47 Pa. Stat. § 1-102

Current through Pa Acts 2024-53, 2024-56 through 2024-64
Section 1-102 - Definitions

The following words or phrases, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section:

"Alcohol" shall mean ethyl alcohol of any degree of proof originally produced by the distillation of any fermented liquid, whether rectified or diluted with or without water, whatever may be the origin thereof, and shall include powdered alcohol and synthetic ethyl alcohol, but shall not mean or include ethyl alcohol, whether or not diluted, that has been denatured or otherwise rendered unfit for beverage purposes.

"Alcoholic cider" shall mean a beverage which may contain carbonation in an amount not to exceed six and four tenths grams per liter, produced through alcoholic fermentation , which is primarily derived from apples, apple juice concentrate and water or pears, pear juice concentrate and water, consisting of at least one-half of one per centum, but not greater than eight and one-half per centum, alcohol by volume and sold or offered for sale as alcoholic cider and not as a wine or as a substitute for wine, in bottles, cases, kegs, cans or other suitable containers of the type used for the sale of malt or brewed beverages in this Commonwealth.

"Alcohol service personnel" shall mean any employe of a licensee such as a bartender, waiter or, in the case of a distributor or importing distributor, a salesperson whose primary responsibility includes the resale, furnishing or serving of liquor or malt or brewed beverages. It shall also mean any employe, such as a doorperson, whose primary responsibility is to ascertain the age of individuals who are attempting to enter the licensed premises.

"Alcohol vaporizing device" shall mean any device, machine or process which mixes spirits, liquors or other alcoholic products with oxygen or any other gas to produce a vaporized product for consumption by inhalation.

"Alternating brewer" shall mean any person, association, corporation or other business entity licensed by the board to produce malt or brewed beverages at premises that are licensed by another entity under a Pennsylvania manufacturer's license.

"Arts council" shall mean a tax-exempt organization which promotes the visual arts, performing arts or both and which receives funding under the Local Arts Services Program administered by the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts.

"Association" shall mean a partnership, limited partnership or any form of unincorporated enterprise owned by two or more persons.

Automobile racetrack" shall mean a track used principally for holding automobile races which has a seating capacity in excess of ten thousand.

"Board" shall mean the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board.

"Bonded warehouse" shall mean and include all places and warehouses legally established under the provisions of the acts of Congress and the administrative provisions of the internal revenue laws of the Government of the United States of America, for the storage, concentration, distribution and holding in bond, (a) of whiskey and any other potable distilled spirits, except ethyl alcohol, when used in Article VII entitled "Distillery Bonded Warehouse Certificates" and, (b) of alcohol or liquor when otherwise used.

"Case" shall mean a package prepared by the manufacturer for sale or distribution of twelve or more original containers totaling two hundred sixty-four or more fluid ounces of malt or brewed beverages excepting those packages containing twenty-four or more original containers each holding seven fluid ounces or more.

"Catered function" shall mean the furnishing of f ood prepared on the premises or brought onto the premises already prepared in conjunction with alcoholic beverages for the accommodation of a person or an identifiable group of people, not the general public, who made arrangements for the function at least thirty days in advance.

"Club" shall mean any reputable group of individuals associated together not for profit for legitimate purposes of mutual benefit, entertainment, fellowship or lawful convenience, having some primary interest and activity to which the sale of liquor or malt and brewed beverages shall be only secondary, which, if incorporated, has been in continuous existence and operation for at least one year, and if first licensed after June sixteenth, one thousand nine hundred thirty-seven, shall have been incorporated in this Commonwealth, and, if unincorporated, for at least ten years, immediately preceding the date of its application for a license under this act, and which regularly occupies, as owner or lessee, a clubhouse or quarters for the use of its members. Continuous existence must be proven by satisfactory evidence. The board shall refuse to issue a license if it appears that the charter is not in possession of the original incorporators or their direct or legitimate successors. The club shall hold regular meetings, conduct its business through officers regularly elected, admit members by written application, investigation and ballot, and charge and collect dues from elected members, and maintain such records as the board shall from time to time prescribe, but any such club may waive or reduce in amount, or pay from its club funds, the dues of any person who was a member at the time he was inducted into the military service of the United States or was enrolled in the armed forces of the United States pursuant to any selective service act during the time of the member's actual service or enrollment. The term includes a privately-owned private golf course.

