W. Va. Code § 8-16-4a

Current through 2024 First Special Session
Section 8-16-4a - Additional special provisions as to motor vehicle parking facilities
(a) The Legislature hereby finds that the greatly increased use by the public of motor vehicles of all kinds has caused serious traffic congestion on the streets of many municipalities in this state; that the lack of adequate planning and supervision of the location of parking facilities, the parking of motor vehicles of all kinds and the lack of adequate parking facilities for motor vehicles of all kinds substantially impede the free circulation of traffic in, through and from many municipalities in this state, impede the rapid and effective fighting of fires and disposition of police officers therein, contribute to the location and relocation of commercial and business enterprises outside of urban areas and retard the development of commerce and business within many municipalities in this state, thereby giving rise to urban blight and adversely affecting or threatening to adversely affect the tax base of such municipalities; that such parking crisis can be reduced by such municipalities providing adequate motor vehicle parking facilities strategically located there; that providing properly located terminal space for motor vehicles is a public responsibility; that fostering the development of commerce and business within municipalities, with the increased tax revenues resulting therefrom, is a public purpose; that fostering the availability of property for charitable use is a public purpose; that the closer the proximity between municipally owned motor vehicle parking facilities and commercial and business establishments the greater the development of commerce and business and the greater the level of revenue produced by such motor vehicle parking facilities; that the erection or construction of pedestrian viaducts, ramps, bridges, tunnels or other pedestrian facilities leading to and from motor vehicle parking facilities so as to facilitate the movement of pedestrians to and from such motor vehicle parking facilities fosters the development of commerce and business and increases the level of revenue produced by such motor vehicle parking facilities; that the leasing, particularly on a long-term basis, and the selling of space for commercial or business use in connection with a municipally owned motor vehicle parking facility will aid the development of commerce and business, increase the level of revenue produced by such motor vehicle parking facility and maintain and increase the tax base of such municipalities; that in many instances the authority for the leasing of space as provided for in this section would assist in financing the construction, reconstruction, establishment, acquisition, improvement, renovation, extension, enlargement, increase, equipment or repair (including replacements) of any such motor vehicle parking facility; that the enactment of this section is for the general welfare of the public and is a public necessity; and that the means and measures authorized in this section are, as a matter of public policy, for the public purposes of such municipalities. This section is enacted in view of these findings and shall be liberally construed in the light thereof.
(b) The governing body or bodies, in its or their discretion, may provide by ordinance or ordinances:
(1) For the leasing by the board as lessor of space in or on a municipal public works which is a motor vehicle parking facility for any business, commercial or charitable use to such person, for such fair and adequate consideration, for such period or periods of time and upon such other terms and conditions as such body or bodies or the board may agree to. In connection with the leasing of any such space, the board may agree to provide in or on such motor vehicle parking facility such structures, accommodations or improvements as may be necessary for such business, commercial or charitable use or such space may be leased upon condition that the lessee shall provide the same in or on the space so leased.
(2) For the leasing by the board as lessor or the selling of air space over a municipal public works which is a motor vehicle parking facility for any business, commercial or charitable use to such person, for such fair and adequate consideration, for such period or periods of time in the case of a lease and upon such other terms and conditions as such body or bodies or the board may agree to. Any lease or deed of sale of such air space may contain provisions (i) authorizing the use of such areas of the underlying motor vehicle parking facility as are essential for ingress and egress to and from such air space, (ii) relating to the support of any building or other structure to be erected in such air space, and (iii) relating to the connection of essential public or private utilities to any building or other structure in such air space.
(3) For the erection or construction by the board of any pedestrian viaduct, ramp, bridge, tunnel or other pedestrian facility leading to and from a municipal public works which is a motor vehicle parking facility; and any such pedestrian viaduct, ramp, bridge, tunnel or other pedestrian facility shall, for all purposes of this article, be considered to be a part of a municipal public works which is a motor vehicle parking facility with like effect as if the term "municipal public works" were expressly defined in section one of this article to include pedestrian viaducts, ramps, bridges, tunnels or other pedestrian facilities: Provided, That any cost incurred by any municipality or municipalities in erecting or constructing any such pedestrian viaduct, ramp, bridge, tunnel or other pedestrian facility which connects a municipal public works which is a motor vehicle parking facility with a privately owned building or buildings or other privately owned structure or structures shall be paid for by the owner or owners of such building or buildings or such other structure or structures.

Any such lease may be privately negotiated without any public notice or advertising, and any such sale may be a public sale pursuant to the provisions of section eighteen, article twelve of this chapter or such sale may be privately negotiated, notwithstanding the provisions of said section eighteen.

(c) The proceeds received from any lease, sale or payment as provided in this section shall be deemed revenue of the works and used as provided in section seventeen of this article.
(d) Notwithstanding the fact that any motor vehicle parking facility subject to the provisions of this article is municipally owned and the fact that a lease or sale under the provisions of subdivision (1) or subdivision (2), subsection (b) of this section is for a public purpose as declared in subsection (a) of this section, any leasehold interest under said subdivision (1), and any building, structure, accommodation or improvement erected, made or operated in any air space leased or sold under said subdivision (2) shall be subject to all property taxes, which shall be assessed and imposed against the lessee or grantee, as the case may be, unless the use of such leasehold interest, building, structure, accommodation or improvement is otherwise exempt from property taxation under the provisions of section nine, article three, chapter eleven of this code.

W. Va. Code § 8-16-4a