Wyo. Stat. § 18-5-306

Current through the 2024 legislative session
Section 18-5-306 - Minimum requirements for subdivision permits
(a) The board shall require, and with respect to paragraph (xii) of this subsection may require, the following information to be submitted with each application for a subdivision permit, provided the board may by rule exempt from any of the following requirements of this subsection or subsection (c) of this section, including paragraph (xii) of this subsection, the subdivision of one (1) or more units of land into not more than a total of five (5) units of land:
(i) Evidence satisfactory to the board that the proposed subdivision complies with any applicable zoning or land use regulations;
(ii) A survey plat submitted by the subdivider containing the following:
(A) Date of preparation, scale and north arrow;
(B) The location of the subdivision including the section, township and range;
(C) The location and dimension of existing and proposed streets, alleys, roads, highways, public ways, utility rights-of-way, easements, parks and the location of proposed permanent buildings and structures if known.
(iii) Evidence satisfactory to the board that:
(A) The subdivider or his agent who offers any part of the subdivision for sale or who solicits any offers for the purchase thereof, may convey merchantable title subject only to noted reservations or restrictions of record and subject only to a proportionate share of real property taxes or assessments charged or assessed for the year in which any such sale may be legally effected; or
(B) Binding arrangements have been made by the person or his agent who offers any part of the subdivision for sale, to assure purchasers of any part of the subdivision that upon full payment of the purchase price a deed can and will be delivered conveying merchantable title subject only to noted reservations or restrictions of record and subject only to a proportionate share of such taxes and assessments thereon as may be levied or assessed for the year in which the sale may be legally effected.
(iv) A study evaluating the sewage system proposed for the subdivision and the adequacy and safety of the system. The study shall, at a minimum, include the following:
(A) Identification of the type of sewage system to serve the subdivision and identification of the entity or entities responsible for the design, construction, operation and maintenance of the proposed facility;
(B) For all types of sewage systems except individual on-lot sewage systems, a report submitted by the subdivider as to the adequacy and safety of the proposed sewage system. The report shall address, at a minimum, the following issues:
(I) An assessment of the adequacy of the proposed sewage system in relation to the proposed population density of the subdivision and any other existing or proposed land and water uses in the vicinity of the subdivision that may affect the adequacy of the system;
(II) An estimate of the total number of gallons per day of sewage generated by the proposed subdivision where a central sewage system is proposed;
(III) A demonstration that technical requirements and design standards of the department of environmental quality applicable to central sewage systems can and will be met;
(IV) Where utilization of or connection to an existing private or public sewage system is proposed, documentation that application to such entity has been made and that the entity can and will provide service;
(V) A detailed demonstration that the proposed sewage system for the subdivision is compatible with the proposed water supply system for the subdivision. The study shall demonstrate that the operation of the sewage system will not affect the suitability or safety of the proposed water supply system and a determination of the potential impacts of downgradient use of groundwater;
(VI) Demonstration that the proposed sewage system will meet all county, state and federal standards. The demonstration shall address the relationship of the development to any local or state approved water quality management plans established pursuant to section 201 of the federal Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. section 1281 and demonstrate no conflict exists with any state approved local wellhead protection plan or local source water protection plan established pursuant to the federal Safe Drinking Water Act.
(C) Where individual on-lot sewage systems are proposed by the subdivider, a report submitted by the subdivider shall document the safety and adequacy of the proposed on-lot sewage systems including the following:
(I) Adequacy of separation distances;
(II) Separation of drainfield relative to groundwater and impervious soils;
(III) Suitability of the subdivision soil conditions;
(IV) Suitable topography;
(V) Proposed population density;
(VI) Protection of groundwater uses; and
(VII) Watersheds located on or draining into, under or over the proposed subdivision.
(D) Where individual on-lot sewage systems are proposed, the words "NO PROPOSED CENTRALIZED SEWAGE SYSTEM," in bold capital letters shall appear on all offers, solicitations, advertisements, contracts, agreements and plats relating to the subdivision.
