12 Pa. C.S. § 6202

Current through Pa Acts 2024-53, 2024-56 through 2024-64
Section 6202 - Definitions

The following words and phrases when used in this chapter shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:


(1) A person who buys, hires or leases a motor vehicle under an installment sale contract or a legal successor in interest to the person, even if the person may have entered into an extension, deferment, renewal or other revision of the contract.
(2) The term includes a person who as surety, endorser, guarantor or otherwise is liable on an obligation created by a buyer under an installment sale contract.

"Collateral security."

(1) Security, other than a security interest in a motor vehicle, which is the subject of an installment sale contract and given to secure performance of an obligation of a buyer or the buyer's surety or guarantor under an installment sale contract or an extension, deferment, renewal or other revision of the contract.
(2) The term includes the following:
(i) The undertakings of a surety or guarantor for a buyer.
(ii) An interest in, encumbrance on or pledge of real or personal property other than the motor vehicle that is the subject of an installment sale contract.


(1) A person who, as an independent contractor and not as a regular employee of an installment seller or a sales finance company, collects payments on installment sale contracts or repossesses motor vehicles that are the subject of installment sale contracts.
(2) The term excludes the following:
(i) A duly constituted public official or an attorney-at-law acting in an official capacity.
(ii) A licensed seller or licensed sales finance company making collections or repossessions on installment sale contracts, if the seller or sales finance company:
(A) was previously a holder; or
(B) was not a holder but occasionally makes collections or repossessions for other licensed sellers or licensed sales finance companies.

"Commercial purpose." A purpose related to the production, exhibition, marketing, transportation, processing or manufacture of goods or services.

"Debt cancellation agreement." A contractual arrangement in which a person agrees to pay all or part of a buyer's obligation to repay an extension of credit from a holder upon the occurrence of a specified event.

"Debt suspension agreement." A contractual arrangement in which a person agrees to pay for a specific period of time all or part of a buyer's obligation to repay an extension of credit from a holder upon the occurrence of a specified event.

"Down payment." Partial payments made in cash or otherwise and received by or for the benefit of an installment seller prior to or substantially contemporaneous with either the execution of an installment sale contract or the delivery of the items sold under the contract, whichever occurs later.

"Finance charge." Either of the following:

(1) The amount of the consideration in excess of the purchase price, which a buyer is required to pay to an installment seller for:
(i) the privilege of purchasing a motor vehicle under an installment sale contract; or
(ii) the credit extended by the seller to the buyer in conjunction with the sale of a motor vehicle under an installment sale contract.
(2) The difference between the cash sale price of the motor vehicle and the time balance, exclusive of insurance charges, late charges and other charges that are necessary or incidental to an installment sale and specifically authorized by this chapter to be included in an installment sale contract.

"Heavy commercial motor vehicle." A new or used motor vehicle, excluding a recreational vehicle, that is:

(1) a truck or truck tractor having a manufacturer's gross vehicular weight of 13,000 pounds or more; or
(2) a semitrailer or trailer designed for use in combination with a truck or truck tractor.

"Holder." An installment seller or a sales finance company with the rights of the installment seller under the installment sale contract.

"Installment sale contract."

(1) A contract for the retail sale of a motor vehicle, or a contract that has a similar purpose or effect, whether or not the installment seller has retained a security interest in the motor vehicle or has taken collateral security for a buyer's obligation, if:
(i) all or part of the purchase price is payable in two or more scheduled payments subsequent to the making of the contract; or
(ii) a buyer undertakes to make two or more scheduled payments or deposits that may be used to pay all or part of the purchase price.
(2) The term includes any form of contract, however nominated, for the bailment or leasing of a motor vehicle, which contains both of the following, or any other arrangement having a similar purpose or effect:
(i) The buyer contracts to pay as compensation a sum substantially equivalent to or in excess of the value of the motor vehicle.
(ii) Ownership of the motor vehicle may be transferred to the buyer.
(3) The term includes and applies to an extension, deferment, renewal or other revision of the installment sale contract.
(4) The term excludes the following:
(i) A sale or contract for sale upon an open book account, if both of the following conditions are met:
(A) The installment seller has not retained or taken a security interest in the motor vehicle sold or a collateral security for the buyer's obligation.
(B) The buyer:
(I) is not required to pay a sum other than the purchase price of the motor vehicle sold in connection with the sale or extension of credit; and
(II) is obligated to pay for the motor vehicle in full within 90 days from the time the sale or contract for sale was made.
(ii) A right to acquire possession of goods under a lease, unless the lease:
(A) constitutes a security interest as defined in 13 Pa.C.S. § 1201 (relating to general definitions); and
(B) is subject to 13 Pa.C.S. Div. 9 (relating to secured transactions).

