66 Pa. C.S. § 3014

Current through Pa Acts 2024-53, 2024-56 through 2024-64
Section 3014 - Network modernization plans
(a) Continuation of approved plan.--A local exchange telecommunications company that does not elect an option under subsection (b) shall remain subject to its network modernization plan in effect as of December 31, 2003, without revision or modification except by agreement under section 3013(b) (relating to continuation of commission-approved alternative regulation and network modernization plans) and as provided in this section through December 31, 2015.
(b) Options for amendment of network modernization plan.--Local exchange telecommunications companies shall have the following options:
(i) A rural telecommunications carrier that elects to amend its network modernization plan pursuant to this subsection shall remain subject to the carrier's network modernization plan in effect as of December 31, 2003, as amended pursuant to this subsection, through December 31, 2008. Prior to implementation of such election, the rural telecommunications carrier shall comply with the notification requirements of subsection (e).
(ii) The rural telecommunications carrier shall commit to accelerate 100% broadband availability by December 31, 2008, in its amended network modernization plan. Any rural telecommunications carrier electing this option shall not be required to offer a bona fide retail request program or a business attraction or retention program.
(i) A rural telecommunications carrier that elects to amend its network modernization plan pursuant to this subsection shall remain subject to the carrier's network modernization plan in effect as of December 31, 2003, as amended pursuant to this subsection, through December 31, 2013, or December 31, 2015, as applicable. Prior to implementation of such election, the rural telecommunications carrier shall comply with the notification requirements of subsection (e).
(ii) The rural telecommunications carrier shall commit:
(A) to accelerate broadband availability to at least 80% of its total retail access lines in its distribution network by December 31, 2010, and 100% of its total retail access lines in its distribution network by December 31, 2013; or
(B) to accelerate broadband availability to at least 80% of its total retail access lines in its distribution network by December 31, 2010, and 100% of its total retail access lines in its distribution network by December 31, 2015; and
(C) to offer a bona fide retail request program and a business attraction or retention program pursuant to subsections (c) and (d). Under no circumstances may the rural telecommunications carrier reduce its existing broadband availability commitment.
(i) A nonrural telecommunications carrier that elects to amend its network modernization plan pursuant to this subsection shall remain subject to such carrier's network modernization plan in effect as of December 31, 2003, as amended pursuant to this subsection, including meeting its 100% broadband availability commitment. Prior to implementation of such election, the nonrural telecommunications carrier shall comply with the notification requirements of subsection (e).
(ii) The nonrural telecommunications carrier shall commit:
(A) to provide broadband availability to 100% of its total retail access lines in its distribution network by December 31, 2013, or December 31, 2015; and
(B) to offer a bona fide retail request program and a business attraction or retention program pursuant to subsections (c) and (d). Under no circumstances may such nonrural telecommunications carrier reduce its existing broadband availability commitment.
(4) A local exchange telecommunications company that elects under paragraph (1), (2) or (3) shall also commit to universal broadband deployment in or adjacent to public rights-of-way abutting all public schools, including the administration offices supporting public schools, industrial parks and health care facilities in its service territory on or before December 31, 2005, except that a local exchange telecommunications company serving more than ten exchanges in this Commonwealth may elect to extend this commitment from December 31, 2005, to December 31, 2006, for any exchange with less than 4,000 access lines.
(5) A local exchange telecommunications company that elects under paragraph (1), (2) or (3) may amend its network modernization plan to extend the period of time within which broadband service must be made available to a customer to up to ten business days after the customer's request for broadband service.
(6) A local exchange telecommunications company operating under an amended network modernization plan may subsequently petition the commission for approval of further modification of its amended network modernization plan, which the commission may grant upon good cause shown.
