W. Va. Code § 7-15-7

Current through 2024 First Special Session
Section 7-15-7 - Meetings of authority; officers; employees; official bonds; records of authority public records

At its first meeting, to be held no later than sixty days from the creation of the authority as provided in this article, the board shall elect from among its membership a president to act during the next ensuing fiscal year, or until his successor is elected and qualified. At that time, the board shall also elect a vice president, a secretary and a treasurer and such other officers as may be required, who need not be members of the board, whose duties shall be defined and whose compensation shall be fixed by the board and paid out of the funds of the authority. The treasurer, and such other officers and employees as the board shall direct, shall furnish bond for the use and benefit of the authority in such penal sum as may be fixed by the board and conditioned upon the faithful discharge by such treasurer and such other officers and employees so directed by the board of the duties of their respective offices or employment, and upon accounting for and paying over all moneys which may come into their possession by virtue of such office or employment. At its first meeting the board shall also fix the time and place for holding regular meetings, but it shall meet at least once in the months of January, April, July and October. Special meetings of the board may be called by the president or by two members upon written request to the secretary. The secretary shall send to all the members, at least two days in advance of a special meeting, a written notice setting forth the time and place of the special meeting and the matters to be considered at such special meeting. Written notice of a special meeting is not required if the time of the special meeting has been fixed in a regular meeting or if all the members are present at the special meeting. All regular meetings shall be general meetings for the consideration of any and all matters which may properly come before an authority. All proceedings of the authority shall be entered in a permanently bound record book, properly indexed, and shall be carefully preserved by the secretary of the authority. All records of the authority shall be public records.

W. Va. Code § 7-15-7