"Installment seller." A person engaged in the business of selling, hiring or leasing a motor vehicle under an installment sale contract or a legal successor in interest to the person.

"Insurance charges." Premiums, commissions and other payments authorized by insurance statutes or regulations of this Commonwealth.

"Licensee." A person who has been issued a license as an installment seller, a sales finance company or a collector-repossessor under this chapter, which license has not expired and has not been surrendered or revoked.

"Manufactured home." The term includes both of the following:

(1) A manufactured home as it is defined under section 603(6) of the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-383, 42 U.S.C. § 5402(6)).
(2) A mobile home as defined in 75 Pa.C.S. § 102 (relating to definitions).

"Mobility vehicle." As defined in section 2 of the act of December 22, 1983 (P.L.306, No.84), known as the Board of Vehicles Act.

"Motor vehicle."

(1) A device in which, upon which or by which a person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a public highway.
(2) The term includes a trailer, semitrailer, manufactured home, recreational vehicle and mobility vehicle.
(3) The term excludes the following:
(i) A tractor, a power shovel, road machinery, agricultural machinery and other machinery not designed primarily for highway transportation, but which may incidentally transport persons or property on a public highway.
(ii) A device that moves upon or is guided by a track or travels through the air.

"Principal amount financed." The unpaid purchase price balance plus the following:

(1) The charges for any insurance required or obtained as security for or by reason of the sale of a motor vehicle under an installment sale contract.(2) Other costs or charges necessary or incidental to the sale of the motor vehicle under an installment sale contract.
(3) Amounts representing payment of a prior credit or lease balance to discharge a security interest, lien or lease interest on a motor vehicle or other property traded or returned.

"Purchase price." The price measured in dollars at which an installment seller would in good faith sell to a buyer, and the buyer would in good faith buy from the seller, a motor vehicle that is the subject matter of an installment sale contract, if the sale were a cash sale instead of an installment sale.

"Recreational vehicle." As defined in section 2 of the act of December 22, 1983 (P.L.306, No.84), known as the Board of Vehicles Act.

"Retail sale." The sale of a motor vehicle for the buyer's use or another's use from which the buyer derives a benefit or satisfaction.

"Sales finance company."

(1) A person engaged as principal, agent or broker in the business of financing or soliciting the financing of an installment sale contract made between other parties.
(2) The term includes the following:
(i) A person in the business of acquiring, investing in or lending money or credit on the security of an installment sale contract or any interest in the contract, whether by discount, purchase or assignment of the contract, or otherwise.
(ii) An installment seller, whether or not licensed under this chapter, who finances an installment sale contract for another seller or a sales finance company.
(3) The term excludes a person to the extent that the person is exempt under section 6229(e) (relating to transfer).

"Security interest." A security interest as provided by 13 Pa.C.S. D iv. 9 (relating to secured transactions).

"Service contract." A written contract, optional on the part of a buyer, to perform over a fixed period of time or for a specified duration services regarding the maintenance or repair of a motor vehicle.

"Time balance." The sum of the principal amount financed and the finance charge.

"Unpaid purchase price balance." The difference between the purchase price and the down payment.


(1) Either of the following, which becomes part of the basis of the bargain between a buyer and an installment seller for purposes other than resale:
(i) A written declaration of fact or written promise made in connection with the sale of a motor vehicle by an installment seller or manufacturer to a buyer that relates to the nature of the materials or workmanship regarding the motor vehicle and affirms or promises that the motor vehicle is free of defects or will meet a specified level of performance over a specified period of time.
(ii) Any undertaking in writing in connection with the sale of a motor vehicle by an installment seller or manufacturer to refund, repair, replace or take other remedial action with respect to the motor vehicle if the motor vehicle fails to meet the specifications set forth in the undertaking.
(2) The term excludes a service contract and an extended warranty with the characteristics of a service contract.

12 Pa.C.S. § 6202

Added by P.L. 1081 2013 No. 98, § 4, eff. 11/27/2014.