"Combination package" shall mean a package consisting of liquor or alcohol and a nonliquor or nonalcohol item as packaged by the manufacturer or its representative.

"Commercial and mixed-use overlay project" shall mean a planned development:

(1) Situated on at least twenty-five acres;
(2) Constructed since January 1, 2019;
(3) With at least two hundred seventy-five thousand square feet of actual or proposed development;
(4) With a mix of commercial and residential uses; and
(5) That is adjacent to an existing hotel property with at least ninety rooms.

"Container" shall mean and include any receptacle, vessel or form of package, tank, vat, cask, barrel, drum, keg, can, bottle or conduit used or capable of use for holding, storing, transferring or shipment of alcohol, liquor or malt or brewed beverages.

"Continuing care retirement community" shall mean the building or complex operated by a nonprofit entity incorporated under 15 Pa.C.S. Pt. II Subpt. C (relating to nonprofit corporations) which primarily houses persons over the age of sixty-two. At least one hundred persons residing in the building or complex must be over the age of sixty-two.

"Corporation" shall mean a corporation or joint-stock association organized under the laws of this Commonwealth, the United States, or any other state, territory, or foreign country or dependency.

"Denatured alcohol" shall mean and include all alcohol or any compound thereof which by the admixture of such denaturing material or materials is rendered unfit for use as a beverage. The term shall not include powdered alcohol.

"Denaturing plant" shall mean and include the premises of a distillery used exclusively for the denaturization of alcohol, either specially or completely, by the admixture of such denaturing materials as shall render the alcohol or any compound in which it is authorized to be used unfit for use as a beverage.

"Direct wine shipper" shall mean a person licensed as a producer of wine by the board or by another state or country that accepts orders placed for wine from within this commonwealth. The term includes a limited winery.

"Distillery" shall mean and include any premises or plant wherein alcohol or liquor is manufactured, made and distilled from raw materials, blended or rectified, or any place wherein alcohol or liquor is produced by any method suitable for the production of alcohol. The term shall not include a "winery" where alcohol is derived from by-products of wine production by distillation for the sole purpose of adding to the fermented products to fortify the same.

"Distillery Bonded Warehouse Certificate" shall mean a certificate, receipt, contract or other document given upon the storage of whiskey or any other potable distilled spirits, except ethyl alcohol, in a bonded warehouse, and evidencing the ownership of such whiskey or other potable distilled spirits.

"Distillery certificate broker" shall mean and include every person who engages directly or through an agent in selling, purchasing, exchanging, offering for sale or delivery, or entering into agreements for the purchase, sale or exchange, or soliciting subscriptions to or orders for, or undertaking to dispose of, or dealing in any manner in, distillery bonded warehouse certificates.

"Distributor" shall mean any person licensed by the board to engage in the purchase only from Pennsylvania manufacturers and from importing distributors and the resale of malt or brewed beverages, except to importing distributors and distributors.

"Eating place" shall mean a premise where food is regularly and customarily prepared and sold, having a total area of not less than three hundred square feet available to the public in one or more rooms, other than living quarters, and equipped with tables and chairs, including bar seats, accommodating thirty persons at one time. The board shall, by regulation, set forth what constitutes tables and chairs sufficient to accommodate thirty persons at one time.

