A) Any person failing to file the statement provided by W.S. 39-13-107(a)(ii)(C) shall forfeit not less than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) nor more than five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) to be recovered by an action in the name of the state of Wyoming;
(B) Any person failing to file the statement provided by W.S. 39-13-107(a)(ii)(A) or (B) is subject to a penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) plus not more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each day's failure to file the statement, to be recovered by an action in the name of the state of Wyoming brought by the attorney general at the request of the department. The department may waive the penalties imposed by this subsection as part of a settlement or for any other good cause shown. Penalties collected shall be credited to the state school foundation program account;
(C) If any person fails to file the reports for ad valorem purposes required by W.S. 39-13-113 or chapter 14 of this title by the due date or any extension thereof, the department may impose a penalty equal to a total of one percent (1%) of the taxable value of the production from the well, mine or mining claim but not to exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) for each calendar month or portion thereof that the report or information is late. If any person fails to file reports and other information required by rule of the department other than those required by chapter 14 of this title, the department may impose a penalty of up to one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). The department may waive penalties under this subparagraph for good cause. Penalties imposed under this subparagraph may be appealed to the board.
(d) Liens. The following shall apply:
(i) Taxes upon real property are a perpetual lien thereon against all persons excluding the United States and the state of Wyoming. Taxes upon personal property are a lien upon all real property owned by the person against whom the tax was assessed subject to all prior existing valid liens. Taxes upon personal property are a lien upon the personal property until paid but if the personal property is transferred before payment the tax shall be collected from other real or personal property of the transferor but if the transferor has no other property from which the taxes can be collected then payment shall be enforced from the transferred property;
(ii) Any person, county, municipality or political subdivision holding a certificate of purchase or tax deed issued for delinquent taxes has a lien against the real property which is subject to the certificate of purchase or tax deed to the extent of taxes, costs and penalties accrued plus interest, accruing penalties and the value of improvements placed on the real property by the lienholder or his assigns while lawfully in possession of the premises. The lien is superior to all other liens except those created by junior tax sales or payment of subsequent taxes by another person. The lien may be enforced in the district court of the county in which the real property lies or in any district court in which an action is filed in which the lienholder is made a defendant. The action shall be conducted in a manner similar to foreclosures of mortgages and sales thereunder. The decree may contain an order of sale directing the sheriff to advertise and sell the real property without appraisal and make a return of the proceedings within sixty (60) days;
(iii) Pursuant to an order of sale under paragraph (ii) of this subsection, the sheriff shall advertise the property for sale, and sell the property at public auction, without appraisal, to the highest bidder for cash. The lienholder pursuant to a certificate of purchase or tax deed may bid on the property and if he is the highest bidder, he shall only pay to the sheriff the amount by which his bid exceeds the amount due him under the court's decree. Upon confirmation of the sale by the court, the sheriff shall execute a deed conveying title to the real property to the purchaser in fee simple subject only to the rights of lienholders from junior tax sales. Any person having an interest in the real property may redeem the property prior to confirmation by the court by paying into court a sum of money sufficient to pay all sums owing to the lienholder;
(iv) Upon confirmation of the sale, the proceeds of the sale shall be applied as follows:
(A) To pay the costs of the action and sale including an attorney's fee to the lienholder's attorney as allowed by the court;
(B) To pay all sums due the lienholder;
(C) The balance to be paid to persons holding prior interests in the real property as their interests may appear. The payment may be claimed within two (2) years from the date of confirmation of the sale, or in the case of a person under a legal disability within one (1) year from removal of the disability. If the payment is unclaimed within two (2) years the proceeds shall be credited to the county sinking fund. If a person under a legal disability claims the proceeds within one (1) year following removal of the disability and the proceeds have been credited to the county sinking fund, the person shall be paid out of the county sinking fund.
