34 U.S.C. § 11311

Current through P.L. 118-82 (published on www.congress.gov on 09/20/2024)
Section 11311 - Definitions

In this subchapter-

(1) the term "at-risk" has the meaning given that term in section 6472 of title 20;
(2) the term "eligible entity" means-
(A) a unit of local government that is in compliance with the requirements of part B of subchapter II; or
(B) a nonprofit organization in partnership with a unit of local government described in subparagraph (A);
(3) the term "delinquency prevention program" means a delinquency prevention program that is evidence-based or promising and that may include-
(A) alcohol and substance abuse prevention or treatment services;
(B) tutoring and remedial education, especially in reading and mathematics;
(C) child and adolescent health and mental health services;
(D) recreation services;
(E) leadership and youth development activities;
(F) the teaching that individuals are and should be held accountable for their actions;
(G) assistance in the development of job training skills;
(H) youth mentoring programs;
(I) after-school programs;
(J) coordination of a continuum of services that may include-
(i) early childhood development services;
(ii) voluntary home visiting programs;
(iii) nurse-family partnership programs;
(iv) parenting skills training;
(v) child abuse prevention programs;
(vi) family stabilization programs;
(vii) child welfare services;
(viii) family violence intervention programs;
(ix) adoption assistance programs;
(x) emergency, transitional and permanent housing assistance;
(xi) job placement and retention training;
(xii) summer jobs programs;
(xiii) alternative school resources for youth who have dropped out of school or demonstrate chronic truancy;
(xiv) conflict resolution skill training;
(xv) restorative justice programs;
(xvi) mentoring programs;
(xvii) targeted gang prevention, intervention and exit services;
(xviii) training and education programs for pregnant teens and teen parents; and
(xix) pre-release, post-release, and reentry services to assist detained and incarcerated youth with transitioning back into and reentering the community; and
(K) other data-driven evidence-based or promising prevention programs;
(4) the term "local policy board", when used with respect to an eligible entity, means a policy board that the eligible entity will engage in the development of the eligible entity's plan described in section 11313(e)(5) of this title, and that includes-
(A) not fewer than 15 and not more than 21 members; and 1
(B) a balanced representation of-
(i) public agencies and private nonprofit organizations serving juveniles and their families; and
(ii) business and industry;
(C) at least one representative of the faith community, one adjudicated youth, and one parent of an adjudicated youth; and
(D) in the case of an eligible entity described in paragraph (1)(B), a representative of the nonprofit organization of the eligible entity;
(5) the term "mentoring" means matching 1 adult with 1 or more youths for the purpose of providing guidance, support, and encouragement through regularly scheduled meetings for not less than 9 months;
(6) the term "State advisory group" means the advisory group appointed by the chief executive officer of a State under a plan described in section 11133(a) of this title; and
(7) the term "State entity" means the State agency designated under section 11133(a)(1) of this title or the entity receiving funds under section 11133(d) of this title.

1 So in original. The word "and" probably should not appear.

34 U.S.C. § 11311

Pub. L. 93-415, title V, §502, as added Pub. L. 107-273, §12222, 116 Stat. 1894; amended Pub. L. 115-385, §302, 132 Stat. 5145.


CODIFICATIONSection was formerly classified to section 5781 of Title 42, The Public Health and Welfare, prior to editorial reclassification and renumbering as this section.

PRIOR PROVISIONSA prior section 502 of title V of Pub. L. 93-415, as added Pub. L. 102-586, §5(a), Nov. 4, 1992, 106 Stat. 5027, related to findings, prior to the general amendment of title V of Pub. L. 93-415 by Pub. L. 107-273.Another prior section 502 of Pub. L. 93-415, title V, Sept. 7, 1974, 88 Stat. 1134, amended section 5032 of Title 18, Crimes and Criminal Procedure, prior to repeal by Pub. L. 115-385, §307, 132 Stat. 5152.

AMENDMENTS2018- Pub. L. 115-385 amended section generally. Prior to amendment, text read as follows: "In this subchapter, the term 'State advisory group' means the advisory group appointed by the chief executive officer of a State under a plan described in section 11133(a) of this title."


EFFECTIVE DATE OF 2018 AMENDMENT Amendment by Pub. L. 115-385 not applicable with respect to funds appropriated for any fiscal year that begins before Dec. 21, 2018, see section 3 of Pub. L. 115-385, set out as a note under section 11102 of this title.

EFFECTIVE DATE Pub. L. 107-273, §12222, 116 Stat. 1896, as amended by Pub. L. 108-7, §110, 117 Stat. 67, provided that: "The amendment made by subsection (a) [see Tables for classification] shall take effect on the effective date provided in section 12102(b) [set out as a note under section 10401 of this title], and shall not apply with respect to grants made before such date."

SHORT TITLEFor short title of title V of Pub. L. 93-415, which is classified to this subchapter, as the "Incentive Youth Promise Grants for Local Delinquency Prevention Programs Act of 2018", see section 501 of Pub. L. 93-415, set out as a Short Title of 1974 Act note under section 10101 of this title.

GAO STUDIES AND REPORTS Pub. L. 102-586, §5(b), Nov. 4, 1992, 106 Stat. 5029, as amended by Pub. L. 104-316, §122, 110 Stat. 3838; Pub. L. 108-271, §8(b), July 7, 2004, 118 Stat. 814, provided that: "Under such conditions as the Comptroller General of the United States determines appropriate, the Government Accountability Office may conduct studies and report to Congress on the effects of the program established by subsection (a) [enacting former title V of Pub. L. 93-415, former 42 U.S.C. 5781-5785] in encouraging States and units of general local government to comply with the requirements of part B of title II of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5631-5633) [now 34 U.S.C. 11131-11133] ."

the term "State" means any State of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands;
the term "evidence-based" means a program or practice that-(A) is demonstrated to be effective when implemented with fidelity;(B) is based on a clearly articulated and empirically supported theory;(C) has measurable outcomes relevant to juvenile justice, including a detailed description of the outcomes produced in a particular population, whether urban or rural; and(D) has been scientifically tested and proven effective through randomized control studies or comparison group studies and with the ability to replicate and scale;
nonprofit organization
the term "nonprofit organization" means an organization described in section 501(c)(3) of title 26 that is exempt from taxation under section 501(a) of title 26;
the term "promising" means a program or practice that-(A) is demonstrated to be effective based on positive outcomes relevant to juvenile justice from one or more objective, independent, and scientifically valid evaluations, as documented in writing to the Administrator; and(B) will be evaluated through a well-designed and rigorous study, as described in paragraph (34)(D);
the term "treatment" includes but is not limited to medical, educational, special education, social, psychological, and vocational services, corrective and preventive guidance and training, and other rehabilitative services designed to protect the public, including services designed to benefit addicts and other users by eliminating their dependence on alcohol or other addictive or nonaddictive drugs or by controlling their dependence and susceptibility to addiction or use;
unit of local government
the term "unit of local government" means-(A) any city, county, township, town, borough, parish, village, or other general purpose political subdivision of a State;(B) any law enforcement district or judicial enforcement district that-(i) is established under applicable State law; and(ii) has the authority to, in a manner independent of other State entities, establish a budget and raise revenues; or(C) for the purposes of assistance eligibility, any agency of the government of the District of Columbia or the Federal Government that performs law enforcement functions in and for-(i) the District of Columbia; or(ii) any Trust Territory of the United States;