"Eligible entity" shall mean a city of the third class, a hospital, a church, a synagogue, a volunteer fire company, a volunteer ambulance company, a volunteer rescue squad, a unit of a nationally chartered club which has been issued a club liquor license, a club which has been issued a club liquor license and which, as of December 31, 2002, has been in existence for at least 100 years, a library, a nationally accredited Pennsylvania nonprofit zoological institution licensed by the United States Department of Agriculture, a nonprofit agricultural association in existence for at least ten years, a bona fide sportsmen's club in existence for at least ten years, a nationally chartered veterans' organization and any affiliated lodge or subdivision of such organization, a fraternal benefit society that is licensed to do business in this Commonwealth and any affiliated lodge or subdivision of such fraternal benefit society, any nationally recognized community-based voluntary health organization committed to fighting cancer, which has been in existence for at least 100 years, a museum operated by a nonprofit corporation, a nonprofit corporation engaged in the performing arts, an arts council, a nonprofit corporation that operates an arts facility or museum, a nonprofit organization as defined under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 ( Public Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. § 501 (c)(3)) whose purpose is to protect the architectural heritage of a municipality and which has been recognized as such by a resolution of the municipality, a nonprofit organization as defined under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 ( Public Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. § 501 (c)(3)) conducting a regatta in a city of the second class with the permit to be used on State park grounds or conducting a family-oriented celebration as part of Welcome America in a city of the first class on property leased from that city for more than fifty years, a nonprofit organization as defined under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 ( 26 U.S.C. § 501 (c)(3)) whose purpose is to raise funds for the research and treatment of cystic fibrosis, a nonprofit organization as defined under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 ( 26 U.S.C. § 501 (c)(3)) whose purpose is to educate the public on issues dealing with watershed conservation, a nonprofit organization as defined under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 ( Public Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. § 501 (c)(3)) whose purpose is to provide equine assisted activities for children and adults with special needs, a nonprofit economic development agency in a city of the second class with the primary function to serve as an economic generator for the greater southwestern Pennsylvania region by attracting and supporting film, television and related media industry projects and coordinating government and business offices in support of a production, a county tourist promotion agency as defined in section 2 of the act of July 4, 2008 ( P.L. 621, No.50), known as the "Tourism Promotion Act," a junior league that is a nonprofit organization as defined under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 ( 26 U.S.C. § 501 (c)(3)) that is comprised of women whose purpose is exclusively educational and charitable in promoting the volunteerism of women and developing and participating in community projects and that has been in existence for over seventy years, a nonprofit organization as defined under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and whose purpose is the education and promotion of American history, a nonprofit organization as defined under section 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 whose purpose is to support business and industry, a brewery which has been issued a license to manufacture malt or brewed beverages and has been in existence for at least 100 years or a club recognized by Rotary International and whose purpose is to provide service to others, to promote high ethical standards and to advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through its fellowship of business, professional and community leaders or a nonprofit organization as defined under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 ( Public Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. § 501 (c)(3)) whose purpose is to promote mushrooms while supporting local and regional charities, a museum operated by a not-for-profit corporation in a city of the second class A, a nonprofit organization as defined under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 which is located in a city of the second class A and has as its purpose economic and community development, a nonprofit organization as defined under section 501(c)(3) or (6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 that is located in a city of the third class in a county of the fifth class, a nonprofit social service organization defined under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 located in a county of the third class whose purpose is to serve individuals and families in that county of the third class, a nonprofit organization as defined under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 whose main purpose is to temporarily foster stray and unwanted animals and match them to suitable permanent homes or a nonprofit organization as defined under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 who operates either a Main Street Program or Elm Street Program recognized by the Commonwealth, the National Trust for Historic Preservation or both, a nonprofit radio station that is a member of the National Public Radio network, a nonprofit public television station that is a member of the Pennsylvania Public Television Network or a nonprofit organization as defined under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 whose purpose is to promote awareness, education and research and to provide a support system for patients with neutropenia and their families through a national resource network, a nonprofit organization as defined under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 whose main purpose is to stimulate community development by facilitating residential and retail growth in a city of the second class located in a county of the second class or a nonprofit community development corporation organized under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 that serves an adjoining borough and township in a county of the second class and whose main purpose is to facilitate commercial development and foster neighborhood stabilization, a nonprofit organization as defined under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 whose purpose is to provide young people with a program to build character, to teach the responsibilities of citizenship and to develop personal fitness with a goal of creating future leaders, a nonprofit as defined in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 whose main purpose is to assist children and their families who are facing financial hardship due to the death of a parent, a nonprofit as defined under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 whose purpose is to allocate funds for research to expedite a cure achromatopsia, a nonprofit organization as defined under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 that is located in a city of the first class, was organized in 1995 as a community development organization to promote health, safety and welfare of the residents, businesses and institutions of a neighborhood of a city of the first class, and whose works include public promotions, neighborhood improvement projects and commercial corridor improvements, including a business improvement district, or a nonprofit organization as defined under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 that is responsible for providing services to members of the armed forces of the United States and relief to disaster victims in the United States and abroad, or any neighborhood improvement district management association as defined in section 3 of the act of December 20, 2000 ( P.L. 949, No.130), known as the "Neighborhood Improvement District Act," that has been established as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, a nonprofit organization as defined under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 located in a city of the first class whose purpose is to support initiatives to enrich the lives of children, teens and families especially those in need, to reach their full potential as productive and responsible citizens and has been in existence for at least seventy-five years, or a nonprofit organization as defined under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 located in a city of the second class and incorporated as a nonprofit in 1982 that offers adult education and family literacy, or a nonprofit organization as defined under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 located in a city of the third class and county of the sixth class, whose purpose is primary and secondary education and educational ministry of the Diocese of Erie, or a nonprofit organization as defined under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code located in a county of the fourth class that had a population between 142,000 and 144,000 based on the 2010 Decennial Census of the Bureau of the Census and provides rewards for information that leads to the arrest of individuals that may have committed a crime, or a nonprofit organization as defined under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 which is located in a city of the third class in a county of the fifth class whose mission is to improve the quality of life for individuals with developmental disabilities and the families of the individuals through advocacy, education, support and socialization and that has been in existence for over sixty years.

