73 Pa. Stat. § 1648.3

Current through Pa Acts 2024-53, 2024-56 through 2024-79
Section 1648.3 - Alternative energy portfolio standards
(a) General compliance and cost recovery.--
(1) From the effective date of this act through and including the 15th year after enactment of this act and each year thereafter, the electric energy sold by an electric distribution company or electric generation supplier to retail electric customers in this Commonwealth shall be comprised of electricity generated from alternative energy sources and in the percentage amounts as described under subsections (b) and (c).
(2) Electric distribution companies and electric generation suppliers shall satisfy both requirements set forth in subsections (b) and (c), provided, however, that an electric distribution company or an electric generation supplier shall be excused from its obligations under this section to the extent that the commission determines that force majeure exists.
(3) All costs for:
(i) the purchase of electricity generated from alternative energy sources, including the costs of the regional transmission organization, in excess of the regional transmission organization real-time locational marginal pricing, or its successor, at the delivery point of the alternative energy source for the electrical production of the alternative energy sources; and
(ii) payments for alternative energy credits,

in both cases that are voluntarily acquired by an electric distribution company during the cost recovery period on behalf of its customers shall be deferred as a regulatory asset by the electric distribution company and fully recovered, with a return on the unamortized balance, pursuant to an automatic energy adjustment clause under 66 Pa.C.S. § 1307 (relating to sliding scale of rates; adjustments) as a cost of generation supply under 66 Pa.C.S. § 2807 (relating to duties of electric distribution companies) in the first year after the expiration of its cost-recovery period. After the cost recovery period, any direct or indirect costs for the purchase by electric distribution of resources to comply with this section, including, but not limited to, the purchase of electricity generated from alternative energy sources, payments for alternative energy credits, cost of credits banked, payments to any third party administrators for performance under this act and costs levied by a regional transmission organization to ensure that alternative energy sources are reliable, shall be recovered on a full and current basis pursuant to an automatic energy adjustment clause under 66 Pa.C.S. § 1307 as a cost of generation supply under 66 Pa.C.S. § 2807.

