53 Pa. Stat. § 10503

Current through Pa Acts 2024-52, 2024-56
Section 10503 - Contents of subdivision and land development ordinance

The subdivision and land development ordinance may include, but need not be limited to:

(1) Provisions for the submittal and processing of plats, including the charging of review fees, and specifications for such plats, including certification as to the accuracy of plats and provisions for preliminary and final approval and for processing of final approval by stages or sections of development. Such plats and surveys shall be prepared in accordance with the act of May 23, 1945 (P.L. 913, No. 367), known as the "Engineer, Land Surveyor and Geologist Registration Law," except that this requirement shall not preclude the preparation of a plat in accordance with the act of January 24, 1966 (1965 P.L. 1527, No. 535), known as the "Landscape Architects' Registration Law," when it is appropriate to prepare the plat using professional services as set forth in the definition of the "practice of landscape architecture" under section 2 of that act. Review fees may include reasonable and necessary charges by the municipality's professional consultants for review and report thereon to the municipality. Such review fees shall be based upon a schedule established by ordinance or resolution. Such review fees shall be reasonable and in accordance with the ordinary and customary charges for similar service in the community, but in no event shall the fees exceed the rate or cost charged by the professional consultant for comparable services to the municipality for services which are not reimbursed or otherwise imposed on applicants. Fees charged to the municipality relating to any appeal of a decision on an application shall not be considered review fees and may not be charged to an applicant.
(i) The governing body shall submit to the applicant an itemized bill showing work performed, identifying the person performing the services and the time and date spent for each task. Nothing in this subparagraph shall prohibit interim itemized billing or municipal escrow or other security requirements. In the event the applicant disputes the amount of any such review fees, the applicant shall, no later than 100 days after the date of transmittal of the bill to the applicant, notify the municipality and the municipality's professional consultant that such fees are disputed and shall explain the basis of their objections to the fees charged, in which case the municipality shall not delay or disapprove a subdivision or land development application due to the applicant's dispute over fees. Failure of the applicant to dispute a bill within 100 days shall be a waiver of the applicant's right to arbitration of that bill under section 510(g).
(ii) In the event that the municipality's professional consultant and the applicant cannot agree on the amount of review fees which are reasonable and necessary, then the applicant and the municipality shall follow the procedure for dispute resolution set forth in section 510(g), provided that the arbitrator resolving such dispute shall be of the same profession or discipline as the professional consultant whose fees are being disputed.
(iii) Subsequent to a decision on an application, the governing body shall submit to the applicant an itemized bill for review fees, specifically designated as a final bill. The final bill shall include all review fees incurred at least through the date of the decision on the application. If for any reason additional review is required subsequent to the decision, including inspections and other work to satisfy the conditions of the approval, the review fees shall be charged to the applicant as a supplement to the final bill.
(1.1) Provisions for the exclusion of certain land development from the definition of land development contained in section 107 only when such land development involves:
(i) the conversion of an existing single-family detached dwelling or single family semi-detached dwelling into not more than three residential units, unless such units are intended to be a condominium;
(ii) the addition of an accessory building, including farm buildings, on a lot or lots subordinate to an existing principal building; or
(iii) the addition or conversion of buildings or rides within the confines of an enterprise which would be considered an amusement park. For purposes of this subclause, an amusement park is defined as a tract or area used principally as a location for permanent amusement structures or rides. This exclusion shall not apply to newly acquired acreage by an amusement park until initial plans for the expanded area have been approved by proper authorities.
(2) Provisions for insuring that:
(i) the layout or arrangement of the subdivision or land development shall conform to the comprehensive plan and to any regulations or maps adopted in furtherance thereof;
(ii) streets in and bordering a subdivision or land development shall be coordinated, and be of such widths and grades and in such locations as deemed necessary to accommodate prospective traffic, and facilitate fire protection;
(iii) adequate easements or rights-of-way shall be provided for drainage and utilities;
(iv) reservations if any by the developer of any area designed for use as public grounds shall be suitable size and location for their designated uses; and
(v) land which is subject to flooding, subsidence or underground fires either shall be made safe for the purpose for which such land is proposed to be used, or that such land shall be set aside for uses which shall not endanger life or property or further aggravate or increase the existing menace.