"Enforcement bureau" shall mean the Bureau of Liquor Control Enforcement of the Pennsylvania State Police.

"Equine center" shall mean a facility of at least two hundred fifty acres in size which hosts equestrian shows and which has a primary building with permanent seating for at least six thousand (6,000) people.

"Fermented fruit beverage" shall mean a beverage which may contain carbonation in an amount not to exceed six and four tenths grams per liter, produced through alcoholic fermentation of fruit, fruit juice, fruit juice concentrate and water with or without flavorings, consisting of at least one-half of one per centum, but not greater than eight and one-half per centum, alcohol by volume and sold or offered for sale not as a wine or a substitute for wine, in bottles, cases, kegs, cans or other suitable containers of the type used for the sale of malt or brewed beverages in this Commonwealth.

"Fraternal benefit society" shall mean a society as defined in the act of December 14, 1992 (P.L. 835, No. 134) , known as the "Fraternal Benefit Societies Code."

"Golf course" shall mean a course having a minimum of nine holes and a total length of at least twenty-five hundred yards. The term includes a privately-owned private golf course.

"Growler" shall mean a refillable container for malt or brewed beverages that can be resealed.

"Happy hour" shall mean the period of time during which a licensee discounts alcoholic beverages.

"Holiday" [Deleted by 2016 Amendment.]

"Hotel" shall mean any reputable place operated by responsible persons of good reputation where the public may, for a consideration, obtain sleeping accommodations and meals and which, in a city, has at least ten, and in any other place at least six, permanent bedrooms for the use of guests, a public dining room or rooms operated by the same management accommodating at least thirty persons at one time, and a kitchen, apart from the public dining room or rooms, in which food is regularly prepared for the public.

"Importing distributor" shall mean any person licensed by the board to engage in the purchase from manufacturers and other persons located outside this Commonwealth and from persons licensed as manufacturers of malt or brewed beverages and importing distributors under this act, and the resale of malt or brewed beverages .

"Institution of higher education" shall mean any of the following:

(1) A community college operating under Article XIX-A of the Act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949.
(2) A university within the state system of higher education.
(3) The Pennsylvania State University.
(4) The University of Pittsburgh.
(5) Temple University.
(6) Lincoln University.
(7) Any other institution that is designated as state- related by the commonwealth.
(8) Any accredited private or independent college or university.

"License period" shall mean the term for which the licenses and permits under the authority of this act are issued. License periods for hotel, restaurant, club and eating place licenses shall be established for a period of up to two years and, for the purpose of efficient and expedient processing, may be staggered. License periods for all other licenses and permits may be set by the board up to a maximum of four years and, for the purpose of efficient and expedient processing, may be staggered. The board shall collect the license/permit fees as authorized for each license/permit on an annual basis and shall prorate the annual license fee when required. The board shall extend and validate license privileges for each one-year portion of the license term upon timely receipt of proper fees, provided that no objection is received from the Department of Revenue or the Department of Labor and Industry. If at any time the licensee/permittee is not in compliance with the provisions of this act or any other laws of this Commonwealth, the licensee/permittee shall be subject to citation by the Pennsylvania State Police's Bureau of Liquor Control Enforcement.