(v) No deficiency judgment shall be rendered against any party to an action pursuant to this subsection;
(vi) Liens on mineral production before January 1, 2021. The following shall apply:
(A) All taxes, fees, penalties and interest imposed upon mineral production under this article are an automatic and continuing lien in favor of the county in which the mineral was produced subject to all prior existing liens. The lien is on all property in the county, real, tangible and intangible, including all after acquired property rights, future production and rights to property, of any taxpayer to the extent permitted by W.S. 39-14-103(c)(i), 39-14-203(c)(i), 39-14-303(c)(i), 39-14-403(c)(i), 39-14-503(c)(i), 39-14-603(c)(i) and 39-14-703(c)(i);
(B) A lien under this paragraph is also a lien on all interests of the taxpayer in the mineral estate from which the production was severed, and on all future production of the same mineral from the same leasehold, regardless of any change of ownership or change in the person extracting the mineral. A lien under this paragraph shall not apply to a royalty interest, overriding royalty or other interest carved out of the mineral estate of an owner who is not a delinquent taxpayer;
(C) Any lien arising under this paragraph is superior and paramount to all other liens, claims, mortgages or any other encumbrance of any kind held by any person except a lien, claim, mortgage or other encumbrance of record held by a bona fide creditor and properly perfected, filed or recorded under Wyoming law prior to the filing of a lien as provided by subparagraph (E) of this paragraph if the county fails to:
(I) Not later than ninety (90) days after the date the tax became delinquent or was billed, whichever is later, provide notice of delinquent taxes due by certified mail to any bona fide creditor that holds a properly perfected, filed or recorded lien as set forth in subparagraph (C) of this paragraph and that provided a copy of its properly perfected, filed or recorded lien to the county treasurer; and
(II) Not later than one hundred twenty (120) days after the date the tax became delinquent or was billed, whichever is later, file its lien as provided by subparagraph (E) of this paragraph.
(D) The county may file a notice of lien at any time at its discretion, subject to the priorities in subparagraph (C), except no lien shall be enforced until the right of the taxpayer to file and properly perfect an appeal concerning the tax delinquent property before the state board of equalization has expired. A properly perfected appeal on the tax delinquent property before the state board of equalization or any subsequent properly perfected appeal on the same property to a district court or the supreme court shall stay enforcement of a lien filed by the county until such appeal has been exhausted or concluded;
(E) In order to perfect or bring an action to enforce or foreclose a tax lien under this paragraph, the county treasurer shall file a notice of the tax lien and a certified copy of the delinquent tax statement with the clerk and recorder of the real estate records in the county in which the mineral production occurred. A copy of the lien shall be filed with the secretary of state, but such filing is not required to perfect, enforce or foreclose the lien. Nothing in this subparagraph shall be deemed to require a county to perfect a lien that is perfected immediately under subparagraph (A) of this paragraph. The notice of the tax lien shall contain:
(I) The name and last known address of the person or persons against whose property the lien is filed including, but not limited to, the delinquent taxpayer;
(II) The name and address of the county as the holder of the lien and the name of the contact person within the county;
(III) The amount of the tax, fees, penalties and interest owed;
(IV) A legal description of the premises of the mineral estate of the taxpayer from which the mineral was produced;
(V) A statement that the amount of the unpaid tax, fees, penalties or interest is a lien on all property, real, tangible or intangible, including all after acquired property and rights to the property belonging to the delinquent taxpayer to the extent permitted by W.S. 39-14-103(c)(i), 39-14-203(c)(i), 39-14-303(c)(i), 39-14-403(c)(i), 39-14-503(c)(i), 39-14-603(c)(i) and 39-14-703(c)(i) and located within the county, as well as all interest of the delinquent taxpayer in the mineral estate from which the production was severed and any future production from the same mineral leasehold regardless of any change of ownership or change in the person extracting the mineral.
(F) No other action beyond that described in subparagraph (E) of this paragraph shall be required to perfect or bring an action to enforce or foreclose a tax lien;
(G) The filing of the notice of the tax lien as described in subparagraph (E) of this paragraph shall constitute record notice of the tax lien;
(H) One (1) notice of the tax lien shall be deemed sufficient to cover all taxes, together with interest, fees and penalty of the same nature which may accrue after the filing of the notice;
(J) Any tax lien created under this paragraph and duly filed shall survive the death or incapacitation of any person, and shall survive any other destruction or attempted destruction of any interest in property owned by any person liable under Wyoming law for the collection, payment or remittance of taxes, fees, penalties or interest to the county;
