The County Commissioners may make contracts for lawful purposes and for the purposes of carrying into execution the provisions of this section and the laws of the Commonwealth.
After due consideration of proposals under the criteria described above, the board of commissioners may, in its discretion, select a proposal and award a contract to a responsible proposer for the adaptive reuse of former jail facilities under an alternative contracting procedure. The award of a contract for the adaptive reuse of former jail facilities need not be awarded to the lowest bidder.
"Adaptive reuse." The alteration, renovation, remodeling, modification or reconstruction of former jail facilities for reuse as courtrooms, office space or such other facilities and uses as the board of commissioners shall from time to time deem necessary and appropriate.
"Alternative contracting procedure." A procedure under which a proposer would be responsible for all aspects or phases necessary to achieve the development of a parcel of property. Such aspects or phases of development shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the planning, design, finance, construction and management of property. The term " alternative contracting procedure" shall be similar in all respects to the commonly understood term in the real estate development and construction industry known as a "turnkey."
"Former jail facilities." A building or group of buildings with related facilities owned by a county of the second class which are more than one hundred years old and which were previously used as jail facilities.
"Proposer." A firm, organization or company or a combination of firms, organizations or companies acting as a partnership, joint venture, consortium or similar joint relationship with sufficient knowledge, expertise and experience in the areas of architectural design, construction, financing of real estate development or construction and real estate management.
16 P.S. § 5001