"Limited Winery" shall mean a winery with a maximum output of two hundred thousand (200,000) gallons per year.

"Liquor" shall mean and include any alcoholic, spirituous, vinous, fermented or other alcoholic beverage, powdered alcohol, or combination of liquors and mixed liquor a part of which is spirituous, vinous, fermented or otherwise alcoholic, including all drinks or drinkable liquids, preparations or mixtures, and reused, recovered or redistilled denatured alcohol usable or taxable for beverage purposes which contain more than one-half of one per cent of alcohol by volume, except pure ethyl alcohol and malt or brewed beverages.

"Malt or brewed beverages" shall mean any beer, lager beer, ale, porter or similar fermented malt beverage containing one-half of one per centum or more of alcohol by volume, by whatever name such beverage may be called, and shall mean alcoholic cider, fermented fruit beverage and mead.

"Management company" shall mean any entity employed or otherwise contracted by a licensee to operate, manage or supervise all or part of the operation of the licensed premises.

"Manufacture", when the term is applied to malt or brewed beverages, shall mean and include all means, methods and processes used, employed and made use of, to produce, make and manufacture for commercial purposes, malt or brewed beverages from raw materials; when applied otherwise, it shall mean and include all means, methods and processes used, employed and made use of, to produce and make alcohol or liquor from raw materials, and shall mean and include rectification and blending of alcohol and liquor, the production, recovery or reuse of alcohol in the making, developing, using in the process of manufacture, denaturing, redistilling or recovering of any alcohol or liquor in distilleries, denaturing plants and wineries.

"Manufacturer" shall mean any person, association or corporation engaged in the producing, manufacturing, distilling, rectifying or compounding of liquor, alcohol or malt or brewed beverages in this Commonwealth or elsewhere.

"Manufacturer of malt or brewed beverages" shall mean any person holding a license issued by the board to engage in the manufacture, transportation and sale of malt or brewed beverages; also, any person engaged in the legal manufacture of malt or brewed beverages within the territorial limits of the United States, outside the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

"Mead" shall mean an alcoholic beverage produced by fermenting a solution of at least fifty-one per centum honey, water and other agricultural products and containing not more than eight and one-half per centum alcohol by volume and sold or offered for sale as mead and not as a wine or as a substitute for wine, in bottles, cases, kegs, cans or other suitable containers of the type used for the sale of malt or brewed beverages in this Commonwealth.

"Mixed-use town center development project" shall mean a planned development, with no building construction commenced prior to July 1, 2006, situated on no fewer than one hundred contiguous acres, with at least one million square feet of actual or proposed development, with a mix of retail, hospitality, commercial and residential uses, with community facilities and which has been designated as a mixed-use town center development project by the municipality in which it is located. A mixed-use town center development project may have one or multiple owners and may be developed in one or more phases, all of which shall be included in determining the actual or proposed development. If the site meets additional criteria stated in section 461(b.4)(5), a project comprising ninety-five contiguous acres will meet the size requirement in this definition.

"Mug club" shall mean a group organized by a retail licensee or a brewery whose members are entitled to discounted malt or brewed beverages. Membership shall be by written application and the licensee must maintain a written list of active members as part of its records. Licensees may charge an annual fee as well as a renewal fee . No discounted malt or brewed beverages may be provided between midnight and seven o' clock antemeridian.

"Municipality" shall mean any city, borough, incorporated town, or township of this Commonwealth.

"Nonprimary pari-mutuel wagering location" shall mean a nonprimary location for pari-mutuel wagering as designated by the State Horse Racing Commission or State Harness Racing Commission pursuant to the act of December 17, 1981 (P.L. 435, No. 135) , known as the "Race Horse Industry Reform Act."

"Original container" shall mean all bottles, casks, kegs or other suitable containers that have been securely capped, sealed or corked by the manufacturer of malt or brewed beverages at the place of manufacture, with the name and address of the manufacturer of the malt or brewed beverages contained or to be contained therein permanently affixed to the bottle, cask, keg or other container, or in the case of a bottle or can, to the cap or cork used in sealing the same or to a label securely affixed to a bottle or can.

