(7) If the receipt of the prize is contingent upon certain restrictions or qualifications that the recipient must meet, or if the use or availability of the prize is restricted or qualified in any way, including, but not limited to restrictions on travel dates, travel times, classes of travel, airlines, accommodations, travel agents, or tour operators, the restrictions or qualifications must be disclosed on the offer in immediate proximity on the same page with the first listing of the prize in type at least as large as the typeface used in the standard text of the offer or, in place thereof, the following statement printed in direct proximity to the prize or prizes awarded in type at least as large as the typeface used in the standard text of the offer: "Details and qualifications for participation in this promotion may apply."
This statement must be followed by a disclosure, in the same size type as the statement, indicating where in the offer the restrictions may be found. The restrictions must be printed in type at least as large as the typeface used in the standard text of the offer.