Wyo. Stat. § 15-6-405

Current through the 2024 legislative session
Section 15-6-405 - Assessments; roll; preparation and filing; hearing; notice; action by governing body; objections; amendments; certification
(a) When an assessment roll for local improvements has been prepared, it shall be filed with the clerk of the city or town. The governing body shall then fix a date for hearing upon the roll before it and direct the clerk to give notice of the time and place of the hearing. Any person may object to the roll in writing and file the objections with the clerk on or before the date of the hearing. At the time and place fixed and at such other times to which the hearing may be continued, the governing body shall sit as a board of equalization to consider the roll. At the hearing or hearings, the governing body will consider the objections or any part thereof, and correct, revise, raise, lower, change or modify the roll or any part thereof, or set it aside and order that the roll assessments be made de novo, in a manner appearing just and equitable, and then proceed to confirm the roll by ordinance. The notice of the hearing shall be published at least twice, by two (2) weekly publications in a newspaper of general circulation in the city or town. However, at least fifteen (15) days must elapse between the date of the first publication and the date fixed for the hearing.
(b) The notice shall also be given by the clerk, or his deputy by deposit of the notice, at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date fixed for hearing, in the United States mails, postage prepaid, as first class mail, addressed to the last known owner or owners of each tract being assessed at their last known addresses. In the absence of fraud the failure to mail any notice does not invalidate any assessment or any proceedings under this chapter. Any list of names or addresses pertaining to any district may be revised from time to time, but it need not be revised more frequently than at twelve (12) month intervals. Any mailing of notice prescribed by this chapter shall be verified by the affidavit or certificate of the person mailing the notice, and the verification shall be retained in the records of the city or town at least until all assessments and bonds pertaining thereto have been paid in full.
(c) All objections to the roll shall state clearly the grounds of objections and unless made within the time and in the manner prescribed are conclusively presumed to have been waived. If any roll is amended so as to raise any assessments or to include omitted property, a new time and place for hearing and a new notice of hearing on the amended roll shall be fixed and given as in the case of an original hearing. However, if any property has been entered originally upon the roll and the assessment upon the property has not been raised, no objections thereto may be considered by the governing body or by any court on appeal, unless they were made in writing at or before the date fixed for the original hearing. When an assessment roll is confirmed, it shall be certified to by the city clerk and transmitted to the city treasurer for collection.

W.S. 15-6-405