(K) In the event of foreclosure, the county shall be entitled to recover the costs of filing the lien, foreclosing on the lien and reasonable attorney's fees;
(M) All notice of tax liens shall be released within sixty (60) days after taxes, penalties and interest due are paid or collected;
(N) Notwithstanding that the lien is a lien on all interests in the mineral estate from which the production was severed and on all future production from the same leasehold to the extent permitted by W.S. 39-14-103(c)(i), 39-14-203(c)(i), 39-14-303(c)(i), 39-14-403(c)(i), 39-14-503(c)(i), 39-14-603(c)(i) and 39-14-703(c)(i), the county may for good cause shown, release the lien on all property in the county, real, tangible and intangible, and settle delinquent taxes, interest and penalties to be collected against future production from that leasehold;
(O) As used in this paragraph, "delinquent taxpayer" means any person who has any responsibility to pay ad valorem taxes, fees, penalties or interest on mineral production and who has not made full payment as of the date due for payment of the taxes, fees, penalties or interest. A delinquent taxpayer may include a mineral lessee who is receiving production from the mineral interest; the mineral lessor to the extent of the lessor's retained interest; an owner of a royalty, overriding royalty or other interest carved out of the mineral estate; or a person severing the mineral. "Delinquent taxpayer" shall not include an owner of a royalty interest, overriding royalty or other interest carved out of the mineral estate if the person who is producing the mineral withholds a portion of the royalty, overriding royalty or other interest carved out of the mineral estate for the purpose of remitting taxes, fees, penalties or interest on behalf of the owner.
(vii) Liens on mineral production on or after January 1, 2021. The following shall apply:
(A) All taxes, fees, penalties and interest imposed upon mineral production under this article are an automatic and continuing lien in favor of the county in which the mineral was produced. The county lien is perpetual against all persons excluding the United States and the state of Wyoming and attaches and is perfected immediately upon production of the mineral. The lien is on all property in the county, real, tangible and intangible, including all after acquired property rights, future production and rights to property, of any taxpayer to the extent permitted by W.S. 39-14-103(c)(i), 39-14-203(c)(i), 39-14-303(c)(i), 39-14-403(c)(i), 39-14-503(c)(i), 39-14-603(c)(i) and 39-14-703(c)(i);
(B) A lien under this paragraph is also a lien on all interests of the taxpayer in the mineral estate from which the production was severed, and on all future production of the same mineral from the same leasehold, regardless of any change of ownership or change in the person extracting the mineral. A lien under this paragraph shall not apply to a royalty interest, overriding royalty or other interest carved out of the mineral estate of an owner who is not a delinquent taxpayer;
(C) A county lien arising under this paragraph is superior and paramount to all other liens, claims, mortgages or any other encumbrance of any kind except any superior lien existing before January 1, 2021 and the lien shall survive foreclosure actions until paid in full or until released by the lienholder;
(D) No lien shall be enforced until the right of the taxpayer to file and properly perfect an appeal concerning tax delinquent property before the state board of equalization has expired. A properly perfected appeal on the tax delinquent property before the state board of equalization or any subsequent properly perfected appeal on the same property to a district court or the supreme court shall stay enforcement of a lien filed by the county until such appeal has been exhausted or concluded. Nothing in this subparagraph shall be deemed to relieve any taxpayer of the requirement to pay any tax when due under this title;
(E) In order to foreclose a tax lien under this paragraph, the county treasurer shall file a notice of the intent to foreclose and a certified copy of the delinquent tax statement with the clerk and recorder of the real estate records in the county in which the mineral production occurred. A copy of the intent to foreclose shall be provided to the person against whose property the lien is filed at the last known address of the person. The notice of the intent to foreclose shall contain:
(I) The name and last known address of the person or persons against whose property the lien is filed including, but not limited to, the delinquent taxpayer;
(II) The name and address of the county as the holder of the lien and the name of the contact person within the county;
(III) The amount of the tax, fees, penalties and interest owed;
(IV) A legal description of the premises of the mineral estate of the taxpayer from which the mineral was produced, detailed to at least the township, range and section.
(F) No other action beyond that described in subparagraph (E) of this paragraph shall be required to foreclose a tax lien;
