24 Pa. Stat. § 11-1142

Current through Pa Acts 2024-53, 2024-56 through 2024-64
Section 11-1142 - Minimum salaries and increments
(a) Except as hereinafter otherwise provided, all school districts and career and technical school districts shall pay all regular and temporary teachers, supervisors, directors and coordinators of career and technical education, psychologists, teachers of classes for exceptional children, supervising principals, career and technical teachers, and principals in the public schools of the district the minimum salaries and increments for the school year 1968-1969 and each school year thereafter, as provided in the following tabulation in accordance with the column in which the professional employe is grouped and the step which the professional employe has attained by years of experience within the school district each step after step 1 constituting one year of service. When a school district, by agreement, places a professional employe on a step in the salary scale, each step thereafter shall constitute one year of service. When a district adopts a salary scale in excess of the mandated scale, it shall not be deemed to have altered or increased the step which the employe has gained through years of service.
(b) Professional employes shall be grouped in the following columns:

Class A. Teachers holding a standard certificate valid for the subject or grades in which the teacher is giving instruction.

Class B. Teachers holding a college certificate valid for the subjects or grades in which the teacher is giving instruction.

Class C. Teachers of classes approved by the Department of Education for exceptional children holding a standard certificate valid for the subjects or grades in which the teacher is giving instruction.

Class D. Teachers of classes approved by the Department of Education for exceptional children holding a college certificate valid for the subjects or grades in which the teacher is giving instruction.

Class E. Supervisors, directors and coordinators of career and technical education, who devote one-half or more of their time to supervision of instruction, and psychologists, holding a standard or college certificate.

Class F. Principals, who devote one-half or more of their time to supervision and administration and having less than twenty (20) teachers under their supervision, who hold a standard certificate, or college certificate.

Class G. Such principals, having twenty (20) or more teachers under their supervision, but less than forty (40), and who hold a standard certificate, or college certificate.

Class H. Such principals, having forty (40) or more teachers under their supervision, but less than sixty (60), and who hold a standard certificate, or college certificate.

Class I. Such principals, having sixty (60) or more but less than eighty (80) teachers under their supervision, and who hold a standard certificate, or college certificate.

Class J. Such principals, having eighty (80) or more teachers under their supervision, and who hold a standard certificate, or college certificate. Master's Degree.

Class K. Supervising principals, having less than forty (40) teachers under their supervision, and who hold a standard certificate, or college certificate.

Class L. Supervising principals, having forty (40) or more teachers under their supervision, but less than sixty (60), who hold a standard certificate, or college certificate.

Class M. Supervising principals, having sixty (60) or more but less than eighty (80) teachers under their supervision, and who hold a standard certificate, or college certificate.

Class N. Supervising principals, having eighty (80) or more but less than one hundred (100) teachers under their supervision, and who hold a standard certificate or college certificate.

Class O. Supervising principals, having one hundred (100) or more teachers under their supervision, and who hold a standard certificate or college certificate.

Class P. Career and technical teachers, holding a standard or college certificate valid for the subjects or grades in which the teacher is giving instruction, and who is employed for the entire calendar year because of seasonal activities.

(c) Minimum Salary Schedule for the 1968-1969 school year:

10 8100 8300
9 7800 7800 8000 8000 9050
8 7500 7500 7700 7700 8750 9450 9950 10450
7 7200 7200 7400 7400 8450 9150 9650 10150
6 6900 6900 7100 7100 8150 8850 9350 9850
5 6600 6600 6800 6800 7850 8550 9050 9550
4 6300 6300 6500 6500 7550 8150 8650 9150
3 6000 6000 6200 6200 7250 7750 8250 8750
2 5700 5700 5900 5900 6950 7350 7850 8350
1 5400 5400 5600 5600 6650 6950 7450 7950
10 9350
9 9050
8 10950 11450 11650 12150 12650 13150 13650 8750
7 10650 11150 11350 11850 12350 12850 13350 8450
6 10350 10850 11050 11550 12050 12550 13050 8150
5 10050 10550 10750 11250 11750 12250 12750 7850
4 9650 10150 10250 10750 11250 11750 12250 7550
3 9250 9750 9750 10250 10750 11250 11750 7250
2 8850 9350 9250 9750 10250 10750 11250 6950
1 8450 8950 8750 9250 9750 10250 10750 6650

(d) Subsequent Minimum Salary Schedule

13 9600 9800
12 9300 9300 9500 9500 10550
11 9000 9000 9200 9200 10250 11550 12050 12550
10 8700 8700 8900 8900 9950 11250 11750 12250
9 8400 8400 8600 8600 9650 10950 11450 11950
8 8100 8100 8300 8300 9350 10550 11050 11550
7 7800 7800 8000 8000 9050 10150 10650 11150
6 7500 7500 7700 7700 8750 9750 10250 10750
5 7200 7200 7400 7400 8450 9350 9850 10350
4 6900 6900 7100 7100 8150 8950 9450 9950
3 6600 6600 6800 6800 7850 8550 9050 9550
2 6300 6300 6500 6500 7550 8150 8650 9150
1 6000 6000 6200 6200 7250 7750 8250 8750
13 10850
12 10550
11 13050 13550 14350 14850 15350 15850 16350 10250
10 12750 13250 14050 14550 15050 15550 16050 9950
9 12450 12950 13750 14250 14750 15250 15750 9650
8 12050 12550 13250 13750 14250 14750 15250 9350
7 11650 12150 12750 13250 13750 14250 14750 9050
6 11250 11750 12250 12750 13250 13750 14250 8750
5 10850 11350 11750 12250 12750 13250 13750 8450
4 10450 10950 11250 11750 12250 12750 13250 8150
3 10050 10550 10750 11250 11750 12250 12750 7850
2 9650 10150 10250 10750 11250 11750 12250 7550
1 9250 9750 9750 10250 10750 11250 11750 7250

(e) In the case of any professional employe or temporary professional employe who holds a Master's Degree or its equivalent, two (2) additional steps of three hundred dollars ($300) each shall be added to his class.
(f) The mandated salaries provided in this section shall be applicable to all professional and temporary professional employes within their respective class. The annual salaries payable under this section for the school year 1968-1969 and each school year thereafter, shall include an annual service increment for service in the school district during the previous school year by advancing the salary of the professional or temporary professional employe at least one full step on the minimum salary schedule or to the step on which he is entitled to be placed by virtue of years of experience within the school district, whichever is higher.
(g) Any professional employee or temporary professional employe who holds a Master's Degree or its equivalent shall be placed on a step which shall be at least three hundred dollars ($300) in addition to the minimum salary of an employe who holds a college certificate and who does not hold a Master's Degree and who has the same number of years of service in the district.
(h) The salaries and increments provided by this section may be reduced by written agreement between the school district and the employe for the purpose of the school district purchasing a tax-sheltered annuity contract, a retirement income endowment policy, or other similar annuity contract. The reduction shall not exceed the premium for the annuity.

24 P.S. § 11-1142

Amended by P.L. TBD 2019 No. 76, § 11, eff. 12/30/2019.
1949, March 10, P.L. 30, art. XI, § 1142. Amended 1949, May 9, P.L. 962, § 1; 1949, May 26, P.L. 1820, § 1; 1951, Dec. 27, P.L. 1776, § 3; 1956, June 1, P.L. (1955) 1948, § 3; 1963, Aug. 1, P.L. 466, § 1; 1965, Dec. 9, P.L. 1057, § 2; 1968, June 12, P.L. 192, No. 96, § 1; 1972, Dec. 6, P.L. 1338, No. 289, § 1.