Wash. Rev. Code § 46.70.101

Current through the 2024 Regular Session
Section 46.70.101 - Denial, suspension, or revocation of licenses-Grounds

The director may by order deny, suspend, or revoke the license of any vehicle dealer or vehicle manufacturer or, in lieu thereof or in addition thereto, may by order assess monetary penalties of a civil nature not to exceed one thousand dollars per violation, if the director finds that the order is in the public interest and that the applicant or licensee:

(1) In the case of a vehicle dealer:
(a) The applicant or licensee, or any partner, officer, director, owner of ten percent or more of the assets of the firm, or managing employee:
(i) Was the holder of a license issued pursuant to this chapter, which was revoked for cause and never reissued by the department, or which license was suspended for cause and the terms of the suspension have not been fulfilled or which license was assessed a civil penalty and the assessed amount has not been paid;
(ii) Has been adjudged guilty of a crime which directly relates to the business of a vehicle dealer and the time elapsed since the adjudication is less than ten years, or suffering any judgment within the preceding five years in any civil action involving fraud, misrepresentation, or conversion. For the purposes of this section, "adjudged guilty" means in addition to a final conviction in either a state or municipal court, an unvacated forfeiture of bail or collateral deposited to secure a defendant's appearance in court, the payment of a fine, a plea of guilty, or a finding of guilt regardless of whether the sentence is deferred or the penalty is suspended;
(iii) Has knowingly or with reason to know made a false statement of a material fact in his or her application for license or any data attached thereto, or in any matter under investigation by the department;
(iv) Has knowingly, or with reason to know, provided the department with false information relating to the number of vehicle sales transacted during the past one year in order to obtain a vehicle dealer license plate;
(v) Does not have an established place of business as required in this chapter;
(vi) Refuses to allow representatives or agents of the department to inspect during normal business hours all books, records, and files maintained within this state;
(vii) Sells, exchanges, offers, brokers, auctions, solicits, or advertises a new or current model vehicle to which a factory new vehicle warranty attaches and fails to have a valid, written service agreement as required by this chapter, or having such agreement refuses to honor the terms of such agreement within a reasonable time or repudiates the same, except for sales by wholesale motor vehicle auction dealers to franchise motor vehicle dealers of the same make licensed under this title or franchise motor vehicle dealers of the same make licensed by any other state;
(viii) Is insolvent, either in the sense that their liabilities exceed their assets, or in the sense that they cannot meet their obligations as they mature;
(ix) Fails to pay any civil monetary penalty assessed by the director pursuant to this section within ten days after such assessment becomes final;
(x) Fails to notify the department of bankruptcy proceedings in the manner required by RCW 46.70.183;
(xi) Knowingly, or with reason to know, allows a salesperson employed by the dealer, or acting as their agent, to commit any of the prohibited practices set forth in subsection (1)(a) of this section and RCW 46.70.180;
(xii) Fails to have a current certificate or registration with the department of revenue.
(b) The applicant or licensee, or any partner, officer, director, owner of ten percent of the assets of the firm, or any employee or agent:
(i) Has failed to comply with the applicable provisions of chapter 46.12 or 46.16A RCW or this chapter or any rules and regulations adopted thereunder;
(ii) Has defrauded or attempted to defraud the state, or a political subdivision thereof of any taxes or fees in connection with the sale, lease, or transfer of a vehicle;
(iii) Has forged the signature of the registered or legal owner on a certificate of title;
(iv) Has purchased, sold, disposed of, or has in his or her possession any vehicle which he or she knows or has reason to know has been stolen or appropriated without the consent of the owner;
(v) Has willfully failed to deliver to a purchaser or owner a certificate of title to a vehicle which he or she has sold or leased;
(vi) Has committed any act in violation of RCW 46.70.090 relating to vehicle dealer license plates or manufacturer license plates;
(vii) Has committed any act in violation of RCW 46.70.180 relating to unlawful acts and practices;
(viii) Has engaged in practices inimical to the health or safety of the citizens of the state of Washington including but not limited to failure to comply with standards set by the state of Washington or the federal government pertaining to the construction or safety of vehicles, except for sales by wholesale motor vehicle auction dealers to motor vehicle dealers and vehicle wreckers licensed under this title or motor vehicle dealers licensed by any other state;
(ix) Has aided or assisted an unlicensed dealer or salesperson in unlawful activity through active or passive participation in sales, allowing use of facilities, dealer license number, or by any other means;
(x) Converts or appropriates, whether temporarily or permanently, property or funds belonging to a customer, dealer, or manufacturer, without the consent of the owner of the property or funds; or
(xi) Has sold any vehicle with actual knowledge that:
(A) It has any of the following brands on the title: "SALVAGE/REBUILT," "JUNK," or "DESTROYED"; or
(B) It has been declared totaled out by an insurance carrier and then rebuilt; or
(C) The vehicle title contains the specific comment that the vehicle is "rebuilt";