(7) A rural telecommunications carrier serving less than 50,000 access lines in this Commonwealth making an election pursuant to paragraph (1) and filing its amended network modernization plan with the commission pursuant to subsection (e) shall be granted by the commission a suspension of section 251(c)(2), (3), (4), (5) and (6) obligations under the Telecommunications Act of 1996. This suspension of obligations shall expire December 31, 2008, unless extended by the commission. Should the commission, following a hearing, determine that the rural telecommunications carrier has failed to timely meet its commitments pursuant to this paragraph, the suspension of obligations shall expire upon entry of the commission order making such determination. Expiration of the suspension of obligations shall not impact the rural telephone company exemption of the rural telecommunications carrier undersection 251(f)(1) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
(8) A local exchange telecommunications company may accelerate its broadband availability commitment by electing an additional option pursuant to paragraph (1), (2) or (3), as applicable, at a later date. The local exchange telecommunications company shall be subject to the applicable modified inflation offset in its price stability mechanism as set forth in section 3015(a)(1) (relating to alternative forms of regulation) effective upon the filing of an amended network modernization plan under subsection (e).
(c) Bona fide retail request program.--A local exchange telecommunications company that elects to amend its network modernization plan pursuant to subsection (b)(2) or (3) shall no later than 90 days after the effective date of its amended plan implement a bona fide retail request program in areas where it does not provide broadband. Not later than 30 days in advance of program implementation, the local exchange telecommunications company shall file with the commission and provide the department with a written description of the program, a sample request for advanced services form for use in the program and the form of any advanced services term subscription agreements customers will be required to execute in connection with receiving the requested services. A bona fide retail request program shall consist of the following:
(1) Any person, business, local development district, industrial development agency or other entity seeking advanced services pursuant to a bona fide retail request program shall submit a written request for such services to the local exchange telecommunications company or to the department in accordance with subsection (d). The written request may be in the form of a petition which includes the information required by paragraph (2), in the form provided by the department under subsection (d) which includes the information required by paragraph (2) or in the form of individual requests each of which includes the information required by paragraph (2). If individual requests are received, the local exchange telecommunications company shall aggregate requests for the same service and initiate appropriate action pursuant to this subsection when the required number of requests have been received.
(2) To be considered a bona fide retail request, the written request must include:
(i) a request that a minimum of 50 retail access lines or 25% of retail access lines within a community, whichever is less, each be provided the same advanced service or comparable advanced services having a bandwidth within 100 kilobits per second (Kbps) of each other. Notwithstanding the foregoing comparable bandwidth limitation, where a request includes individual customer requests for advanced services having equal to or less than 1.544 megabits per second (Mbps) bandwidth in the downstream direction, all lines in the request shall be counted in meeting the minimum line requirement of this subparagraph;
(ii) the name, address, telephone number and signature of each existing retail customer requesting the advanced service, the advanced service being requested and the number of access lines for which the advanced service is being requested;
(iii) the name, address and telephone number of a designated contact person where the request is made by or on behalf of more than one person or business; and
(iv) a commitment by each customer who signs the request to subscribe to the requested service for one year, subject to the local exchange telecommunications company's identification of the price and terms of the service and the customer's agreement to the price and terms.
(3) In administering the bona fide retail request program, the local exchange telecommunications company shall:
(i) establish an Internet website and toll-free telephone number to address customer inquiries regarding the program;
(ii) mail a request form to a customer upon request;
(iii) confirm its receipt of any completed request in writing to the customer and identify the service requested;
(iv) as part of the written confirmation, if available, or in a subsequent written communication to the customer, provide the customer the applicable rate, the contract term, the status of the request and a term subscription agreement for execution; and
(v) notify the customers in a community, within 30 days of receipt of a bona fide request, of the expected date of the availability of the requesters' service.
(4) When a bona fide retail request has been received that meets the requirements of paragraph (2), the local exchange telecommunications company shall provide the requested advanced service, or other reasonably comparable service having a bandwidth within 100 kilobits per second (Kbps) of the requested service, to the community as soon as practicable, but in no event later than 365 days of the date the requirements of paragraph (2) have been met or within the period approved by the commission under paragraph (5) or (6) where:
(i) the local exchange telecommunications company provides the requested advanced service to other customers in its service territory;
(ii) no service is available to the requesting customers from an alternative service provider at or within 100 kilobits per second (Kbps) of the data speed requested or such service is available at a price that exceeds the then current price offered by the local exchange telecommunications company by more than 50%;
(iii) the community is situated within the service territory of the local exchange telecommunications company; and
(iv) the local exchange telecommunications company does not have to provide fiber to the customer's premises to furnish the requested advanced service.