(v) If the subdivider proposes to utilize adjoining property for sewers, drainage, sewer lines, power lines or other utilities, the subdivider shall provide:
(A) Copies of binding easements of not less than twenty (20) feet in width for the proposed facilities from each property owner over whose land such services shall extend, except that the board may accept copies of binding easements of a width less than twenty (20) feet if the subdivider demonstrates to the board's satisfaction that the easement is adequate to protect the safety and health of the public and provides adequate access for the maintenance of the facilities;
(B) A minimum access roadway right-of-way of sixty (60) feet to the subdivision for all public ways.
(vi) A study evaluating the water supply system proposed for the subdivision and the adequacy and safety of the system. The study results shall, at a minimum, include the following:
(A) Identification of the type of water supply system proposed to serve the subdivision and identification of the entity or entities responsible for the design, construction, operation and maintenance of the proposed facility;
(B) For all water supply systems except individual on-lot wells, a report submitted by the subdivider demonstrating the adequacy and safety of the proposed water supply system. The report shall address, at a minimum, the following issues:
(I) The estimated total number of gallons per day for the subdivision water supply system;
(II) Documentation that the proposed water supply system will be compatible with and not adversely affected by the sewage system proposed for the subdivision or any other sources of pollution within a reasonable distance;
(III) List of all surface and groundwater rights which will be used or which will likely be affected, including state engineer application and permit numbers and description of expected effects identified by the study;
(IV) Plans for the mitigation of water right conflicts which will likely result from the use of water within the proposed subdivision, as identified by the study, unless such conflicts are deemed not to exist to the satisfaction of the board;
(V) When connecting to an existing water supply system, the report shall also contain:
(1) Documentation that public or private water suppliers can and will supply water to the proposed subdivision, stating the amount of water available for use within the subdivision and the feasibility of extending service to that area;
(2) Documentation concerning the potability of the proposed water supply for the subdivision.
(VI) Where a centralized water supply system is proposed containing a new source of water supply to be developed, the report shall also demonstrate that the water supply system is sufficient in terms of quality, quantity and dependability and will be available to ensure an adequate water supply system for the type of subdivision proposed. The report shall include a narrative summary of:
(1) Where the water supply system source is derived from groundwater, the geologic setting of the water supply system source and the area of influence such as nearby communities, sources of pollution, surface water bodies and aquifers described by a Wyoming registered professional geologist;
(2) The quantity, quality and source of the water to be used including proposed and existing surface and groundwater facilities and their locations. Where the proposed water supply system for the subdivision is from a groundwater source, a written report submitted by the subdivider demonstrating that the proposed source is sufficient in terms of quality, quantity and dependability for the type of subdivision proposed;
(3) The proposed disposal of water not consumed, including water obtained under permits, storm drainage, dewatering, sewage and other wastewater sources;
(4) A delineation of primary sources of water, secondary sources and occasional or seasonal sources;
(5) Graphic location of all water supply sources including wells, raw water intakes, treatment facilities, treated water storage facilities and ponds;
(6) Documentation of all data sources on the occurrence and availability of surface and groundwater;
(7) Historic stream flows and well levels;
(8) Senior water rights;
(9) Flood damage and flood protection;
(10) Impact of and protection from supply shortages.
(C) Where individual on-lot wells are proposed as the water supply system, a report submitted by the subdivider demonstrating the safety and adequacy of the water supply system shall address, at a minimum, the following:
(I) The estimated total number of gallons per day for the subdivision;
(II) Information relative to the potential availability and quality of groundwater proposed within the subdivision which may consist of new data, existing data on other working wells in the area, or other data, including drilling logs, from a test well drilled within the proposed subdivision indicating soil types, depth, quantity and quality of water produced in the test well;
(III) Documentation that the proposed water supply system will be compatible with and not adversely affected by the sewage system proposed for the subdivision or any other sources of pollution within a reasonable distance;
(IV) List of all surface and groundwater rights which will be used or which will likely be affected, including state engineer application and permit numbers, and description of expected effects identified by the study; and
(V) Plans for the mitigation of water right conflicts which will likely result from the use of water within the proposed subdivision, as identified by the study, unless such conflicts are deemed not to exist to the satisfaction of the board.
(D) Where individual on-lot wells are proposed, the words "NO PROPOSED CENTRAL WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM," in bold capital letters shall appear on all offers, solicitations, advertisements, contracts, agreements and plats relating to the subdivision.