(G) One (1) notice of the intent to foreclose shall be deemed sufficient to cover all taxes, together with interest, fees and penalty of the same nature which may accrue after the filing of the notice;
(H) Any tax lien created under this paragraph shall survive the death or incapacitation of any person, and shall survive any other destruction or attempted destruction of any interest in property owned by any person liable under Wyoming law for the collection, payment or remittance of taxes, fees, penalties or interest to the county;
(J) In the event of foreclosure, the county shall be entitled to recover the costs of filing the lien, foreclosing on the lien and reasonable attorney's fees;
(K) A notice of intent to foreclose shall be released within sixty (60) days after taxes, penalties and interest due are paid or collected;
(M) Notwithstanding that the lien is a lien on all interests in the mineral estate from which the production was severed and on all future production from the same leasehold to the extent permitted by W.S. 39-14-103(c)(i), 39-14-203(c)(i), 39-14-303(c)(i), 39-14-403(c)(i), 39-14-503(c)(i), 39-14-603(c)(i) and 39-14-703(c)(i), the county may, for good cause shown, release the lien on all property in the county, real, tangible and intangible, and settle delinquent taxes, interest and penalties to be collected against future production from that leasehold;
(N) As used in this paragraph, "delinquent taxpayer" means any person who has any responsibility to pay ad valorem taxes, fees, penalties or interest on mineral production and who has not made full payment as of the date due for payment of the taxes, fees, penalties or interest. A delinquent taxpayer may include a mineral lessee who is receiving production from the mineral interest; the mineral lessor to the extent of the lessor's retained interest; an owner of a royalty, overriding royalty or other interest carved out of the mineral estate; or a person severing the mineral. "Delinquent taxpayer" shall not include an owner of a royalty interest, overriding royalty or other interest carved out of the mineral estate if the person who is producing the mineral withholds a portion of the royalty, overriding royalty or other interest carved out of the mineral estate for the purpose of remitting taxes, fees, penalties or interest on behalf of the owner.
(e) Tax sales. The following shall apply:
(i) The following shall apply to the distraint and sale of personal property:
(A) If the county treasurer proceeds to collect delinquent taxes by distraint and sale of personal property the county treasurer:
(I) May keep the property at the expense of the owner;
(II) Shall give notice of the time and place of sale within five (5) days after the distraint in the manner required for notice of a sale of personal property under execution;
(III) Shall commence the sale within ten (10) days after the distraint;
(IV) May adjourn the sale from time to time, not exceeding three (3) days, shall adjourn the sale when there are no bidders, and shall put a notice of adjournment at the place of sale in the case of an adjournment;
(V) Shall return to the owner any surplus proceeds of sale after payment of taxes, interest, costs of keeping and transporting the property and fees of sale including charges provided by paragraph (ix) of this subsection, and render an account in writing of the sale and charges upon demand by the owner.
(B) The following fees, costs and charges shall be collected by the county treasurer to be credited to the county treasury:
(I) Twenty-three cents ($.23) per mile for necessary travel; and
(II) Not to exceed twenty dollars ($20.00) for advertising in the case of sale of personal property.
(ii) The following shall apply to sales of real property:
(A) If the county treasurer proceeds to collect delinquent taxes by sale of real property, he shall advertise notice of all sales of real property by publication thereof, once a week for three (3) weeks in a legal newspaper in the county, the first publication to be at least four (4) weeks prior to the day of sale and prior to the first week in September. If there is no legal newspaper published in the county, the county treasurer shall post a written notice of the sale at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of the sale within and near the front door of the courthouse and in three (3) public places in the county in which the major portion of the real property to be sold is situated;
(B) Notices of sale of real property for payment of delinquent taxes shall:
(I) Describe the real property to be sold, by providing the legal description and the street address for the property used by the United States postal service when available, or the street address used by the county or municipality if available;
(II) Contain the name of the record owner of the real property and the person in whose name the real property is assessed if different than the record owner;
(III) Enumerate the year or years for which taxes are delinquent and the amount of taxes, interest and penalties due and unpaid for each year;
(IV) Specify the date, time of opening and place of sale;
(V) Specify whether the property is subject to special assessments for local or public improvements and the amount thereof.
(C) Notices of sale shall be in substantially the following form:
(I) Notice of Sale of Real Property for Delinquent Taxes

