Wyo. Stat. § 18-3-204

Current through the 2024 legislative session
Section 18-3-204 - Duties generally
(a) Each county assessor shall:
(i) Keep his office open during the usual business hours with the exception of the time he is away in the performance of his duties making assessments and listing property for the purpose of taxation;
(ii) Secure data concerning the listing and taxation of property within his county and gather data from public records and other sources as will enable him to assess all property at its fair value;
(iii) Examine the county records relating to transfers of property and gather from all reliable sources information of the changes of ownership of property, and record transfers of property to enable him to assess all property to its rightful owner or owners;
(iv) Gather information relating to land passing from the government of the United States into private ownership under the public land laws of the United States, and make records to enable him to list and assess such property to the owner or owners thereof;
(v) When he is not making the assessment for the current year, devote himself to a study of property valuations in his county, and he may subpoena witnesses, administer oaths, examine them under oath, and require certified copies of any part of any public records or documents within his county necessary during the course of such investigation. Whenever any subpoena is issued by the county assessor, it shall be served by the county sheriff without charge to the county. Any witness or person subpoenaed by the county assessor shall receive the same fees as allowed in civil actions;
(vi) Prepare the assessment schedule in duplicate and leave with the property owner or person having control of the taxable property a copy of the assessment schedule. If any changes are subsequently made to the assessment schedule by the county assessor or his deputies, the county assessor shall immediately notify the property owner or person having control of the taxable property of the change;
(vii) After the county board of equalization has finished their equalization of property for taxation and corrections have been designated by them, complete the roll and make the corrections and changes designated by the board, correctly foot the roll, and when completed subscribe and make the following oath which shall be attached to the roll: "I, ...., county assessor within and for the county of ...., state of Wyoming, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I or my deputies have demanded, received and reviewed from every property owner or person having control of taxable property within the county of ...., State of Wyoming, a complete and detailed statement of the amount and fair value of all taxable property and that I or my deputies have viewed the property listed, and have revised and corrected the statements where necessary; and that I have to the best of my knowledge and ability valued the property at its fair value; and in no case have I or my deputies knowingly omitted to demand a statement of the description and value of property in the county, and that I have not knowingly omitted to perform any duty required by me by law, and have not connived at any evasion or violation of any requirements of law in relation to the listing and valuation of property. So help me God.";
(viii) Immediately after the taxes are levied each year make the tax list in tabular form and in alphabetical order upon the form and in the manner prescribed by law;
(ix) Faithfully and diligently follow and apply the orders, procedures and formulae of the department of revenue or orders of the state board of equalization for the appraisal and assessment of all taxable property;
(x) Attend continuing education programs not to exceed forty (40) classroom hours per year provided by or approved by the department of revenue.

W.S. 18-3-204