(5) Where, as a result of property acquisition, including acquiring rights-of-way, or new construction, a local exchange telecommunications company is unable to provide the requested advanced service within the one-year period set forth in paragraph (4), the company may petition the commission for an extension of up to six months, with service upon the customer or customers who made the bona fide retail request and the department if the department submitted the request on behalf of the customer or customers. The commission may delegate its authority to rule on such petitions to a bureau director or other appropriate employee who shall grant the petition for good cause shown.
(6) Where the total number of bona fide retail requests received by any local exchange telecommunications company or affiliated companies that meet the requirements of paragraphs (2) and (4) exceed 40 requests in any 12-month period or where there are more than 20 such requests that require property acquisition, including acquiring rights-of-way, or new construction in any 12-month period, the local exchange telecommunications company or companies may provide a verified certification to the commission that one or both of the previously stated criteria are met, with service upon the customer or customers who made the additional requests and upon the department if the department submitted any such requests. Upon receipt of the certification, the commission or the commission through its designated staff shall permit the local exchange telecommunications company or companies to extend the time for such deployments for a period of no more than 12 months unless the commission determines an additional time period to be just and reasonable. If a deployment is extended, it shall be counted in determining the maximum number of deployments provided for under this subsection in any 12-month period covering the month to which it is extended.
(7) No advanced service requested and deployed by a local exchange telecommunications company under the bona fide retail request program which has a bandwidth of less than 1.544 megabits per second (Mbps) in the downstream direction shall be counted as a credit toward the local exchange telecommunications company's broadband deployment obligation under its network modernization plan amended pursuant to subsection (b)(2) or (3).
(8) With regard to requests submitted under this subsection, a retail customer may challenge the action of a local exchange telecommunications company pursuant to section 701 (relating to complaints).
(9) Local exchange telecommunications companies with bona fide retail request programs shall provide semiannual reports to the commission and the department of the number of requests for advanced services received during the reporting period by exchange or density cell and the action taken on requests meeting the requirements of this subsection.
(10) A local exchange telecommunication company's bona fide retail request program established under this subsection shall continue through December 31, 2015, or such earlier date as the local exchange telecommunications company achieves 100% broadband availability throughout its service territory.
(11) In addition to adjudicating any complaints brought by customers under paragraph (8), the commission shall monitor and enforce the compliance of participating local exchange telecommunications companies with their obligations under this subsection.
(d) Business attraction or retention program.--
(1) Not later than 90 days after amending its network modernization plan under subsection (b)(2) or (3), the local exchange telecommunications company shall establish a business attraction or retention program to permit the department to aggregate customer demand where necessary and facilitate the deployment of advanced or broadband services to qualifying businesses which the department seeks to attract to or retain in this Commonwealth and whose requests for such services are submitted by or through the department.
(2) Each local exchange telecommunications company which amends its network modernization plan under subsection (b)(2) or (3) not later than 90 days after the effective date of its amended plan shall designate a single point of contact to receive all written advanced or broadband service requests forwarded by the department, provide associated contact information to the department and provide the department and the commission with a written description of its participation in the program and a sample request for advanced or broadband services form for use in the program.
(3) The department may submit a request to the applicable local exchange telecommunications company by or on behalf of qualifying businesses in areas that the department deems priority areas for economic development, including and giving preference to keystone opportunity zones, keystone opportunity expansion zones, enterprise zones, keystone opportunity improvement zones and other areas identified by the department as lacking adequate access to advanced or broadband services which would be important in order to promote economic development projects in those areas.
(4) The department shall establish an advisory committee that shall consist of representatives of each local exchange telecommunications company with a business attraction or retention program, local development districts and other local economic and industrial development agencies to assist the department in developing protocols and procedures for implementing these programs pursuant to this subsection.
(5) Qualifying business or businesses' requests for advanced services submitted by the department that are provisioned through the bona fide retail request program shall be processed in accordance with subsection (c) and shall be allocated 50% of the maximum number of annual deployments referenced in subsection (c)(6). Other requests shall be allocated 50% of the number of such deployments, provided, however, that any allocated deployments that are unused may be utilized by the department or nondepartment applicants, as applicable.