State of Wyoming




County of ....


County Treasurer's Office ...., (year) ..

Notice is hereby given that I, ...., the duly elected, qualified and acting county treasurer within and for the county and state aforesaid, will on the ....day of ....A.D. (year).. at the courthouse at ....in the county and state aforesaid, offer for sale the following described real estate for taxes due and unpaid. The real estate will be sold subject to any special assessments for local or public improvements. Said sale shall take place between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. of said day and will be continued from day to day, Sundays excepted, until all of said land has been sold.

The real property to be offered at said sale, together with the taxes, penalty, interest and costs due on the same is described as follows, to-wit:

Owner's Name and Description of Property Total Amount for Which Property Will Be Sold.

Here state in whose name assessed and describe the property. Witness my hand the day and year first above mentioned.

....County Treasurer.

(D) The notice of sale and text matter describing the real property to be sold shall be set in not larger than eight (8) point type, nor wider than the regular double column width of the newspaper. All sub-heads or captions designating school, irrigation or drainage districts, or other county subdivisions, shall be composed in black-faced type, not larger than eight (8) point, centered in double columns of not more than one (1) such line;
(E) Descriptions of all property offered for sale and listed in the name of one (1) owner shall be "run in" with the commas, semicolons and periods in a continuous line so as to use all space in each line thereof except space for tabulation of the total amount of the taxes, interest and costs, each line, when necessary, shall be leadered out to said total item, thus, ....$ ;
(F) The name of the individual, firm, corporation or association to whom the property is assessed shall be set in capital letters, followed by an em dash immediately followed in the same line by the legal description and street address when available of the property to be sold which shall, if sufficiently long, continue to the end of the line leaving sufficient white space to classify the figures of the total amount for which the property is to be sold;
(G) The newspaper publisher shall follow the copy submitted to him by the county treasurer. The county treasurer shall prepare the copy for the publisher as herein provided and shall prepare the body matter of said tax list in the following form:

DOE, JOHN-SW1/4 Sec. 14; S1/2 SE1/4 Sec. 12; N1/2 NE1/4 Sec. 12; SE1/4 SW1/3 Sec. 32; all in Twp. 12, Range 63 (street address when available) $134.25

ROE, JOHN-NW1/4 Sec. 12, Twp. 14, Range 63 (street address when available) 54.76

(H) The continuation of lines used in the publication in directing the reader from page to page shall be in black-faced type, not larger than eight (8) point, shall occupy, in each case, not more than two (2) eight (8) point lines of double column width and shall be in the following form:

Delinquent Tax List of ....County, Wyoming (year).., Taxes

(Continued on Page ....or Continued from Page ....);