(b) Tier I and solar photovoltaic shares.--
(1) Two years after the effective date of this act, at least 1.5% of the electric energy sold by an electric distribution company or electric generation supplier to retail electric customers in this Commonwealth shall be generated from Tier I alternative energy sources. Except as provided in this section, the minimum percentage of electric energy required to be sold to retail electric customers from alternative energy sources shall increase to 2% three years after the effective date of this act. The minimum percentage of electric energy required to be sold to retail electric customers from alternative energy sources shall increase by at least 0.5% each year so that at least 8% of the electric energy sold by an electric distribution company or electric generation supplier to retail electric customers in that certificated territory in the 15th year after the effective date of this subsection is sold from Tier I alternative energy resources.
(2) The total percentage of the electric energy sold by an electric distribution company or electric generation supplier to retail electric customers in this Commonwealth that must be sold from solar photovoltaic technologies is:
(i) 0.0013% for June 1, 2006, through May 31, 2007.
(ii) 0.0030% for June 1, 2007, through May 31, 2008.
(iii) 0.0063% for June 1, 2008, through May 31, 2009.
(iv) 0.0120% for June 1, 2009, through May 31, 2010.
(v) 0.0203% for June 1, 2010, through May 31, 2011.
(vi) 0.0325% for June 1, 2011, through May 31, 2012.
(vii) 0.0510% for June 1, 2012, through May 31, 2013.
(viii) 0.0840% for June 1, 2013, through May 31, 2014.
(ix) 0.1440% for June 1, 2014, through May 31, 2015.
(x) 0.2500% for June 1, 2015, through May 31, 2016.
(xi) 0.2933% for June 1, 2016, through May 31, 2017.
(xii) 0.3400% for June 1, 2017, through May 31, 2018.
(xiii) 0.3900% for June 1, 2018, through May 31, 2019.
(xiv) 0.4433% for June 1, 2019, through May 31, 2020.
(xv) 0.5000% for June 1, 2020, and thereafter.
(3) Upon commencement of the beginning of the 6th reporting year, the commission shall undertake a review of the compliance by electric distribution companies and electric generation suppliers with the requirements of this act. The review shall also include the status of alternative energy technologies within this Commonwealth and the capacity to add additional alternative energy resources. The commission shall use the results of this review to recommend to the General Assembly additional compliance goals beyond year 15. The commission shall work with the department in evaluating the future alternative energy resource potential.
(c) Tier II share.--Of the electrical energy required to be sold from alternative energy sources identified in Tier II, the percentage that must be from these technologies is for:
(1) Years 1 through 4 - 4.2%.
(2) Years 5 through 9 - 6.2%.
(3) Years 10 through 14 - 8.2%.
(4) Years 15 and thereafter - 10.0%.
(d) Exemption during cost-recovery period.--Compliance with subsections (a), (b) and (c) shall not be required for any electric distribution company that has not reached the end of its cost-recovery period or for electric generation supplier sales in the service territory of an electric distribution company that has not reached the end of its cost-recovery period. At the conclusion of an electric distribution company's cost-recovery period, this exception shall no longer apply, and compliance shall be required at the percentages in effect at that time. Electric distribution companies and electric generation suppliers whose sales are exempted under this subsection and who voluntarily sell electricity generated from Tier I and Tier II sources during the cost-recovery period may bank credits consistent with subsection (e)(7).
(e) Alternative energy credits.--
(1) The commission shall establish an alternative energy credits program as needed to implement this act. The provision of services pursuant to this section shall be exempt from the competitive procurement procedures of 62 Pa.C.S. (relating to procurement).
(2) The commission shall approve an independent entity to serve as the alternative energy credits program administrator. The administrator shall have those powers and duties assigned by commission regulations. Such powers and duties shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
(i) To create and administer an alternative energy credits certification, tracking and reporting program. This program should include, at a minimum, a process for qualifying alternative energy systems and determining the manner credits can be created, accounted for, transferred and retired.
(ii) To submit reports to the commission at such times and in such manner as the commission shall direct.
(3) All qualifying alternative energy systems must include a qualifying meter to record the cumulative electric production to verify the advanced energy credit value. Qualifying meters will be approved by the commission as defined in paragraph (4).
(i) An electric distribution company or electric generation supplier shall comply with the applicable requirements of this section by purchasing sufficient alternative energy credits and submitting documentation of compliance to the program administrator.
(ii) For purposes of this subsection, one alternative energy credit shall represent one megawatt hour of qualified alternative electric generation, whether self-generated, purchased along with the electric commodity or separately through a tradable instrument and otherwise meeting the requirements of commission regulations and the program administrator.
(5) The alternative energy credits program shall include provisions requiring a reporting period as defined in section 2 for all covered entities under this act. The alternative energy credits program shall also include a true-up period as defined in section 2. The true-up period shall provide entities covered under this act the ability to obtain the required number of alternative energy credits or to make up any shortfall of the alternative energy credits they may be required to obtain to comply with this act. A force majeure provision shall also be provided for under the true-up period provisions.
(6) An electric distribution company and electric generation supplier may bank or place in reserve alternative energy credits produced in one reporting year for compliance in either or both of the two subsequent reporting years, subject to the limitations set forth in this subsection and provided that the electric distribution company and electric generation supplier are in compliance for all previous reporting years. In addition, the electric distribution company and electric generation supplier shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the commission that such credits:
(i) were in excess of the alternative energy credits needed for compliance in the year in which they were generated and that such excess credits have not previously been used for compliance under this act;
