24 Pa. Stat. § 15-1549.1

Current through Pa Acts 2024-52, 2024-56
Section 15-1549.1 - Commission for Agricultural Education Excellence.
(a) There is established a Commission for Agricultural Education Excellence as a departmental administrative commission under the concurrent authority of the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Education with all the powers and duties generally vested in and imposed upon the commissions under the act of April 9, 1929 ( P.L. 177, No.175), known as "The Administrative Code of 1929."
(b) The commission shall assist in developing a Statewide plan for agricultural education and coordinate the implementation of related agricultural education programming with the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Education.
(c) The commission shall be administratively housed within the Department of Agriculture and shall be staffed and supported by the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Education, as provided under this section.
(d) In order for the commission to fulfill its duties and exercise its authority under this section, an agreement shall be executed between the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Education and the commission, which shall define and delineate the role and responsibility of each agency in assisting the commission in fulfilling its duties under this section.
(e) In order for the commission to fulfill its duties and exercise its authority under this section, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Education and the commission shall cooperate with each other in the use of staff, land, buildings, quarters, facilities and equipment.
(f) The commission shall consist of the following members:
(1) The Secretary of Education, or a designee.
(2) The Secretary of Agriculture, or a designee.
(3) The following members jointly appointed by the Secretary of Education and the Secretary of Agriculture from lists submitted by the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, in consultation with the Majority Leader and Minority Leader of the Senate and the Majority Leader and Minority Leader of the House of Representatives:
(i) Two farmers.
(ii) A representative of the agricultural processing and agricultural marketing industries.
(iii) Two representatives of agricultural sciences, not more than one of whom shall be a faculty member of the College of Agricultural Sciences of The Pennsylvania State University.
(iv) A representative of the State System of Higher Education with a background in or knowledge of agricultural education.
(v) Two teachers of vocational agriculture, one from a career and technical center and one from a school district.
(vi) A representative of a community college with a background in or knowledge of agricultural education.
(vii) An administrator of a school entity which conducts an agricultural education program.
(viii) A member of a school district occupational advisory committee.
(ix) Two members of the business community with knowledge of agricultural education.
(g) To the extent practicable, from members initially appointed, an equal number shall draw lots to serve for a term of three years, for a term of two years and for a term of one year. Thereafter, all members shall be appointed for a term of three years.
(h) The chairmanship of the commission shall rotate on an annual basis between the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of Education, with the Secretary of Education chairing the first annual rotation.
(i) The commission shall keep a record of its official actions and may perform acts and promulgate policies, procedures and guidelines as may be necessary.
(j) A majority of members of the commission shall constitute a quorum.
(k) The members of the commission shall not receive compensation or reimbursement for services.
(l) The commission shall have all the following powers and duties:
(1) Develop a model for Statewide curriculum for agricultural education programs based on high priority occupations.
(2) Consult with the Transfer and Articulation Oversight Committee and school entities to facilitate articulation agreements with postsecondary institutions of higher education.
(3) Provide support and technical assistance to supervised agricultural experience programs based on student needs.
(4) Provide support and coordination for Statewide and local activities related to FFA programs.
(5) Investigate, review and issue an annual report on the status of agricultural education required under subsection (m).
(6) In consultation with and with the approval of the Department of Education, develop guidelines to identify the circumstances when a student who successfully completes an academic course, program or activity for credit may apply the credit toward the completion of an agricultural education program. The guidelines developed under this paragraph shall be posted on the Department of Education's publicly accessible internet website within fifteen (15) days of approval. The Department of Education shall review the guidelines at least every five (5) years. Any proposed update to the guidelines shall be developed in consultation with the commission.
(m) By May 1, 2018, and by May 1 of each year thereafter, the commission shall submit a report to the Governor and the General Assembly on the status of agricultural education in this Commonwealth. The report shall:
(1) Outline agricultural education programs and achievements.
(2) Assess the trends and needs in secondary and both formal and informal postsecondary agricultural education and training.
(3) Investigate and assess work force trends of the agriculture and food industry.
(4) Assess and make programming recommendations for meeting the training needs for individuals not pursuing formal postsecondary education.
(5) Consider the manner in which funds are used to support agricultural education activities.
(6) Highlight new initiatives and recommend future program needs.
(7) Make recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly regarding legislative or regulatory changes to improve agricultural education.
(n) The Department of Agriculture and the Department of Education shall provide staff to assist the commission with the commission's duties. The Department of Agriculture and the Department of Education shall provide an executive director who shall oversee elementary, secondary, postsecondary and adult agricultural education activities in this Commonwealth and shall serve as the director of outreach for the commission and staff who may be employed on or after the effective date of this section and who shall be assigned within either agency as follows:
(1) A curriculum specialist to assist school entities in developing agricultural education curricula and integrating national agriculture, food and natural resource standards into elementary and secondary curricula.
(2) A program approval specialist to assist school entities with the program approval process for agricultural education established by the Department of Education and serve as a liaison between the Department of Education and school entities for data collection.
(3) An FFA program specialist to oversee State-related FFA activities and implement initiatives for local agricultural education program success.
(4) A work force development specialist to identify career pathways in the agricultural and food industries and promote agriculture and food careers among students and adult job seekers.
(5) An agricultural education support specialist to provide support to the staff of the commission.
(o) The implementation of this section shall be subject to funds appropriated by the General Assembly to the Department of Education or the Department of Agriculture, and the funds shall be used to carry out the purposes of this section. The Department of Education and the Department of Agriculture may accept grants and donations from all public and private sources, including the Federal Government, to pay for costs incurred for the implementation and continuance of the provisions of this section.
(p) The following words and phrases when used in this section shall have the meanings given to them in this subsection unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

"Commission." The Commission for Agricultural Education Excellence established under this section.

"Farmer." A person who engages in activities, practices and procedures to produce and prepare for market poultry, livestock and their products or who engages in the production and harvesting of agricultural, agronomic, horticultural, silvicultural and aquacultural crops and commodities and whose operation is conducted on not less than ten contiguous acres in area or, if less than ten contiguous acres in area, has an anticipated yearly gross income of at least ten thousand dollars ($10,000).

"FFA." A career and technical student organization that encourages leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.

"School entity." A public school district, intermediate unit or area career and technical school.

24 P.S. § 15-1549.1

Amended by P.L. TBD 2019 No. 76, § 29, eff. 12/30/2019.
Added by P.L. TBD 2017 No. 55, § 10, eff. 1/5/2018.