(J) Where the same individual, firm, corporation or association shall have assessed to it more than one (1) piece of real property located in the same school district the county treasurer shall so prepare his copy that all such pieces of property shall be advertised and appear under one (1) insertion of the name of the individual, firm, corporation or association.
(iii) The following shall apply to the time and place of sale, the purchasers, unsold property and the certificate of purchase:
(A) Sales of real property shall be held at the county courthouse or county building between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Sundays excluded, and may be adjourned from day-to-day until all lands are sold;
(B) Any person who offers to pay the amount of taxes, interest, penalties and costs including charges provided by paragraph (ix) of this subsection due on any real property is considered the purchaser thereof. The purchaser shall immediately pay the county treasurer all amounts due on the real property in the absence of which the real property shall again be offered for sale and the original purchaser disqualified. Any real property which cannot be sold for the amount of taxes, interest, penalties and costs shall be bid in for the county by the county treasurer. Real property bid in for the county shall be assessed each year and taxes placed thereon the same as other real property but shall be placed on a separate assessment roll and the valuation shall not be included in the county valuation. A list of the property shall be sent to the board on the first Monday in July for statistical purposes;
(C) Following completion of the sale the county treasurer upon payment of the fee provided by subparagraph (ix)(B) of this subsection shall make out, sign and deliver a certificate of purchase to the purchaser, or to the county in the event real property was bid in for the county without fee. The certificate of purchase shall describe the real property purchased, taxes and costs paid and shall state the amount of any special assessments for local or public improvements. Certificates of purchase may be assigned by endorsement and assignment vests all right and title of the original purchaser in the assignee or his legal representatives. The county treasurer shall also note in the margin of the delinquent tax roll the certificate of purchase number and the amount for which the property was sold;
(D) The county commissioners of any county may sell and assign any certificate of purchase for real property bid in for the county pursuant to subparagraph (iii)(B) of this subsection at public or private sale at any time. If sold at public sale the commissioners may reject any bids and continue the sale until the property is sold;
(E) The holder of the certificate of purchase takes subject to any special assessments for local or public improvements.
(iv) The following shall apply to tax deeds to a county:
(A) Following four (4) years from the date of sale the county treasurer shall issue and record a tax deed to the county conveying real property for which the county holds unredeemed certificates of purchase. At least sixty (60) days prior to execution and delivery of the tax deed the county clerk shall inform by personal service or send a registered or certified letter to the person in whose name the property was assessed and mortgagees, if any, to their last known addresses, if any, complying with the notice requirements of subparagraph (v)(A) of this subsection;
(B) Following issuance of a tax deed to a county, the county commissioners may dispose of the property at private sale and cause a deed to be executed to the purchaser, signed by the commission chairman and the county clerk;
(C) Upon sale of real property by the county to private parties, the county assessor shall immediately place the property on the assessment roll of the county.
(v) The following shall apply to tax deeds to purchasers:
(A) The county treasurer shall accept applications and issue tax deeds for unredeemed real property subject to a certificate of purchase not less than four (4) nor more than six (6) years from the date of the original sale for taxes to the person in whose name the certificate of purchase was delivered or his assigns upon proper application, return of the certificate of purchase, payment of fees and proof of compliance with the notice requirements of this section to consist of the fact of personal service and the contents of the notice served in cases where personal service is made, or, in the case of service by publication, a sworn statement attached to a copy of the notice indicating the time of service by the publisher, manager or editor of the newspaper in which publication of notice was made;
(B) Holders of certificates of purchase of real property sold for delinquent taxes, including a holder's or county's assigns, upon application for a tax deed therefor shall furnish proof to the county treasurer:
(I) That at least three (3) months prior to the application a written or printed notice was served on each person in actual possession or occupancy of the real property and the person in whose name the property was taxed or assessed if upon diligent inquiry the persons can be found in the county; or
(II) If no person is in actual possession or occupancy of the property and if the person in whose name the property was taxed or assessed cannot be found in the county, that notice was published in a newspaper printed in the county, or if no newspaper is printed in the county, then in a newspaper printed in Wyoming nearest to the county seat of the county in which the property is located. The notice shall be published once a week for three (3) weeks, the first publication not more than five (5) months and the last publication not less than three (3) months prior to the application; and
(III) That notice was sent by certified or registered mail to the record owner and mortgagees, if any, of the real property if their addresses are known or disclosed by the public records.
(C) Notices required by this paragraph shall contain the following:
(I) When the applicant purchased the real property;
(II) In whose name the real property was taxed;
(III) A description of the real property;
(IV) The year the property was taxed or assessed;
(V) When the time of redemption will expire;
(VI) When application for a tax deed will be made;
(VII) The amount of any special assessments for local or public improvements.
(D) Following issuance of a tax deed, the grantee shall file the notice and proof of service to be recorded as other instruments affecting the conveyance of real property. The tax deed, when recorded, is subject to the provisions of W.S. 34-2-131 through 34-2-135.
(vi) Form of tax deeds. The following shall apply:
(A) Tax deeds executed by the treasurer shall be substantially in the following form:

Know all men by these presents, that whereas, the following described real property, viz: (here insert the description) situated in the County of ...., and State of Wyoming, was subject to taxation for the year (or years) A.D.....; and whereas the taxes assessed upon said real property for the year (or years) aforesaid, remained due and unpaid at the date of such sale hereinafter named, and whereas the treasurer of the said county did on the ....day of ...., A.D....., by virtue of the authority vested by law, at (an adjourned sale) the sale begun and publicly held on the ....day of ...., A.D....., expose to public sale at the court house (or county building) in the county aforesaid, in substantial conformity with all the requirements of the statute in such case made and provided, the real property above described, for the payment of the taxes, interest and costs then due, and remaining unpaid on said property, and whereas at the time and place aforesaid, A. B., of the county of ...., and of ...., having offered to pay the sum of ....dollars and ....cents, being the whole amount of taxes, interest and costs then due and remaining unpaid on said property for (here follows a description of the property sold) which was the least quantity bid for, and payment of said sum having been made by him to the said treasurer the said property was stricken off to him at that price (and whereas the said A. B. did, on the ....day of ...., A.D....., duly assign the certificate of the sale of the property as aforesaid, and all his right, title and interest to said property, to C. D. of the County of ...., and ....of ....) and, whereas four (4) years have elapsed since the date of said sale, and the said property has not been redeemed therefrom, as provided for by law; now, therefore, I, E. F., treasurer of the county aforesaid, for and in consideration of the said sum to the treasurer paid as aforesaid, and by virtue of the statute in such case made and provided, have granted, bargained and sold, and by these presents do grant, bargain and sell, unto the said A. B. (or C. D.) his heirs and assigns, the real property last hereinbefore described, to have and to hold unto him, the said A. B. (or C. D.) his heirs and assigns forever, subject, however, to all the rights of redemption provided by law and to any special assessments for unpaid local or public improvements.

