W. Va. Code § 18-12B-2

Current through 2024 First Special Session
Section 18-12B-2 - State system tuition fee special capital improvements fund in state treasury; collections to be paid into special fund; authority of board of regents to pledge such collections as security for revenue bonds; authority of board to finance projects on a cash basis

There is created in the state treasury a state system tuition fee special capital improvements fund to be expended by the board of regents for the benefit of the state institutions of higher education, which shall include any college, university or community college under its supervision, management and control.

On and after the first day of July, one thousand nine hundred seventy-seven, the board of regents may periodically transfer from the special nonrevolving West Virginia University capital improvements fund created in the state treasury pursuant to the provisions of article eleven-b of this chapter and from the special nonrevolving Marshall University capital improvements fund created in the state treasury pursuant to the provisions of article twelve-a of this chapter, into the state system tuition fee special capital improvements fund moneys in excess of the amount pledged for the payment of the principal of, interest and redemption premium, if any, on any revenue bonds or revenue refunding bonds issued pursuant to such articles eleven-b or twelve-a prior to the first day of July, one thousand nine hundred seventy-seven. Said Marshall University capital improvements fund is hereby continued notwithstanding the retirement of outstanding bonds issued pursuant to such article twelve-a, but on and after the first day of July, one thousand nine hundred seventy-seven, no bonds shall be issued pursuant to article twelve-a, nor shall any moneys be expended (unless the board of regents shall by board action have made a commitment with respect thereto) pursuant to such article twelve-a. On and after the first day of July, one thousand nine hundred seventy- seven there shall be paid directly into such state system tuition fee special capital improvements fund subject to the prior lien and pledge, if any, of outstanding bonds issued pursuant to the provisions of articles eleven-b and twelve-a of this chapter all tuition fees collected under the provisions of section one, article twenty-four, chapter eighteen of this code, from students at West Virginia and Marshall Universities; and on and after the first day of July, one thousand nine hundred seventy-eight, in addition to said fees from students at West Virginia University and Marshall University (and subject to said prior lien and pledge, if any) there shall be paid directly into such state system tuition fee special capital improvements fund all tuition fees collected under the provisions of section one, article twenty-four, chapter eighteen of this code, from students at all other state institutions of higher education which are under the supervision, management and control of the board of regents: Provided, That tuition fees from students at community colleges shall not be paid into the state system tuition fee special capital improvements fund unless the board shall otherwise determine by resolution.

The board of regents shall have authority to pledge all or such part of the revenues and tuition fees paid into the state system tuition fee special capital improvements fund as may be needed to meet the requirements of any revenue bond issue or issues authorized by this article, including the payment of principal of, interest and redemption premium, if any, on such revenue bonds, the establishing and maintaining of a reserve fund or funds for the payment of the principal of, interest and redemption premium, if any, on such revenue bond issue or issues when other moneys pledged may be insufficient therefor and including such additional protective pledge of revenues and fees as the board of regents in its discretion may provide by resolution authorizing the issue of such bonds and in any trust agreement made in connection therewith, and the board of regents may further provide in such resolution and in such trust agreement, for such priorities on the revenues and fees paid intosuch state system tuition fee special capital improvements fund as may be necessary for the protection of the prior rights of the holders of bonds issued at different times under the provisions of this article.

Any balance remaining in the state system tuition fee special capital improvements fund after the board of regents has issued bonds authorized by this article, and after the requirements of all funds including reserve funds established in connection with the bonds issued pursuant to this article have been satisfied, may be used (i) for the redemption of any of the outstanding bonds issued hereunder which by their terms are then redeemable, or for the purchase of such bonds at the market price, but at not exceeding the price, if any, at which such bonds shall in the same year be redeemable, and all bonds redeemed or purchased shall forthwith be canceled and shall not again be issued or (ii) for any lawful purpose for which the board of regents may expend funds.

The board of regents, in its discretion, may use the moneys in such state system tuition fee special capital improvements fund to finance the cost of projects and purposes on a cash basis. Any pledge of moneys in such fund for revenue bonds shall be a prior and superior charge on such fund over the use of any of the moneys in such fund to pay for the cost of any project or purpose on a cash basis: Provided, That except for the projects and purposes expressly enumerated in section one of this article, any expenditures from such fund, other than for the retirement of revenue bonds, may only be made by the board to meet the cost of a predetermined capital improvements program for one or more of the state institutions of higher education, in such order or priority as shall have been agreed upon by the board of regents and presented to the governor for inclusion in the annual budget bill, and only with the approval of the Legislature as indicated by direct appropriation for the purpose.

W. Va. Code § 18-12B-2