Wyo. Stat. § 22-25-101

Current through the 2024 legislative session
Section 22-25-101 - Definitions; statement of formation
(a) Repealed By Laws 1998, ch. 100, § 5.
(b) A political action committee and a candidate's campaign committee, except those formed under federal law, shall file a statement of formation within ten (10) days after formation. This filing is required when any political action committee or candidate's campaign committee is formed, whether before an election to aid in the campaign or formed after an election to defray campaign debts incurred. The chairman and treasurer of a committee shall be separate individuals. The statement of formation shall list the name and mailing address of the committee, name and address of the committee chairman and treasurer, date committee formed and the purpose of committee.

The statement of formation shall be filed in those offices as provided by W.S. 22-25-107.

(c) Any organization that receives contributions or expends funds totaling in aggregate more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for the purpose of causing independent expenditures or electioneering communications to be made shall file a statement of formation for the purpose of filing campaign reports in accordance with W.S. 22-25-106(h). Any organization that has not previously filed a statement of formation that is required by this subsection shall file a statement of formation within ten (10) days of causing or intending to cause the independent expenditure or electioneering communication to be made in any primary, general or special election or within twenty-four (24) hours if the independent expenditure or electioneering communication is made within ten (10) days of any primary, general or special election. The statement of formation as referenced in this subsection shall be filed in those offices as provided by W.S. 22-25-107 and shall list the:
(i) Name and mailing address of the organization;
(ii) Name and mailing address of the organization's chairman and treasurer, if applicable, or the organization's designee;
(iii) Date the organization formed; and
(iv) Purpose of the organization.
(d) As used in this chapter:
(i) "Electioneering communication" means, except as otherwise provided by paragraph (ii) of this subsection, any communication, including an advertisement, which is publicly distributed as a billboard, brochure, email, mailing, magazine, pamphlet or periodical, as the component of an internet website or newspaper or by the facilities of a cable television system, electronic communication network, internet streaming service, radio station, telephone or cellular system, television station or satellite system and which:
(A) Refers to or depicts a clearly identified candidate for nomination or election to public office or a clearly identified ballot proposition and which does not expressly advocate the nomination, election or defeat of the candidate or the adoption or defeat of the ballot proposition;
(B) Can only be reasonably interpreted as an appeal to vote for or against the candidate or ballot proposition;
(C) Is made within thirty (30) calendar days of a primary election, sixty (60) calendar days of a general election or twenty-one (21) calendar days of any special election during which the candidate or ballot proposition will appear on the ballot; and
(D) Is targeted to the electors in the geographic area:
(I) The candidate would represent if elected; or
(II) Affected by the ballot proposition.
(ii) "Electioneering communication" does not mean:
(A) A communication made by an entity as a component of a newsletter or other internal communication of the entity which is distributed only to members or employees of the entity;
(B) A communication consisting of a news report, commentary or editorial or a similar communication, protected by the first amendment to the United States constitution and article 1, section 20 of the Wyoming constitution, which is distributed as a component of an email, internet website, magazine, newspaper or periodical or by the facilities of a cable television system, electronic communication network, internet streaming service, radio station, television station or satellite system;
(C) A communication made as part of a public debate or forum that invites at least two (2) opposing candidates for public office or one (1) advocate and one (1) opponent of a ballot proposition or a communication that promotes the debate or forum and is made by or on behalf of the person sponsoring or hosting the debate or forum;
(D) The act of producing or distributing an electioneering communication.
(iii) "Independent expenditure" means an expenditure that is made without consultation or coordination with a candidate, candidate's campaign committee or the agent of a candidate or candidate's campaign committee and which expressly advocates the:
(A) Nomination, election or defeat of a candidate; or
(B) Adoption or defeat of a ballot proposition.
(iv) "Organization", as used in this chapter, means any corporation, partnership, trade union, professional association or civic, fraternal or religious group or other profit or nonprofit entity or any other entity influencing an election, except a political party, political action committee or candidate's campaign committee.

W.S. 22-25-101

Amended by Laws 2022 , ch. 81, § 1, eff. 4/1/2022.
Amended by Laws 2019 , ch. 1, § 1, eff. 7/1/2019.