"Package" shall mean any container or containers or receptacle or receptacles used for holding liquor or alcohol as marketed by the manufacturer.

"Patron" shall mean an individual who purchases food, nonalcoholic beverages, liquor, alcohol or malt or brewed beverages for a consideration from a licensee or any person on the licensed premises except those actually engaged in an employment related activity.

"Performing arts facilities"shall mean those halls or theaters in which live musical, concert, dance, ballet and legitimate play book-length productions are performed. Performing arts facilities shall not mean those halls or theaters in which burlesque shows or reviews are performed. If the operator of the performing arts facility is a nonprofit entity, the facility must have seating for at least one hundred fifty (150) people; otherwise, the facility must have seating for at least twenty-five hundred (2,500) people.

"Person" shall mean a natural person, association or corporation. Whenever used in a clause prescribing or imposing a fine or imprisonment or both, the term "person", as applied to "association", shall mean the partners or members thereof, and as applied to "corporation", shall mean the officers thereof, except, as to incorporated clubs, the term "person" shall mean such individual or individuals who, under the by-laws of such club, shall have jurisdiction over the possession and sale of liquor therein.

"Population" shall mean the number of inhabitants as determined by the last preceding decennial census of the United States, or by any other census subsequently taken by the census bureau of the United States and so certified by it: Provided, however, That such other census shall not be a basis for the fixing of license fees as provided in article IV, sections 405 and 439.

"Potable distilled spirits" shall mean and include any distillate from grains, wine, fruits, vegetables or molasses, except ethyl alcohol, capable of being used for beverage purposes.

"Powdered alcohol" shall mean alcohol sold in a powder form for either direct use or reconstitution.

"Prepared beverage and mixed drink" shall mean a sealed container of no less than four fluid ounces and no greater than sixty-four fluid ounces in a single transaction that holds spirits and mixers that are combined on a licensed premises.

"Private label" shall mean a product made under contract by a manufacturer or the manufacturer's agent for the exclusive right of a retailer.

"Proper supervision" shall mean a person twenty-five years of age or older who is directly responsible for the care and conduct of a minor or minors while on the licensed premises and who keeps the minor or minors within his or her sight or hearing. If the licensee, an employe of a licensee or anyone else paid by the licensee is performing as proper supervisor, then that person may not perform any other employment-related duties; otherwise, proper supervision shall consist of unpaid volunteers.

"Public hearing" shall mean a hearing held pursuant to public notice.

"Public notice" shall mean notice published once each week for two successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality. Such notice shall state the time and the place of the hearing and the particular matter to be considered at the hearing. The first publication shall not be more than 30 days, and the second publication shall not be less than seven days, from the date of the hearing.

"Public venue" shall mean a stadium, arena, convention center, museum, zoo, amphitheater or amusement park as defined in section 2 of the act of June 18, 1984 ( P.L. 384, No.81), known as the "Amusement Ride Inspection Act," situated on at least forty (40) acres of land regardless of seating capacity, or similar structure. If the public venue is a cruise terminal owned or leased by a port authority created under the act of June 12, 1931 ( P.L. 575, No.200), entitled "An act providing for joint action by Pennsylvania and New Jersey in the development of the ports on the lower Delaware River, and the improvement of the facilities for transportation across the river; authorizing the Governor, for these purposes, to enter into an agreement with New Jersey; creating The Delaware River Joint Commission and specifying the powers and duties thereof, including the power to finance projects by the issuance of revenue bonds; transferring to the new commission all the powers of the Delaware River Bridge Joint Commission; and making an appropriation," it shall have no permanent seating requirement. If the public venue is an open-air amphitheater owned by a port authority created under the act of December 6, 1972 ( P.L. 1392, No.298), known as the "Third Class City Port Authority Act," it shall have no permanent seating requirement. If the public venue is owned by a political subdivision, a municipal authority, the Commonwealth, an authority created under the act of July 29, 1953 ( P.L. 1034, No.270), known as the "Public Auditorium Authorities Law," an authority created under Article XXV-A of the act of July 28, 1953 ( P.L. 723, No.230), known as the "Second Class County Code," an art museum established under the authority of the act of April 6, 1791 (3 Sm.L.20, No.1536), entitled "An act to confer on certain associations of the citizens of this Commonwealth the powers and immunities of corporations, or bodies politic in law," or an authority created under Article XXIII (n) or (o) of the act of August 9, 1955 ( P.L. 323, No.130), known as "The County Code," it shall have permanent seating for at least one thousand (1,000) people; otherwise, it shall have permanent seating for at least two thousand (2,000) people. The term shall also mean any regional history center, multipurpose cultural and science facility, museum or convention or trade show center, regardless of owner and seating capacity, that has a floor area of at least sixty thousand (60,000) square feet in one building or is comprised of no less than three hundred fifty (350) acres and is a member of the American Public Garden Association. The term shall also mean a convention or conference center owned by a city of the third class or a university which is a member of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education which is operated by a university foundation or alumni association, regardless of seating capacity, that has a floor area of at least fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet in one building. The term shall also mean a visitor center, regardless of floor area or seating capacity, that was established under the authority of the Gateway Visitor Center Authorization Act of 1999 ( Public Law 106-131, 113 Stat. 1678, 16 U.S.C. § 407m) .