(vii) Documentation satisfactory to the board that adequate access has been provided and that all proposed streets, alleys and roadways within the subdivision conform to the minimum standards adopted by the board and applied uniformly throughout the county which shall not in itself constitute consent of the board to locate, repair or maintain roadways and facilities. If, however, the subdivider proposes to make any streets, alleys or roadways private, then the subdivider shall submit to the board properly acknowledged written certification that certain streets, alleys or roadways within the subdivision shall remain private and the board shall be under no obligation to repair, maintain or accept any dedication of such roads to the public use. If no such public maintenance is contemplated, the subdivider shall put a legend on the plat of the subdivision, on all advertisements and solicitations for the subdivision and on all offers, contracts or agreements for the sale and purchase of lots within the subdivision showing the streets, alleys and roadways showing in capital letters "NO PUBLIC MAINTENANCE OF STREETS OR ROADS";
(viii) Documentation satisfactory to the board that the subdivider has adequate financial resources to develop and complete any facility proposed or represented to be the responsibility of the subdivider, including but not limited to water supply systems, sewage systems, streets and roadways. The applicant shall provide a performance bond, acceptable letter of credit or other sufficient financial commitment to assure that any facilities proposed or represented to be part of the subdivision will in fact be completed as proposed, or escrow sufficient monies out of land sales to guarantee that the above facilities are installed. The amount of any bond or other financial commitment or escrow required under this paragraph shall reflect the estimated costs of providing the facilities;
(ix) Proof that the applicant has published notice of his intent to apply for a permit once each week for two (2) weeks within thirty (30) days prior to filing his application. The notice shall include the name of the subdivider and the general location of the land to be subdivided;
(x) Any other information consistent with this article and the board's published rules and regulations which the board deems pertinent or relevant to the evaluation of the application;
(xi) With respect to any water rights appurtenant to lands to be subdivided in accordance with this chapter and prior to final approval of the subdivision permit, the subdivider shall provide the following:
(A) The intended disposition of the water rights, by:
(I) Written documentation from the state engineer or the state board of control that the subdivider submitted to the state engineer or the state board of control all documents necessary to voluntarily abandon the water rights, cancel any unadjudicated permits or eliminate applicable lands from any unadjudicated permits. The subdivider shall notify any purchasers of this action;
(II) Written documentation from the state board of control that the subdivider has submitted to the state board of control all documents necessary to change the use or place of use to provide for beneficial use of the water rights outside the subdivision;
(III) A plan, accompanied by written documentation from the state engineer approving the plan, for the distribution of the water rights appurtenant to the land to be subdivided. The plan shall specify the distribution of the water to the lots within the subdivision and shall include written documentation from the state board of control that the subdivider submitted to the state board of control all documents necessary to change the use, place of use or point of diversion or means of conveyance in accordance with W.S. 41-3-103, 41-3104 or 41-3-114; or
(IV) Written documentation from the state board of control that it has accepted an authorization to detach water rights appurtenant to the lands to be subdivided in accordance with rules and regulations promulgated by the state board of control.
(B) If the subdivision is located within lands served by or crossed by a ditch, irrigation works or other water conveyance system, evidence that the subdivider submitted the plan to the public entity, company, association or appropriators responsible for the ditch, irrigation works or other water conveyance system for review and recommendation at least sixty (60) days prior to the submittal of the application for the subdivision permit to the board. Upon receipt of the plan, the public entity, company, association or appropriators shall notify the subdivider if and how the subdivision will create a significant additional burden or risk of liability;
(C) Evidence that the subdivider will specifically state on all offers and solicitations relative to the subdivision the subdivider's intent to comply with this paragraph and that the subdivider does not warrant to a purchaser that the purchaser shall have any rights to the natural flow of any stream within or adjacent to the proposed subdivision. The subdivider shall further state that Wyoming law does not recognize any riparian rights to the continued natural flow of a stream or river for persons living on the banks of the stream or river;
(D) If the subdivision is located within the boundaries of an irrigation district that is subject to the provisions of title 41, chapter 7 of the Wyoming statutes, the application shall include recommendations from the irrigation district regarding any changes to the attached water rights and the irrigation district's easements. If there is a conflict with the irrigation district's recommendations, the subdivider shall certify that it met with and made a good faith effort to resolve any conflicts with the irrigation district; and
(E) If the subdivision will create a significant additional burden or risk of liability to the public entity, company, association or appropriators responsible for the ditch, irrigation works or other water conveyance system, the subdivider shall provide an adequate and responsible plan to reduce or eliminate the additional burden or risk of liability and evidence that the subdivider submitted the plan to the public entity, company, association or appropriators for review and recommendation regarding the adequacy of the plan.
