20 U.S.C. § 7701

Current through P.L. 118-78 (published on www.congress.gov on 07/30/2024)
Section 7701 - Purpose

In order to fulfill the Federal responsibility to assist with the provision of educational services to federally connected children in a manner that promotes control by local educational agencies with little or no Federal or State involvement, because certain activities of the Federal Government, such as activities to fulfill the responsibilities of the Federal Government with respect to Indian tribes and activities under section 4001 of title 50, place a financial burden on the local educational agencies serving areas where such activities are carried out, and to help such children meet the same challenging State academic standards, it is the purpose of this subchapter to provide financial assistance to local educational agencies that-

(1) experience a substantial and continuing financial burden due to the acquisition of real property by the United States;
(2) educate children who reside on Federal property and whose parents are employed on Federal property;
(3) educate children of parents who are in the military services and children who live in low-rent housing;
(4) educate heavy concentrations of children whose parents are civilian employees of the Federal Government and do not reside on Federal property; or
(5) need special assistance with capital expenditures for construction activities because of the enrollments of substantial numbers of children who reside on Federal lands and because of the difficulty of raising local revenue through bond referendums for capital projects due to the inability to tax Federal property.

20 U.S.C. § 7701

Pub. L. 89-10, title VII, §7001, formerly title VIII, §8001, as added Pub. L. 103-382, §101, 108 Stat. 3749; amended Pub. L. 106-398, §1 [[div. A], title XVIII, §1802], Oct. 30, 2000, 114 Stat. 1654, 1654A-368; Pub. L. 108-189, §2(f), Dec. 19, 2003, 117 Stat. 2866; renumbered title VII, §7001, and amended Pub. L. 114-95, §§7001, 7002, 129 Stat. 2074, 2075.


PRIOR PROVISIONSA prior section 7001 of Pub. L. 89-10 was classified to section 3281 of this title, prior to the general amendment of Pub. L. 89-10 by Pub. L. 103-382.

AMENDMENTS2015- Pub. L. 114-95, §7002, substituted "the same challenging State academic standards" for "challenging State standards" in introductory provisions. 2003- Pub. L. 108-189 substituted "section 4001 of title 50" for "section 514 of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act of 1940 (50 U.S.C. App. 574)" in introductory provisions. 2000- Pub. L. 106-398, §1 [[div. A], title XVIII, §1802(1)], inserted in introductory provisions "in a manner that promotes control by local educational agencies with little or no Federal or State involvement" after "educational services to federally connected children" and ", such as activities to fulfill the responsibilities of the Federal Government with respect to Indian tribes and activities under section 514 of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act of 1940 (50 U.S.C. App. 574)," after "certain activities of the Federal Government".Par. (4). Pub. L. 106-398, §1 [[div. A], title XVIII, §1802(2)], inserted "or" at end. Pars. (5), (6). Pub. L. 106-398, §1 [[div. A], title XVIII, §1802(3)-(5)], redesignated par. (6) as (5), inserted "and because of the difficulty of raising local revenue through bond referendums for capital projects due to the inability to tax Federal property" before period at end, and struck out former par. (5) which read as follows: "experience sudden and substantial increases or decreases in enrollments because of military realignments; or".


EFFECTIVE DATE OF 2015 AMENDMENT Amendment by Pub. L. 114-95 effective Dec. 10, 2015, and effective with respect to appropriations for use under this subchapter beginning fiscal year 2017, except as otherwise provided in such amendment, see section 5 of Pub. L. 114-95, set out as a note under section 6301 of this title.

EFFECTIVE DATE OF 2000 AMENDMENT Pub. L. 106-398, §1 [[div. A], title XVIII, §1818], Oct. 30, 2000, 114 Stat. 1654, 1654A-389, provided that: "This title [amending this section and sections 1228, 7702, 7703, 7705, 7707, 7709 to 7713, and 7714 of this title, repealing section 7706 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 6301, 7703, and 7711 of this title], and the amendments made by this title, shall take effect on October 1, 2000, or the date of the enactment of this Act [Oct. 30, 2000], whichever occurs later."

EFFECTIVE DATE Pub. L. 103-382, §3(a)(1), Oct. 20, 1994, 108 Stat. 3518, provided that: "(A) Title I [amending generally Pub. L. 89-10 (formerly chapter 47 of this title, now this chapter)] and the amendment made by title I of this Act shall take effect July 1, 1995, except that those provisions of title I that apply to programs under title VIII [now VII] (Impact Aid) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 [this subchapter], as amended by this Act, and to programs under such Act [this chapter] that are conducted on a competitive basis, shall be effective with respect to appropriations for use under such programs for fiscal year 1995 and for subsequent fiscal years. "(B) Title VIII of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 [this subchapter], as amended by title I of this Act, shall take effect on the date of the enactment of this Act [Oct. 20, 1994]."

The term "State" means each of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and each of the outlying areas.