Tenn. Code § 37-5-512

Current through Acts 2023-2024, ch. 1069
Section 37-5-512 - Abuse, neglect, or sexual abuse
(1) Notwithstanding § 71-3-503 or § 37-5-503, the department has the authority and responsibility to fully investigate, in accordance with the provisions of chapter 1, parts 1, 4 and 6 of this title, any allegation of abuse, neglect or sexual abuse that it receives regarding any child or children in the care of, or subject to the supervision, instruction or treatment of, any public or private entity or any person, whether or not such entity or person is subject to licensure or approval pursuant to this part or title 71, chapter 3, part 5, or title 49, chapter 1, part 11.
(2) The departments of education and human services shall immediately report all allegations of abuse or neglect in any child care agency or child care program that they may license, approve, or certify to the department of children's services for investigation and shall cooperate with the department of children's services in any investigations of abuse or neglect involving any such agency or program. If the department of children's services receives a report of abuse or neglect in any child care program certified by the department of education or a child care agency licensed by the department of human services, it shall immediately notify the appropriate department of its investigation.
(A) The departments of children's services, education and human services shall utilize any information obtained in the course of such investigations in the determination of whether appropriate care is being provided to children who may be in the care of any child care agency or child care program that the departments of children's services, education or human services license, approve or certify.
(B) For purposes related to that determination and any appropriate licensing or approval action, the departments of education and human services shall be permitted access to the department of children's services' records; provided, that any information contained in any record of the departments of education or human services, or records relating to the investigation of the report of harm by the department of children's services shall be confidential and shall be released:
(i) Only in the proceedings concerning any certification, licensing or approval action or injunctive action by the department of education or human services permitted by title 49, chapter 1, part 11, or title 71, chapter 3, part 5;
(ii) As otherwise permitted by the restrictions and conditions for the release of confidential records of the department of children's services pursuant to title 4 and chapter 1, part 4 or 6 of this title;
(iii) As otherwise permitted by the department of children's services' regulations concerning procedures for release of information of validated perpetrators of child abuse; or
(iv) Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, including any provisions related to expunction of records under title 40, the limited release of confidential records pursuant to this section shall not alter the confidential character of such records, which shall be maintained, as necessary, to protect children.
(C) For purposes of this subdivision (a)(3), the rules of the department of children's services concerning release procedures for due process purposes shall apply to the release procedures of the departments of education and human services regarding perpetrators of child abuse validated by the department of children's services. Nothing herein shall be construed to permit the release of the name or identifying information of any person reporting child abuse or neglect under chapter 1, part 4 or 6 of this title.
(4) In the conduct of such investigations involving the alleged abuse or neglect of any child or in the evaluation of the appropriateness of any child care program or child care agency or the appropriateness of the care provided by any person, the departments of children's services, education and human services shall be granted access to the records of children in the care of the person or entity and to all personnel files of the director and employees of the person or entity and to all records of the person or entity. They shall be allowed to inspect all the premises in which children are kept or cared for and shall be allowed to interview any and all children in the care of such person or entity if the departments of children's services, education or human services determine that it is necessary to do so.
(b) If admission to the places, facilities or homes of the entities or persons involved in the care, supervision, instruction or treatment of the child is denied or delayed for any reason, the chancery, circuit or juvenile court of the county where the entity or person is located shall, upon cause shown by the department of children's services in investigations of abuse or neglect or sexual abuse involving any person or entity or in any of its licensing or approval activities, or upon cause shown by the departments of education or human services in any certification, licensing or approval activities, immediately, by ex parte order, direct the persons in charge of such places, facilities or any persons having responsibility for the care, supervision, instruction or treatment, of the child or children to allow entrance for the review of records, inspection of the premises, and to permit any interviews with or examinations of the children as permitted pursuant to chapter 1 of this title, title 49, chapter 1, part 11, or title 71, chapter 3, part 5.
(1) If the departments of children's services, education or human services determine at any time that any person employed or associated in any manner with any person or entity, or any person providing care, supervision, instruction or treatment, of children has, at any time, abused, neglected or sexually abused a child, the department with certification, licensing or approval authority may take certificate or licensing action to prevent any child care program or child care agency certified, licensed or approved by it from continuing to provide care for children if such program or agency fails or refuses to take appropriate or timely action to prevent future abuse, neglect or sexual abuse by that person.
(2) If the entity or person is subject to certification by the department of education pursuant to title 49, chapter 1, part 11, or is subject to licensure or approval by the department of human services pursuant to title 71, chapter 3, part 5, those departments may, in addition to any certificate, licensing or approval action, bring an action in the chancery, circuit or juvenile court of the county where the abuse, neglect or sexual abuse occurred or where the person resides to enjoin the entity found to have failed to protect the child or children from abuse, neglect or sexual abuse or the person who, at anytime, abused, neglected or sexually abused a child or children, from continuing currently, or in the future, to provide care, supervision, instruction or treatment for children on a full-time or part-time basis, or to enjoin the person who perpetrated the abuse or neglect from being associated in any manner with any entities or persons providing care, supervision, instruction or treatment for children.
(3) If the department of children's services determines at any time that any person employed or associated in any manner with an entity or person, or any person individually, providing care, supervision, instruction or treatment of children, has at any time abused, neglected or sexually abused a child, the department may bring an action for injunctive relief as permitted by subdivision (c)(2), whether or not the entity or person is subject to certification, licensure or approval by the departments of children's services, education or human services.
(4) In order to facilitate the protection of children, the departments of children's services, education and human services are specifically authorized to enter into inter-agency agreements for cooperative arrangements in any investigations or litigation authorized by this part.

T.C.A. § 37-5-512

Acts 2000, ch. 981, § 30.