without clearly disclosing that brand or comment in writing.

(c) The licensee or any partner, officer, director, or owner of ten percent or more of the assets of the firm holds or has held any such position in any other vehicle dealership licensed pursuant to this chapter which is subject to final proceedings under this section.
(2) In the case of a manufacturer, or any partner, officer, director, or majority shareholder:
(a) Was or is the holder of a license issued pursuant to this chapter which was revoked for cause and never reissued by the department, or which license was suspended for cause and the terms of the suspension have not been fulfilled, or which license was assessed a civil penalty and the assessed amount has not been paid;
(b) Has knowingly or with reason to know, made a false statement of a material fact in his or her application for license, or any data attached thereto, or in any matter under investigation by the department;
(c) Has failed to comply with the applicable provisions of chapter 46.12 or 46.16A RCW or this chapter or any rules and regulations adopted thereunder;
(d) Has defrauded or attempted to defraud the state or a political subdivision thereof, of any taxes or fees in connection with the sale, lease, or transfer of a vehicle;
(e) Has purchased, sold, leased, disposed of, or has in his or her possession, any vehicle which he or she knows or has reason to know has been stolen or appropriated without the consent of the owner;
(f) Has committed any act in violation of RCW 46.70.090 relating to vehicle dealer license plates and manufacturer license plates;
(g) Has committed any act in violation of RCW 46.70.180 relating to unlawful acts and practices;
(h) Sells or distributes in this state or transfers into this state for resale or for lease, any new or unused vehicle to which a warranty attaches or has attached and refuses to honor the terms of such warranty within a reasonable time or repudiates the same;
(i) Fails to maintain one or more resident employees or agents to provide service or repairs to vehicles located within the state of Washington only under the terms of any warranty attached to new or unused vehicles manufactured and which are or have been sold or distributed in this state or transferred into this state for resale or for lease unless such manufacturer requires warranty service to be performed by all of its dealers pursuant to a current service agreement on file with the department;
(j) Fails to reimburse within a reasonable time any vehicle dealer within the state of Washington who in good faith incurs reasonable obligations in giving effect to warranties that attach or have attached to any new or unused vehicle sold, leased, or distributed in this state or transferred into this state for resale or for lease by any such manufacturer;
(k) Engaged in practices inimical to the health and safety of the citizens of the state of Washington including, but not limited to, failure to comply with standards set by the state of Washington or the federal government pertaining to the construction and safety of vehicles;
(l) Is insolvent either in the sense that his or her liabilities exceed his or her assets or in the sense that he or she cannot meet his or her obligations as they mature;
(m) Fails to notify the department of bankruptcy proceedings in the manner required by RCW 46.70.183.

RCW 46.70.101

Amended by 2011 c 171,§ 91, eff. 7/1/2011.
Amended by 2010 c 161, § 1132, eff. 7/1/2011.
2001 c 272 § 6; 1998 c 282 § 7; 1996 c 282 § 3; 1991 c 140 § 3; 1989 c 337 § 16; 1986 c 241 § 13; 1981 c 152 § 5; 1977 ex.s. c 125 § 3; 1973 1st ex.s. c 132 § 14; 1969 ex.s. c 63 § 4; 1967 ex.s. c 74 § 11.

Intent-Effective date- 2011 c 171: See notes following RCW 4.24.210.

Effective date-Intent-Legislation to reconcile chapter 161, Laws of 2010 and other amendments made during the 2010 legislative session- 2010 c 161: See notes following RCW 46.04.013.