71 Pa. Stat. § 251

Current through Pa Acts 2024-53, 2024-56 through 2024-64
Section 251 - Commissioner of Pennsylvania State Police (Adm. Code Section 711)
(a) The Commissioner of Pennsylvania State Police shall be the head and executive officer of the Pennsylvania State Police. He shall provide, for the members of the State Police Force, suitable uniforms, arms, equipment, and, where it is deemed necessary, horses or motor vehicles, and make rules and regulations, subject to the approval of the Governor, prescribing qualifications prerequisite to or retention of, membership in the force; for the enlistment, training, discipline, and conduct of the members of the force; for the selection and promotion of such members on the basis of merit; for the filing and hearing of charges against such members, and such other rules and regulations as are deemed necessary for the control and regulation of the State Police Force. The commissioner shall maintain a training school, to be known as the Pennsylvania State Police Academy, for the proper instruction of members of the State Police Force, which shall be situated at such place or places as the commissioner, with the approval of the Governor, may determine. It shall also be the duty of the commissioner to establish local headquarters in various places, so as best to distribute the force through the various sections of the Commonwealth where they will be most efficient in carrying out the purposes of this or any other act to preserve the peace, prevent and detect crime and to police the highways.
(a.1) The training prescribed by the commissioner for members of the force shall include identifying and responding to ethnic tension situations and complaints of violation of 18 Pa.C.S. § 2710 (relating to ethnic intimidation) or 3307 (relating to institutional vandalism).
(1) Before any enlisted member who has not reached mandatory retirement age is dismissed or refused reenlistment by the commissioner, the commissioner shall furnish such enlisted member with a detailed written statement of the charges upon which his dismissal or refusal of reenlistment is based, together with a written notice, signed by the commissioner or the proper authority, of a time and place where such enlisted member will be given an opportunity to be heard either in person or by counsel, or both, before a Court-martial Board appointed by the commissioner. The board shall consist of three commissioned officers. The hearing shall not be sooner than ten days nor later than thirty days after such written notice. At such hearing all testimony offered, including that of complainants and their witnesses as well as that of the accused enlisted member and his witnesses, shall be recorded by a competent stenographer whose services shall be furnished by the Pennsylvania State Police at its expense. Any such hearing may be postponed, continued or adjourned, by agreement of the person charged and the Court-martial Board with approval of the commissioner. If such hearing is postponed, continued or adjourned and any testimony has been taken, then a free copy of a transcript of such testimony shall be given to the accused, if he makes a request therefor.
(2) The Court-martial Board shall have power to issue subpoenas requiring the attendance of witnesses at any hearing and shall do so at the request of the party against whom a complaint is made. If any person shall refuse to appear and testify in answer to any subpoena issued by the board, any party interested may petition the court of common pleas of the county wherein the hearing is to be held setting forth the facts. The court shall thereupon issue its subpoena commanding such person to appear before the Court-martial Board, there to testify as to the matters being inquired into. Any person refusing to testify before the Court-martial Board may be held for contempt by the court of common pleas. All testimony at any hearing shall be taken under oath and any member of the Court-martial Board shall have power to administer oaths to such witnesses.

After fully hearing the charges or complaints and hearing all witnesses produced by the Court-martial Board and the person against whom the charges are pending, and after full, impartial and unbiased consideration thereof, the Court-martial Board shall, by a two-thirds vote of all members thereof taken by a closed-secret vote and the total results thereof to be recorded, determine whether or not such charges or complaints have been sustained and whether the evidence substantiates such charges and complaints, and in accordance with such determination, shall recommend the discharge, demotion or refusal of reenlistment of such enlisted member to the commissioner. If one member of the Court-martial Board shall dissent from the findings of the other members, he may state his reason for disagreement which shall be made a part of the record.

Reports of findings of the Court-martial Board shall not be made public before acted upon by the commissioner. The Court-martial Board shall submit all records of the trial to the commissioner for review.

A written notice of any decision of the commissioner discharging, demoting or refusing the reenlistment of any member, together with a free copy of a transcript of the notes of testimony, shall be sent by registered mail to the enlisted member at his last known address within thirty days after the hearing is actually concluded. The commissioner may, in his discretion, follow or disregard the recommendations of the Court-martial Board.

In all cases where the final decision is in favor of the enlisted member, the records in the files of the Pennsylvania State Police shall show accordingly.

(3) In case the enlisted member concerned considers himself aggrieved by the action of the commissioner, an appeal may be taken by him to the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County in accordance with the provisions of the act of June 4, 1945 (P.L. 1388), and its amendments, known as the "Administrative Agency Law."
(4) For the purposes of this subsection (b), the term "enlisted member" shall not include a cadet or trooper of the Pennsylvania State Police with less than eighteen months of service.

71 P.S. § 251

1929, April 9, P.L. 177, art. VII, § 711. Amended 1937, June 29, P.L. 2436, § 1; 1943, April 28, P.L. 94, § 4; 1959, June 29, P.L. 488, § 1; 1963, July 25, P.L. 275, § 1; 1965, June 8, P.L. 123, § 1; 1967, Dec. 5, P.L. 671, § 1; 1986, July 18, P.L. 1409, No. 125, § 1, effective in 60 days.