ORS § 184.404

Current through 2024 Regular Session legislation effective June 6, 2024
Section 184.404 - Grant agreements; obligations of state
(1) The Director of the Oregon Department of Administrative Services, with the approval of the State Treasurer, may enter into one or more agreements on behalf of the State of Oregon to grant the incremental baseball tax revenues for a period of not more than 30 years. The grant agreements must:
(a) Provide that the granted amounts may be used only to pay for the costs of financing, developing, constructing and furnishing a major league stadium;
(b) Provide that:
(A) The total payments to the grantees are limited so that the grantees do not receive, in the aggregate, more than $150 million for costs of developing, constructing and furnishing a major league stadium, plus the actual, reasonable financing costs incurred by the grantees for that amount; and
(B) If the incremental baseball tax revenues in a year substantially exceed the amount reasonably required to amortize a loan of $150 million over a period of 30 years with interest, the excess may be retained by the state;
(c) Terminate when:
(A) The State of Oregon has made all payments assigned to the state in the grant agreements for the costs allowed under this subsection; and
(B) The grantees have returned any amounts required to be returned under paragraph (i) of this subsection;
(d) Require the Director of the Department of Revenue to estimate incremental baseball tax revenues, specify the methodology for estimating incremental baseball tax revenues and notify the Director of the Oregon Department of Administrative Services of the estimated incremental baseball tax revenues;
(e) Specify the methodology for determining actual incremental baseball tax revenues;
(f) Require the Director of the Oregon Department of Administrative Services to request that the Legislative Assembly appropriate an amount equal to the estimated incremental baseball tax revenues from the General Fund to the Major League Stadium Grant Fund established in ORS 184.408 so that those moneys may be disbursed under the grant agreements authorized by this section;
(g) Require the Director of the Department of Revenue to determine the actual incremental baseball tax revenues and, if the actual incremental baseball tax revenues exceed the estimated incremental baseball tax revenues, notify the Director of the Oregon Department of Administrative Services of the excess;
(h) Require the Director of the Oregon Department of Administrative Services, if notified of an excess under paragraph (g) of this subsection, to request that the Legislative Assembly appropriate an amount equal to the excess, adjusted for the limits and retentions described in paragraph (b) of this subsection, from the General Fund to the Major League Stadium Grant Fund so that those moneys may be disbursed under the grant agreements authorized by this section;
(i) Require the grantees to return to the Director of the Oregon Department of Administrative Services for deposit in the General Fund amounts transferred to the grantees from the Major League Stadium Grant Fund that exceed the actual incremental baseball tax revenues;
(j) Provide that the amounts requested for appropriations may not be reduced because of any reduction that may be enacted in Oregon personal income tax rates;
(k) Require the Director of the Oregon Department of Administrative Services to disburse amounts in the Major League Stadium Grant Fund to the grantees on particular dates;
(l) Provide assurances of full and fair participation in the construction, furnishing and operation of the major league stadium by minority-owned businesses, woman-owned businesses, veteran-owned businesses and emerging small businesses;
(m) Provide for the maximization of economic benefits for Oregon workers in the construction, furnishing and operation of the major league stadium to the greatest extent permitted by law; and
(n) Require the State of Oregon and the grantees to take any other action that the State Treasurer, the Director of the Oregon Department of Administrative Services or the Director of the Department of Revenue determines is desirable to ensure that:
(A) The granted funds are used for the purposes described in ORS 184.400 to 184.408;
(B) The grant agreements are administered efficiently and the interests of the State of Oregon are protected; and
(C) The requests for appropriation of amounts equal to the incremental baseball tax revenues are made as described in ORS 184.400 to 184.408.
(2) The obligation of the State of Oregon, under ORS 184.400 to 184.408 and the grant agreements authorized by this section, to transfer estimated or actual incremental baseball tax revenues to the Major League Stadium Grant Fund is subject to an appropriation being made for that purpose by the Legislative Assembly. The State of Oregon is not liable to any party for any reason if the Legislative Assembly fails to appropriate all or a portion of the amounts requested under subsection (1)(f) and (h) of this section to the Major League Stadium Grant Fund. However, if the Legislative Assembly does appropriate amounts for deposit in the Major League Stadium Grant Fund and those amounts are deposited in the Major League Stadium Grant Fund pursuant to the grant agreements authorized by this section, the obligation of the State of Oregon to disburse the amounts in the Major League Stadium Grant Fund is unconditional. The grant agreements authorized by this section are not a pledge of the full faith and credit or the taxing power of the State of Oregon, and the State of Oregon does not pledge its full faith and credit or taxing power. The grant agreements do not create an indebtedness of the State of Oregon in violation of Article XI, section 7, of the Oregon Constitution. If a provision of a grant agreement is construed to have the effect of creating a debt in violation of Article XI, section 7, of the Oregon Constitution, the provision is void.
(3) The Legislative Assembly does not have a legal obligation to appropriate any amounts for disbursement under the grant agreements authorized by this section. However, the Legislative Assembly declares its current intention to appropriate amounts equal to the estimated incremental baseball tax revenues and amounts equal to the amount by which the actual incremental baseball tax revenues exceed the estimated incremental baseball tax revenues from the General Fund to the Major League Stadium Grant Fund, as provided in ORS 184.400 to 184.408, so that the amounts may be disbursed pursuant to the grant agreements authorized by this section.
(4) Before commencing negotiations on a grant agreement authorized by this section, the Oregon Department of Administrative Services shall obtain one or more agreements from benefited parties to pay the state's costs associated with negotiating and executing the grant agreement.

ORS 184.404

Amended by 2023 Ch. 497,§ 1, eff. 9/24/2023, op. 1/1/2024.
Amended by 2015 Ch. 565, § 11, eff. 6/25/2015, op. 1/1/2016.
2003 c. 808, § 2