Okla. Stat. tit. 68 § 2868

Current through Laws 2024, c. 453.
Section 2868 - Tax rolls - Preparation - Contents
A. As soon as practicable, and not later than October 1, the county assessor shall prepare tax rolls containing all adjustments by either the equalization board or the excise board which have been completed and provided to the assessor, and containing:
1. A list or lists in alphabetical order of all the persons and bodies corporate in whose name any personal or public service property has been assessed, with the assessed valuation thereof distinguished by separate amounts if located in more than one school district and by the number of each school district, each in a separate column opposite the name, and the total amount of the tax as to each school district location extended in another column. In city and town districts, distinction shall be made as to urban and rural locations;
2. A list or lists of all taxable lands in the county or school districts of the county, not including city or town lots, nor unplatted tracts of land inside a city or town, in numerical order, commencing with the lowest numbered section and the different subdivisions and fractional parts thereof in the lowest numbered township in the lowest numbered range in the county, and ending with the highest numbered section, township and range, with the number of the school district located in and the name of the owner in each instance, the assessed valuation of each tract, and the total amount of taxes extended in separate columns opposite each tract in the same manner as provided in the alphabetical list or lists of names; except where homestead exemptions are involved, then by distinctive valuations and amounts of tax as hereinafter provided; and
3. A list of the city or town lots in each city or town and the unplatted tracts in each city or town in the county, commencing with the lowest numbered section in the lowest numbered township in the lowest numbered range in the county and the different subdivisions and fractional parts thereof and ending with the highest numbered section, township and range, and the number of acres in each tract with the name of the owner in each instance, and the valuation and total tax extended in separate columns in the same manner as hereinbefore provided in respect to personal property and lands, except homesteads which shall be distinguished as provided for lands. Each lot shall be separately listed, except as hereinafter provided, and the valuation and tax separately extended thereon. Where one building or one set of improvements is situated on two or more lots or parts of lots so as to preclude distinction as to the value of improvements as to each such lot or parts of lots, such lots or parts of lots shall be listed together with one valuation, and the tax extended in one amount. Unless the owner otherwise elects, vacant lots valued and equalized at Ten Dollars ($10.00) or less per lot and belonging to the same owner may, if adjacent and lying within the same city or town block, be so listed with one valuation and the tax extended in one amount; and in either or any event where more than one lot or part of lot is listed under one valuation, the tax rolls shall disclose whether the same be vacant or improved. All additions to cities and towns shall be arranged in the tax rolls in alphabetical order immediately following the original townsite.
B. In applying the tax rate to determine the amount of tax due, the county assessor shall compute same to the nearest dollar, that is, any fraction of a dollar in the amount of fifty cents ($0.50) or less shall be disregarded, and any fraction of a dollar in the amount of fifty-one cents ($0.51) or more shall be shown as a full dollar. The total amount of the tax due and extended on the tax rolls, as required by this section, shall be determined and shown accordingly. Provided, however, in all cases where, under the tax rate, the tax is computed to be less than One Dollar ($1.00), then the tax due shall be shown as One Dollar ($1.00). Once the total amount of taxes due is calculated and extended onto the tax rolls, the amount of taxes due or value upon which the tax was assessed cannot be increased by a final judgment in any tax appeal filed pursuant to Section 2880.1 or Section 2881 of this title. The limitation on taxes due in the preceding sentence shall not apply in cases of omitted property.
C. Each property, whether lands or lots, lawfully exempted from taxation in whole or in part by reason of a homestead interest, shall be distinguished upon the tax rolls by the word "homestead" or an appropriate symbol, and opposite each of such properties shall be entered in separate columns the total assessed valuation, the value of the exemption allowed and approved and the assessed valuation after the amount of exemption allowed has been deducted. In extending the tax the county assessor shall, as to each such property, consolidate all levies to which the homestead exemption is subject, compute the tax thereon and enter the same in one column in one amount, and all the levies to which the valuation in excess of the homestead exemption is subject, compute the tax thereon and enter the same in another column in one amount.
D. All real property which is exempt from taxation shall be listed in the tax rolls, with the name of the owner, in all respects as if the same were taxable but with the reason for the exemption noted thereon across the columns where otherwise the tax would have been entered.
E. The county treasurer shall transfer to the tax rolls for the current year, in a separate column, all delinquent taxes remaining unpaid for the previous years, distinguishing the same as to each lot and tract of land by the year and amount of tax, exclusive of penalty, as to all real properties; and when giving a statement of taxes on any property, said statement shall include all taxes due and shall designate the sum due for the current year, and the sum past due and delinquent. Said transfer to the current rolls of unpaid real property tax of previous years is hereby declared to be mandatory; and the county treasurer shall be allowed not to exceed fifteen (15) days after the delivery to him of said current rolls within which to make such transfer, before he shall be required to open the same for the reception and collection of taxes and to begin the thirty-day nonpenalty-taxpaying period before delinquency.
F. The tax rolls shall be made up as required by and in the form prescribed by the State Auditor and Inspector and shall contain such other information as may be required by the State Auditor and Inspector.

Okla. Stat. tit. 68, § 2868

Amended by Laws 2015 , c. 263, s. 2, eff. 5/6/2015.
Added by Laws 1988, c. 162, § 68, eff. 1/1/1992. Amended by Laws 1992, c. 360, § 2, eff. 7/1/1992.