(ii) were produced by the generation of electrical energy by alternative energy sources and sold to retail customers during the year in which they were generated; and
(iii) have not otherwise been nor will be sold, retired, claimed or represented as part of satisfying compliance with alternative or renewable energy portfolio standards in other states.
(7) An electric distribution company or an electric generation supplier with sales that are exempted under subsection (d) may bank credits for retail sales of electricity generated from Tier I and Tier II sources made prior to the end of the cost-recovery period and after the effective date of this act. Bankable credits shall be limited to credits associated with electricity sold from Tier I and Tier II sources during a reporting year which exceeds the volume of sales from such sources by an electric distribution company or electric generation supplier during the 12-month period immediately preceding the effective date of this act. All credits banked under this subsection shall be available for compliance with subsections (b) and (c) for no more than two reporting years following the conclusion of the cost-recovery period.
(8) The commission or its designee shall develop a registry of pertinent information regarding all available alternative energy credits, credit transactions among electric distribution companies and electric generation suppliers, the number of alternative energy credits sold or transferred and the price paid for the sale or transfer of the credits. The registry shall provide current information to electric distribution companies, electric generation suppliers and the general public on the status of alternative energy credits created, sold or transferred within this Commonwealth.
(9) The commission may impose an administrative fee on an alternative energy credit transaction. The amount of this fee may not exceed the actual direct cost of processing the transaction by the alternative energy credits administrator. The commission is authorized to utilize up to 5% of the alternative compliance fees generated under subsection (f) for administrative expenses directly associated with this act.
(10) The commission shall establish regulations governing the verification and tracking of energy efficiency and demand-side management measures pursuant to this act, which shall include benefits to all utility customer classes. When developing regulations, the commission must give reasonable consideration to existing and proposed regulations and rules in existence in the regional transmission organizations that manage the transmission system in any part of this Commonwealth. All verified reductions shall accrue credits starting with the passage of this act.
(11) The commission shall within 120 days of the effective date of this act develop a depreciation schedule for alternative energy credits created through demand-side management, energy efficiency and load management technologies and shall develop standards for tracking and verifying savings from energy efficiency, load management and demand-side management measures. The commission shall allow for a 60-day public comment period and shall issue final standards within 30 days of the close of the public comment period.
(12) Unless a contractual provision explicitly assigns alternative energy credits in a different manner, the owner of the alternative energy system or a customer-generator owns any and all alternative energy credits associated with or created by the production of electric energy by such facility or customer, and the owner or customer shall be entitled to sell, transfer or take any other action to which a legal owner of property is entitled to take with respect to the credits.
(f) Alternative compliance payment.--
(1) At the end of each program year, the program administrator shall provide a report to the commission and to each covered electric distribution company showing their status level of alternative energy acquisition.
(2) The commission shall conduct a review of each determination made under subsections (b) and (c). If, after notice and hearing, the commission determines that an electric distribution company or electric generation supplier has failed to comply with subsections (b) and (c), the commission shall impose an alternative compliance payment on that company or supplier.
(3) The alternative compliance payment, with the exception of the solar photovoltaic share compliance requirement set forth in subsection (b)(2), shall be $45 times the number of additional alternative energy credits needed in order to comply with subsection (b) or (c).
(4) The alternative compliance payment for the solar photovoltaic share shall be 200% of the average market value of solar renewable energy credits sold during the reporting period within the service region of the regional transmission organization, including, where applicable, the levelized up-front rebates received by sellers of solar renewable energy credits in other jurisdictions in the PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. transmission organization (PJM) or its successor.
(5) The commission shall establish a process to provide for, at least annually, a review of the alternative energy market within this Commonwealth and the service territories of the regional transmission organizations that manage the transmission system in any part of this Commonwealth. The commission will use the results of this study to identify any needed changes to the cost associated with the alternative compliance payment program. If the commission finds that the costs associated with the alternative compliance payment program must be changed, the commission shall present these findings to the General Assembly for legislative enactment.
(g) Transfer to sustainable development funds.--
(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of 66 Pa.C.S. §§ 511 (relating to disposition, appropriation and disbursement of assessments and fees) and 3315 (relating to disposition of fines and penalties), alternative compliance payments imposed pursuant to this act shall be paid into Pennsylvania's Sustainable Energy Funds created under the commission's restructuring orders under 66 Pa.C.S. Ch. 28 (relating to restructuring of electric utility industry). Alternative compliance payments shall be paid into a special fund of the Pennsylvania Sustainable Energy Board, established by the commission under Docket M-00031715, and made available to the Regional Sustainable Energy Funds under procedures and guidelines approved by the Pennsylvania Energy Board.
(2) The alternative compliance payments shall be utilized solely for projects that will increase the amount of electric energy generated from alternative energy resources for purposes of compliance with subsections (b) and (c).
(h) Nonseverability.--The provisions of subsection (a) are declared to be nonseverable. If any provision of subsection (a) is held invalid, the remaining provisions of this act shall be void.

73 P.S. § 1648.3

2004, Nov. 30, P.L. 1672, No. 213, § 3, effective in 90 days [Feb. 28. 2005]. Amended 2007, July 17, P.L. 114, No. 35, § 2, imd. effective.