"Purchase" shall mean obtaining food, nonalcoholic beverages, liquor, alcohol or malt or brewed beverages for a consideration.

"Racetrack" shall mean a primary location for pari-mutuel wagering as designated by the State Horse Racing Commission or State Harness Racing Commission pursuant to the act of December 17, 1981 (P.L. 435, No. 135), known as the "Race Horse Industry Reform Act."

"Regulation" shall mean any regulation prescribed by the board for carrying out the provisions of this act.

"Restaurant" shall mean a reputable place operated by responsible persons of good reputation and habitually and principally used for the purpose of providing food for the public, the place to have an area within a building of not less than four hundred square feet, equipped with tables and chairs, including bar seats, accommodating at least thirty persons at one time. The board shall, by regulation, set forth what constitutes tables and chairs sufficient to accommodate thirty persons at one time.

"Retail dispenser" shall mean any person licensed to engage in the retail sale of malt or brewed beverages for consumption on the premises of such licensee, with the privilege of selling malt or brewed beverages in quantities not in excess of one hundred ninety-two fluid ounces in a single sale to one person, to be carried from the premises by the purchaser thereof.

"Sale" or "Sell" shall include any transfer of liquor, alcohol or malt or brewed beverages for a consideration.

"Saturated county" shall mean a county with more than one restaurant liquor license per three thousand (3,000) inhabitants in the top twenty-five highest ratios of restaurant liquor licenses to county population in this Commonwealth.

"Sealed container" shall mean a packaged container with a secure lid or cap designed to prevent consumption without removal of the lid or cap. A lid with sipping holes or opening for straws must be covered or affixed with an additional seal before sale.

"Service" shall mean the act of providing food, nonalcoholic beverages, liquor, alcohol or malt brewed beverages to a patron.

"Ski resort" shall mean a resort where downhill skiing occurs, having a minimum of six ski trails and an elevation of at least four hundred feet.

"Social gathering" shall mean events marketed to or catering to minors in whole or in part for which proper notice has been provided to the Bureau of Enforcement and at which time no alcohol is served and all alcohol is removed or secured by lock and key at the licensed premises.

"Tourist development project" shall mean a planned development situated on at least ninety acres of land, constructed since January 1, 2019, that is dedicated primarily to tourism with at least five hundred thousand square feet of actual or proposed development, with a mix of entertainment and retail uses.

"Tract" shall mean a contiguous expanse of land under the control of one person.

"Vacate" shall mean to physically leave a licensed premises.

"Whiskey" shall mean and include any alcoholic distillate from a fermented mash of grain, capable of being used for beverage purposes.

"Wine" shall mean liquor which is fermented from grapes and other fruits, having alcoholic content of twenty-four per centum or less. The term "wine" shall not include any products containing alcohol derived from malt, grain, cereal, molasses or cactus.