(6) For qualifying business or businesses whose request for advanced services is determined by the local exchange telecommunications company to be better processed outside of the bona fide retail request program, the local exchange telecommunications company shall make a proposal to the requesting business or businesses to provide the requested advanced or broadband service and subsequently shall provision such service. The local exchange telecommunications company shall advise the department and the business or businesses within 30 days of the date the contract is signed of the date by which the requested advanced or broadband service will be provided, which date shall be not later than one year after the date the contract is signed unless the business or businesses agree to a longer period or the local exchange telecommunications company obtains commission approval of an extension under the same procedure set forth in subsection (c)(5).
(7) No advanced service requested of and deployed by a local exchange telecommunications company under the Business Attraction or Retention Program which has a bandwidth of less than 1.544 megabits per second (Mbps) in the downstream direction shall be counted as a credit toward the local exchange telecommunication company's broadband deployment obligation under its network modernization plan amended under subsection (b)(2) or (3).
(8) Each local exchange telecommunications company which is required to participate in the department's Business Attraction or Retention Program shall continue its participation through December 31, 2015, or such earlier date as it achieves 100% broadband availability throughout its service territory.
(9) The department shall oversee local exchange telecommunications company participation in the Business Attraction or Retention Program, including the timely completion of qualifying advanced or broadband services requests submitted by or through the department which are processed within or outside of the participating local exchange telecommunications companies' bona fide retail request programs.
(10) The commission shall monitor and enforce the compliance of participating local exchange telecommunications companies with their obligations under the Business Attraction or Retention Program.
(e) Notice of filing of amendments.--A local exchange telecommunications company that elects to amend its network modernization plan under subsection (b) shall notify the commission in writing of such election and, within 60 days following such notification, file its amended network modernization plan with the commission. Copies of the written notice of election and of the amended network modernization plan shall be served by the local exchange telecommunications company on the Office of Consumer Advocate and the Office of Small Business Advocate. Concurrent with the filing of the amended plan with the commission, the local exchange telecommunications company shall publish notice of such filing in a newspaper or newspapers of general circulation in its service territory or by bill message or insert. An amended plan compliant with the requirements of this chapter shall be approved by the commission within 100 days of its filing. If the commission fails to act within 100 days, the amended plan shall be deemed approved.
(f) Network modernization plan report.--
(1) A local exchange telecommunications company operating under a network modernization plan shall continue to file with the commission biennial reports on its provision of broadband availability in the form and detail required by the commission as of July 1, 2004, unless such reporting requirements are subsequently reduced by the commission.
(2) Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to impede the ability of the commission to require the submission of further information to support the accuracy of or to seek an explanation of the reports specified in this subsection.
(3) Under no circumstances shall the commission compel the public release of maps or other information describing the actual location of a local exchange telecommunications company's facilities.
(g) Assistance to political subdivisions.--A local exchange telecommunications company shall commit in its amended network modernization plan to make technical assistance available to political subdivisions located in its service territory in pursuing the deployment of additional telecommunications infrastructure or services by the local exchange telecommunications company.
(h) Prohibition against political subdivision advanced and broadband services deployment.--
(1) Except as otherwise provided for under paragraph (2), a political subdivision or any entity established by a political subdivision may not provide to the public for compensation any telecommunications services, including advanced and broadband services, within the service territory of a local exchange telecommunications company operating under a network modernization plan.
(2) A political subdivision may offer advanced or broadband services if the political subdivision has submitted a written request for the deployment of such service to the local exchange telecommunications company serving the area and, within two months of receipt of the request, the local exchange telecommunications company or one of its affiliates has not agreed to provide the data speeds requested. If the local exchange telecommunications company or one of its affiliates agrees to provide the data speeds requested, then it must do so within 14 months of receipt of the request.
(3) The prohibition in paragraph (1) shall not be construed to preclude the continued provision or offering of telecommunications services by a political subdivision of the same type and scope as were being provided on the effective date of this section.
(i) Broadband Outreach and Aggregation Program.--
(1) The department shall establish a Broadband Outreach and Aggregation Program for the purpose of making expenditures and providing grants from the Broadband Outreach and Aggregation Fund established under section 3015(c) (relating to alternative forms of regulation) for:
(i) Outreach programs for political subdivisions, economic development entities, schools, health care facilities, businesses and residential customers concerning the benefits, use and procurement of broadband services; and
(ii) Seed grants to aggregate customer demand for broadband services in communities or political subdivisions with limited access to such services and to permit customers in such communities or political subdivisions to request such services from a telecommunications provider.