(xii) Evidence that all parcels of land created by the subdivision will be subject to written and recorded covenants or other instruments creating an entity, binding on subsequent owners of the land within the subdivision. The entities that may be used include, but are not limited to, special improvement districts, homeowners associations and mutual benefit corporations. The board shall not mandate the creation of an entity with the ability to interfere with any owner's ability to use his private property, except to collect any assessment. The entity shall have the ability to address the following topics:
(A) Maintenance and responsibility for common areas, roads and water supply systems and assessments against all parcels of land in the subdivision to defray the costs thereof;
(B) Continued management of the entity.
(xiii) If required under W.S. 18-5-319, plans for the construction of perimeter fences, including the type of perimeter fence to be constructed, the materials to be used and the subdivider's plan for paying the costs of the perimeter fence and the construction of the perimeter fence.
(b) The board shall require the applicant to obtain review and recommendations from the local conservation district regarding soil suitability, erosion control, sedimentation and flooding problems. The review and recommendations shall be completed within sixty (60) days.
(c) Upon receipt of a subdivision permit application filed with a county and prior to subdivision permit approval, the county or subdivider shall send three (3) copies of the portions of the application prepared under this section to the department of environmental quality for review of the safety and adequacy of the proposed sewage system and proposed water supply system. The review shall be conducted in accordance with the following guidelines:
(i) The department may request assistance from the state engineer, the Wyoming water development office and any other state agency or local governmental entity in preparing its review. Any agency or entity requested to assist in the review shall fully cooperate to the extent possible with the department and shall furnish the information or recommendations requested within the time period specified by the department;
(ii) To the extent requested by a county government, the administrator of the water quality division, with the approval of the director of the department of environmental quality, shall delegate authority to the county to review any reports or studies required by this section directed at determining the safety and adequacy of the proposed sewage or water supply system contained as part of a subdivision application. Any authority delegated under this section shall be subject to the following conditions:
(A) The county entity shall demonstrate to the administrator of the water quality division that all sewage or water supply systems will be reviewed by a qualified professional with expertise in surface and groundwater protection from pollution and safe and adequate water supply systems;
(B) The local government shall demonstrate that the review of water supply and sewage systems will be in a manner as stringent as the department of environmental quality would require under this section;
(C) The review of subdivisions with a proposed sewage system consisting of wastes requiring an underground injection control permit under department of environmental quality regulations or sewage systems with a proposed surface water discharge shall not be delegated to the county; and
(D) The administrator shall periodically review the administrative programs of each county governmental entity receiving a delegation of authority under this section and may, with the consent of the director, revoke or temporarily suspend the delegation agreement entered into with any entity which has failed to perform its delegated duties or has otherwise violated the terms of its agreement of delegation.
(iii) The department shall file its written comments and recommendations on the application with the commission or board within thirty (30) days after receipt of the application. The department may extend its review period for an additional thirty (30) days if an extension is necessary to complete the review.
(d) If the permit is approved the board shall require the applicant to put a legend on the plat and on all offers, contracts or agreements for the sale and purchase of lots within the subdivision showing in capital letters "THE SURFACE ESTATE OF THE LAND TO BE SUBDIVIDED IS SUBJECT TO FULL AND EFFECTIVE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MINERAL ESTATE".

W.S. 18-5-306

Amended by Laws 2023, ch. 173,§ 2, eff. 7/1/2023.
Amended by Laws 2022 , ch. 107, § 1, eff. 3/22/2022.
Amended by Laws 2021 , ch. 130, § 1, eff. 7/1/2021.
Amended by Laws 2011 , ch. 176, § 1, eff. 3/3/2011.
Amended by Laws 2011 , ch. 101, § 1, eff. 7/1/2011.