In witness whereof, I, E. F., treasurer, as aforesaid by virtue of the authority aforesaid, have hereunto subscribed my name, on this ....day of ...., A.D...... E. F., Treasurer.

(B) Tax deeds shall be acknowledged by the treasurer.
(vii) The following shall apply to tax deeds:
(A) No irregularity or informality in the advertisement of sale provided by paragraph (ii) of this subsection shall affect the legality of the sale or the title to any real property conveyed by a subsequent treasurer's tax deed. In all cases the provisions of this act shall be deemed sufficient notice to the owners of the sale of the property;
(B) Any grantee of a tax deed or county commissioner's deed pursuant to paragraph (iv) or (v) of this subsection, and successors in title are entitled to possession of the real property conveyed by the deed and the deed is prima facie evidence of title to the property described subject to special assessments for local or public improvements. The burden of proof shall be upon any party seeking to invalidate title conveyed by a tax or county commissioner's deed in any action in any court in Wyoming;
(C) Books and records of the county clerk's and county treasurer's offices, on copies duly certified, shall be deemed sufficient evidence to prove the sale of any real property for taxes, the redemption thereof, or the payment of the taxes thereon;
(D) No action for the recovery of real property sold for the nonpayment of taxes shall be maintained unless commenced within six (6) years after the date of sale for taxes.
(viii) The following shall apply to the indemnification of a purchaser under a void sale and a lien under an invalid sale:
(A) When real property has been sold for delinquent taxes unlawfully in consequence of any mistake, irregularity or unlawful act of a county treasurer rendering the sale void, the county shall pay the purchaser or his assignee the total amount to which he would have been entitled upon redemption if the property had been rightfully sold. The county treasurer and his sureties are liable to the county for the amount paid if due to an act of the county treasurer or his deputies;
(B) When real property has been sold or conveyed for delinquent taxes and it is discovered or adjudged that the sale or conveyance was invalid and the purchaser or grantee has no legal right of recovery from the county as provided by subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, the purchaser or grantee has a lien against the real property for the amount due on any taxes for which the property was sold or conveyed plus any subsequent taxes thereon paid by the purchaser or his assigns plus interest of eight percent (8%) per annum. The lien may be enforced in any court of competent jurisdiction;
(C) If the grantee of a tax deed or persons claiming under him by virtue of the tax deed are defeated in any action for the recovery of the real property conveyed by the tax deed, the court shall grant judgment in favor of the grantee or person claiming under him against the successful party to the suit before the successful party is awarded relief or granted possession of the real property. The judgment, which is a lien against the real property, shall be for the amount of all taxes paid on the real property by the grantee or person claiming under him, interest at eight percent (8%) per annum on the amount paid at the tax sale and on subsequent taxes from the time paid and costs as allowed by law including the cost of the tax deed and recording the tax deed.
(ix) The following fees, costs and charges shall be collected by the county treasurer to be credited to the county treasury:
(A) Twenty-three cents ($.23) per mile for necessary travel and not to exceed twenty dollars ($20.00) for advertising in the case of sale of personal property and not to exceed twenty dollars ($20.00) for advertising in the case of sale of real property to collect delinquent taxes;
(B) Not to exceed twenty dollars ($20.00) for issuing a certificate of purchase;
(C) Twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for issuing a treasurer's deed to a private purchaser;
(D) Not to exceed twenty dollars ($20.00) for issuing a certificate of redemption.

W.S. 39-13-108

Amended by Laws 2021 , ch. 10, § 1, eff. 7/1/2021.
Amended by Laws 2020 , ch. 142, § 2, eff. 3/24/2020.
Amended by Laws 2020 , ch. 141, § 1, eff. 7/1/2020.
Amended by Laws 2019 , ch. 187, § 1, eff. 7/1/2019.
Amended by Laws 2017 , ch. 104, § 1, eff. 7/1/2017.