(2) The department shall annually report to the commission on all payments to and expenditures from the Broadband Outreach and Aggregation Fund, and the commission shall verify the accuracy of the contributions from the participating local exchange telecommunications companies.
(j) Education Technology Program.--
(1) The Department of Education shall establish an Education Technology Program for the purpose of providing grants to school entities from the Education Technology Fund (E-Fund) established under section 3015(d).
(2) The Department of Education shall authorize grants from the E-Fund for the following purposes:
(i) Purchase or lease of telecommunications services, infrastructure or facilities to establish and support broadband networks between, among and within school entities and not for the provision of telecommunications services to the public for compensation.
(ii) Purchase or lease of premises telecommunications network equipment and end-user equipment to enable the effective use of broadband networks between, among and within school entities and not for the provision of telecommunications services to the public for compensation.
(iii) Distance learning initiatives that use the foregoing broadband networks.
(iv) Technical support services for the activities described in subparagraphs (i) through (iii).
(3) Each applicant school entity shall be required to provide 100% matching funds to support each E-Fund grant request. Funds received from Federal technology programs such as the universal service support mechanism for schools and libraries set forth in 47 CFR Pt. 54 (relating to universal service or successor regulations), in-kind contributions and any other technology expenditures shall be applied toward the matching fund requirement.
(4) No later than 90 days after the effective date of this section, the Department of Education shall prescribe the grant process and the form and manner of the E-Fund application. Grants shall be limited to the funds available in the Education Technology Fund. In awarding grants, the Department of Education shall give priority to applications:
(i) that are submitted by school entities that seek funds for discounted broadband services under subsection (l) or for broadband infrastructure, facilities or equipment from local exchange telecommunications companies which contribute to the E-Fund;
(ii) that seek funds for regional networks that serve multiple school districts which are filed on behalf of multiple school districts and school entities; or
(iii) that are submitted by school entities that do not have broadband service, provided, however, that nothing in this subsection shall preclude the department from awarding funds to school entities for telecommunications services, infrastructure or facilities that provide bandwidths greater than 1.544 megabits per second (Mbps).

The Department of Education shall assure that the applications funded each year are geographically dispersed throughout the Commonwealth.

(k) Balanced deployment.--A local exchange telecommunications company shall reasonably balance deployment of its broadband network between rural, urban and suburban areas within its service territory, as those areas are applicable, in accordance with its approved network modernization plan.
(l) Broadband discounts to schools.--Each local exchange telecommunications company that elects to amend its network modernization plan pursuant to this section:
(1) Shall offer school customers which meet the eligibility standards described in 47 CFR 54.501 (relating to eligibility for services provided by telecommunications carriers) and which agree to enter into a minimum three-year contract a 30% discount, or greater discount at the local exchange telecommunications company's discretion, in the otherwise applicable distance-sensitive per-mile rate element and also will waive the associated nonrecurring charges for available intrastate broadband services where used for educational purposes and not for the provision of telecommunications services to the public for compensation. The discount or waiver shall not be required where application of it to a particular service would conflict with applicable law.
(2) Will assist school customers in applying for e-rate funding under 47 CFR 54.505 (relating to discounts).
(m) Inventory of available services.--
(1) The department shall compile, periodically update and publish, including at its Internet website, a listing of advanced and broadband services, by general location, available from all advanced and broadband service providers operating in this Commonwealth irrespective of the technology used.
(2) All providers of advanced and broadband services shall cooperate with the department.
(3) The department may not disclose maps or other information describing the specific location of any telecommunications carrier's or alternative service provider's facilities.
(n) Construction.--Nothing in this section shall be construed:
(1) As giving the commission the authority to require a local exchange telecommunications company to provide specific services or to deploy a specific technology to retail customers seeking broadband or advanced services.
(2) As prohibiting a local exchange telecommunications company from participating in joint ventures with other entities in meeting its advanced services and broadband deployment commitments under its network modernization plan.

66 Pa.C.S. § 3014

2004, Nov. 30, P.L. 1398, No. 183, § 2.