(3) Provisions governing the standards by which streets shall be designed, graded and improved, and walkways, curbs, gutters, street lights, fire hydrants, water and sewage facilities and other improvements shall be installed as a condition precedent to final approval of plats in accordance with the requirements of section 509. The standards shall insure that the streets be improved to such a condition that the streets are passable for vehicles which are intended to use that street: Provided, however, That no municipality shall be required to accept such streets for public dedication until the streets meet such additional standards and specifications as the municipality may require for public dedication.
(4) Provisions which take into account phased land development not intended for the immediate erection of buildings where streets, curbs, gutters, street lights, fire hydrants, water and sewage facilities and other improvements may not be possible to install as a condition precedent to final approval of plats, but will be a condition precedent to the erection of buildings on lands included in the approved plat.
(4.1) Provisions which apply uniformly throughout the municipality regulating minimum setback lines and minimum lot sizes which are based upon the availability of water and sewage, in the event the municipality has not enacted a zoning ordinance.
(5) Provisions for encouraging and promoting flexibility, economy and ingenuity in the layout and design of subdivisions and land developments, including provisions authorizing alterations in site requirements and for encouraging other practices which are in accordance with modern and evolving principles of site planning and development.
(6) Provisions for encouraging the use of renewable energy systems and energy-conserving building design.
(7) Provisions for soliciting reviews and reports from adjacent municipalities and other governmental agencies affected by the plans.
(8) Provisions for administering waivers or modifications to the minimum standards of the ordinance in accordance with section 512.1, when the literal compliance with mandatory provisions is shown to the satisfaction of the governing body or planning agency, where applicable, to be unreasonable, to cause undue hardship, or when an alternative standard can be demonstrated to provide equal or better results.
(9) Provisions for the approval of a plat, whether preliminary or final, subject to conditions acceptable to the applicant and a procedure for the applicant's acceptance or rejection of any conditions which may be imposed, including a provision that approval of a plat shall be rescinded automatically upon the applicant's failure to accept or reject such conditions within such time limit as may be established by the governing ordinance.
(10) Provisions and standards for insuring that new developments incorporate adequate provisions for a reliable, safe and adequate water supply to support intended uses within the capacity of available resources.
(11) Provisions requiring the public dedication of land suitable for the use intended; and, upon agreement with the applicant or developer, the construction of recreational facilities, the payment of fees in lieu thereof, the private reservation of the land, or a combination, for park or recreation purposes as a condition precedent to final plan approval, provided that:
(i) The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to any plan application, whether preliminary or final, pending at the time of enactment of such provisions.
(ii) The ordinance includes definite standards for determining the proportion of a development to be dedicated and the amount of any fee to be paid in lieu thereof.
(iii) The land or fees, or combination thereof, are to be used only for the purpose of providing, acquiring, operating or maintaining park or recreational facilities reasonably accessible to the development.
(iv) The governing body has a formally adopted recreation plan, and the park and recreational facilities are in accordance with definite principles and standards contained in the subdivision and land development ordinance.
(v) The amount and location of land to be dedicated or the fees to be paid shall bear a reasonable relationship to the use of the park and recreational facilities by future inhabitants of the development or subdivision.
(vi) A fee authorized under this subsection shall, upon its receipt by a municipality, be deposited in an interest-bearing account, clearly identified as reserved for providing, acquiring, operating or maintaining park or recreational facilities. Interest earned on such accounts shall become funds of that account.
(vii) Upon request of any person who paid any fee under this subsection, the municipality shall refund such fee, plus interest accumulated thereon from the date of payment, if the municipality had used the fee paid for a purpose other than the purposes set forth in this section.
(viii) No municipality shall have the power to require the construction of recreational facilities or the dedication of land, or fees in lieu thereof, or private reservation except as may be provided by statute.

53 P.S. § 10503

1968, July 31, P.L. 805, No. 247, art. V, § 503. Amended 1978, June 9, P.L. 460, No. 60, § 1, effective in 60 days; 1982, June 23, P.L. 613, No. 173, § 6, effective in 60 days. Reenacted and amended 1988, Dec. 21, P.L. 1329, No. 170, § 32, effective in 60 days. Amended 1996, Dec. 18, P.L. 1102, No. 165, § 1, effective in 60 days; 2000, June 23, P.L. 495, No. 68, § 10, effective in 60 days; 2004, Nov. 30, P.L. 1613, No. 206, § 2, effective in 60 days [Jan. 31, 2005]; 2012, Oct. 24, P.L. 1258, No. 154, § 1, effective in 60 days [Dec. 24, 2012]; 2014, Sept. 24, P.L. 2474, No. 135, § 1, effective in 60 days [Nov. 24, 2014].