16 U.S.C. § 460x-11

Current through P.L. 118-82 (published on www.congress.gov on 09/20/2024)
Section 460x-11 - Scenic roads
(a) Authority of Secretary for construction, administration, and procurement of land

In order to facilitate visitor travel, provide scenic overlooks for public enjoyment and interpretation of the national lakeshore and related features, and in order to enhance recreational opportunities, the Secretary is authorized to construct and administer as a part of the national lakeshore scenic roads of parkway standards generally lying within Benzie County and within the parkway zone designated on the map specified in section 460x-1(a) of this title. Such scenic roads shall include necessary connections, bridges, and other structural utilities. Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter, the Secretary may procure for this purpose land, or interest therein, by donation, purchase with appropriated or donated funds, or otherwise: Provided, That land and interest so procured shall not exceed one hundred and fifty acres per mile of scenic road, except that tracts may be procured in their entirety in order to avoid severances. Property so acquired in excess of the acreage limitation provided in this section may be exchanged by the Secretary for any land of approximately equal value authorized for acquisition by this subchapter.

(b) Exchange or sale of lands in Leelanau County

Except as provided in subsection (c), any lands in Leelanau County acquired by the Secretary under this section before October 22, 1982, which are within the parkway zone depicted on the map specified in section 460x-1(a) of this title but which are not within, or contiguous to, the lakeshore zone as depicted on such map may be exchanged by the Secretary for other lands of approximately equal value in the lakeshore. If the Secretary is unable to effect such an exchange, such lands may be offered for sale to the person who owned such lands immediately before their acquisition by the Secretary. If such previous owner declines such offer, the Secretary may sell such lands to any buyer. Proceeds from any sale under this subsection shall be credited to the account established under section 17 of this Act.

(c) Administration of certain lands as Resource Preservation Areas

The Secretary is authorized to obtain and administer, according to the provisions of this section, as a part of the lakeshore as Resource Preservation Areas certain interests in the following lands:

(1) Approximately 600 acres designated as "Miller Hill" on the map numbered 634-91,001, dated September 1982.
(2) Approximately 975 acres as designated as "Bow Lakes" on the map numbered 634-91-002, dated September 1982.
(d) Preservation of scenic values in certain lands; use of lands for educational purposes
(1) The Secretary may obtain fee title under subsection (e) to lands described in subsection (c)(1), or easements or other restrictive agreements for the preservation of scenic values in such lands.
(2) The Secretary may obtain fee title under subsection (e) to lands described in subsection (c)(2), or public access easements or other restrictive agreements consistent with use of such lands for educational purposes and for research and interpretation of natural features.
(e) Manner of acquiring fee title or lesser interest in land
(1) Except as provided under paragraph (4), the Secretary may obtain fee title or other lesser interests to lands described in subsection (c) only-
(A) by gift, donation, or bequest;
(B) by purchase from a willing seller under paragraph (2); or
(C) as an exercise of a right of first refusal under paragraph (3).
(2) The Secretary may negotiate with willing sellers for the transfer of fee title to other lesser interests to lands described in subsection (c). If the Secretary and such willing seller are unable to agree to a fair purchase price, that question may, by mutual consent be submitted to the appropriate United States District Court for adjudication.
(3) If the owner of any lands described in subsection (c) intends to transfer any interest in such lands except by gift, donation, or bequest, such owner must notify the Secretary of such intention. The Secretary shall have 90 days after notification in which to exercise a right of first refusal to match any bona fide offer to obtain such interest under the same terms and conditions as are contained in such offer. If the Secretary has not exercised such right within 90 days, the owner may transfer such interest.
(4) Condemnation may be used with respect to any lands described in subsection (c) only-
(A) to clear title if necessary for any transfer to the Secretary under this subsection; or
(B) to purchase fee title or such lesser interest as may be sufficient to prevent significant damage to the scenic, soil, or water resources of the lakeshore. Action under this subparagraph shall be used only after attempts to negotiate a solution to the problem have failed. If the Secretary determines that such attempts have failed, the Secretary shall notify in writing the owner of the property involved of the proposed action to be taken under this subparagraph and the Secretary shall seek an injunction to prevent such resource damage. The Secretary may at any time, and if an injunction is granted under this subparagraph the Secretary shall within 30 days after the date of such injunction, send in writing to the owner of the property the Secretary's best and final offer for the purchase of such property. If the owner does not accept such offer, the Secretary may file for condemnation. The Secretary must notify the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the United States Senate and the Committee on Natural Resources of the United States House of Representatives of any action taken under this subparagraph.
(f) Zoning restrictions for protection of scenic resources
(1) The Secretary shall enter into discussions with appropriate local government officials to develop mutually agreeable zoning restrictions for the protection of scenic resources with respect to the lands described in subsection (c)(1).
(2) The Secretary shall enter into discussions with appropriate State and local officials responsible for the administration of the Goemaere-Anderson Wetland Protection Act (Michigan, P.A. 203, 1979) to ensure the protection of natural resources with respect to the lands described in subsection (c)(2).
(g) Inclusion of certain lands as part of lakeshore

If the owner of the area designated as "The Kettle" in the General Management Plan dated October 1, 1979, and comprising 240 acres, agrees to donate fee title or a scenic easement to, or other less than fee interest in, such area, the lands in such area may be included as a part of the lakeshore upon publication in the Federal Register by the Secretary of a revised map of the lakeshore which includes such lands.

(h) Road maintenance and other services

The Secretary may, upon request in writing by any owner or occupier of lands in the lakeshore, provide services, such as road maintenance, subject to reimbursement.

16 U.S.C. § 460x-11

Pub. L. 91-479, §12, Oct. 21, 1970, 84 Stat. 1080; Pub. L. 97-361, §3, Oct. 22, 1982, 96 Stat. 1722; Pub. L. 103-437, §6(d)(17), Nov. 2, 1994, 108 Stat. 4584.


REFERENCES IN TEXTSection 17 of this Act, referred to in subsec. (b), probably means proposed section 17 of Pub. L. 91-479 which was contained in H.R. 3787, 97th Congress, 2d Session, as reported in House Report No. 97-882, page 4, but was omitted in the final version enacted by Congress as Pub. L. 97-361.

AMENDMENTS1994-Subsec. (e)(4)(B). Pub. L. 103-437 substituted "Natural Resources" for "Interior and Insular Affairs" after "Committee on".1982- Pub. L. 97-361 designated existing provisions as subsec. (a), inserted "Benzie County and within" after "generally lying within", and added subsecs. (b) to (h).