"Winery" shall mean and include any premises and plants where any alcohol or liquor is produced by the process by which wine is produced, or premises and plants wherein liquid such as wine is produced; and shall include the manufacture by distillation of alcohol from the by-products of wine fermentation when the alcohol so derived is used solely to fortify the fermented products, under such regulations as are or may be promulgated by the proper agency of the United States Government, and such alcohol, for that purpose only, may be sold or exchanged between wineries holding permits in this Commonwealth, without restriction.

"Zoo" shall mean an accredited member of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums or the Zoological Association of America and for purposes of section 412 shall have no square footage or permanent seating requirements.

47 P.S. § 1-102

Amended by P.L. (number not assigned at time of publication) 2023 No. 49,§ 1, eff. 2/12/2024.
Amended by P.L. TBD 2020 No. 125, § 1, eff. 1/24/2021.
Amended by P.L. TBD 2020 No. 21, § 1, eff. 5/21/2020.
Amended by P.L. TBD 2019 No. 116, § 1, eff. 2/25/2020.
Amended by P.L. TBD 2019 No. 86, § 1, eff. 1/20/2020.
Amended by P.L. TBD 2019 No. 57, § 1, eff. 8/31/2019.
Amended by P.L. TBD 2019 No. 45, § 1, eff. 8/31/2019.
Amended by P.L. TBD 2016 No. 166, § 1, eff. 1/14/2017.
Amended by P.L. TBD 2016 No. 39, § 1, eff. 8/7/2016.
Amended by P.L. 1203 2012 No. 149, § 1, eff. 12/23/2012.
Amended by P.L. 1007 2012 No. 116, § 1, eff. 9/3/2012.
1951, April 12, P.L. 90, art. I, § 102. Amended 1957, July 10, P.L. 638, No. 346, § 1; 1965, Aug. 17, P.L. 346, § 1; 1968, July 31, P.L. 902, No. 272, § 1; 1970, Dec. 2, P.L. 825, No. 271, § 1; 1972, Oct. 11, P.L. 906, No. 215, § 1, imd. effective; 1980, Dec. 12, P.L. 1195, No. 221, § 1, imd. effective; 1982, Dec. 17, P.L. 1390, No. 319, § 1, effective in 60 days; 1986 , May 2, P.L. 141, No. 44, § 1, imd. effective. Reenacted and amended 1987 , June 29, P.L. 32, No. 14, § 4, effective July 1, 1987. Amended 1990, May 31, P.L. 224, No. 48, § 1, imd. effective; 1993, July 2, P.L. 429, No. 61, § 1, imd. effective; 1994, April 29, P.L. 212, No. 30, § 1, effective in 60 days; 1994, Oct. 5, P.L. 522, No. 77, § 1, imd. effective; 1996, May 31, P.L. 312, No. 49, § 1, imd. effective; 1998, June 18, P.L. 664, No. 86, § 1, effective in 60 days; 2000, Dec. 20, P.L. 992, No. 141, § 1, effective in 60 days; 2002, Feb. 21, P.L. 103, No. 10, § 1, imd. effective; 2002, Dec. 9, P.L. 1653, No. 212, § 1, effective in 60 days; 2003 , May 8, P.L. 1, No. 1, § 1, imd. effective; 2003 , July 17, P.L. 63, No. 15, § 1, imd. effective; 2003, Dec. 30, P.L. 423, No. 59, § 1, imd. effective; 2004, Dec. 8, P.L. 1810, No. 239, § 1, effective Feb. 7, 2005; 2006 , Jan. 6, P.L. 1, No. 1, § 1, imd. effective; 2006, April 13, P.L. 78, No. 26, § 1, effective in 60 days [June 12, 2006]; 2006, July 7, P.L. 584, No. 84, § 1, effective in 60 days [Sept. 5, 2006]; 2006 , July 7, P.L. 591, No. 85, § 1, imd. effective; 2006, Nov. 29, P.L. 1421, No. 155, § 1, imd. effective; 2007, July 16, P.L. 107, No. 34, § 1, effective in 60 days [Sept. 14, 2007]; 2010, June 25, P.L. 217, No. 35, § 1, imd. effective; 2011, June 28, P.L. 55, No. 11, § 1, imd. effective; 2011, Dec. 22, P.L. 530, No. 113, § 1.