8 U.S.C. § 1721

Current through P.L. 118-82 (published on www.congress.gov on 09/20/2024)
Section 1721 - Interim measures for access to and coordination of law enforcement and other information
(a) Interim directive

Until the plan required by subsection (c) is implemented, Federal law enforcement agencies and the intelligence community shall, to the maximum extent practicable, share any information with the Department of State and the Immigration and Naturalization Service relevant to the admissibility and deportability of aliens, consistent with the plan described in subsection (c).

(b) Report identifying law enforcement and intelligence information
(1) In general

Not later than 120 days after May 14, 2002, the President shall submit to the appropriate committees of Congress a report identifying Federal law enforcement and the intelligence community information needed by the Department of State to screen visa applicants, or by the Immigration and Naturalization Service to screen applicants for admission to the United States, and to identify those aliens inadmissible or deportable under the Immigration and Nationality Act [ 8 U.S.C. 1101 et seq.].

(2) Omitted
(c) Coordination plan
(1) Requirement for plan

Not later than one year after October 26, 2001, the President shall develop and implement a plan based on the findings of the report under subsection (b) that requires Federal law enforcement agencies and the intelligence community to provide to the Department of State and the Immigration and Naturalization Service all information identified in that report as expeditiously as practicable.

(2) Consultation requirement

In the preparation and implementation of the plan under this subsection, the President shall consult with the appropriate committees of Congress.

(3) Protections regarding information and uses thereof

The plan under this subsection shall establish conditions for using the information described in subsection (b) received by the Department of State and Immigration and Naturalization Service-

(A) to limit the redissemination of such information;
(B) to ensure that such information is used solely to determine whether to issue a visa to an alien or to determine the admissibility or deportability of an alien to the United States, except as otherwise authorized under Federal law;
(C) to ensure the accuracy, security, and confidentiality of such information;
(D) to protect any privacy rights of individuals who are subjects of such information;
(E) to provide data integrity through the timely removal and destruction of obsolete or erroneous names and information; and
(F) in a manner that protects the sources and methods used to acquire intelligence information as required by section 403-3(c)(7) of title 50.1
(4) Criminal penalties for misuse of information

Any person who obtains information under this subsection without authorization or exceeding authorized access (as defined in section 1030(e) of title 18), and who uses such information in the manner described in any of the paragraphs (1) through (7) of section 1030(a) of such title, or attempts to use such information in such manner, shall be subject to the same penalties as are applicable under section 1030(c) of such title for violation of that paragraph.

1 See References in Text note below.

8 U.S.C. § 1721

Pub. L. 107-173, title II, §201, May 14, 2002, 116 Stat. 547; Pub. L. 108-177, title III, §377(f), Dec. 13, 2003, 117 Stat. 2631.


REFERENCES IN TEXTThe Immigration and Nationality Act, referred to in subsec. (b)(1), is act June 27, 1952, ch. 477, 66 Stat. 163, which is classified principally to chapter 12 (§1101 et seq.) of this title. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 1101 of this title and Tables. Section 403-3 of title 50, referred to in subsec. (c)(3)(F), was repealed and a new section 403-3 was enacted by Pub. L. 108-458, title I, §1011(a), Dec. 17, 2004, 118 Stat. 3643, 3655, and subsequently editorially reclassified to section 3025 of Title 50, War and National Defense; as so enacted, subsec. (c)(7) no longer contains provisions relating to the protection of sources and methods used to acquire intelligence information. See section 3024 of Title 50.

CODIFICATIONSection is comprised of section 201 of Pub. L. 107-173. Subsec. (b)(2) of section 201 of Pub. L. 107-173 amended provisions set out as a note under section 1365a of this title. Subsec. (c)(5) of section 201 of Pub. L. 107-173 amended section 1379 of this title.

AMENDMENTS2003-Subsec. (c)(3)(F). Pub. L. 108-177 substituted "section 403-3(c)(7) of title 50" for "section 403-3(c)(6) of title 50".


ABOLITION OF IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION SERVICE AND TRANSFER OF FUNCTIONSFor abolition of Immigration and Naturalization Service, transfer of functions, and treatment of related references, see note set out under section 1551 of this title.

ENHANCEMENT OF COMMUNICATIONS INTEGRATION AND INFORMATION SHARING ON BORDER SECURITY Pub. L. 109-13, div. B, title III, §303, May 11, 2005, 119 Stat. 317, provided that: "(a) IN GENERAL.-Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this division [May 11, 2005], the Secretary of Homeland Security, acting through the Under Secretary of Homeland Security for Border and Transportation Security, in consultation with the Under Secretary of Homeland Security for Science and Technology, the Under Secretary of Homeland Security for Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection, the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information, and other appropriate Federal, State, local, and tribal agencies, shall develop and implement a plan-"(1) to improve the communications systems of the departments and agencies of the Federal Government in order to facilitate the integration of communications among the departments and agencies of the Federal Government and State, local government agencies, and Indian tribal agencies on matters relating to border security; and"(2) to enhance information sharing among the departments and agencies of the Federal Government, State and local government agencies, and Indian tribal agencies on such matters."(b) REPORT.-Not later than 1 year after implementing the plan under subsection (a), the Secretary shall submit a copy of the plan and a report on the plan, including any recommendations the Secretary finds appropriate, to the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, the House of Representatives Committee on Science [now Committee on Science, Space, and Technology], the House of Representatives Committee on Homeland Security, and the House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary."

Federal law enforcement agencies
The term "Federal law enforcement agencies" means the following:(A) The United States Secret Service.(B) The Drug Enforcement Administration.(C) The Federal Bureau of Investigation.(D) The Immigration and Naturalization Service.(E) The United States Marshall Service.(F) The Naval Criminal Investigative Service.(G) The Coast Guard.(H) The Diplomatic Security Service.(I) The United States Postal Inspection Service.(J) The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, Department of Justice.(K) The United States Customs Service.(L) The National Park Service.
The term "President" means the President of the United States, acting through the Assistant to the President for Homeland Security, in coordination with the Secretary of State, the Commissioner of Immigration and Naturalization, the Attorney General, the Director of Central Intelligence, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Secretary of Transportation, the Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, and the Secretary of the Treasury.
appropriate committees of Congress
The term "appropriate committees of Congress" means the following:(A) The Committee on the Judiciary, the Select Committee on Intelligence, and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate.(B) The Committee on the Judiciary, the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, and the Committee on International Relations of the House of Representatives.