N.J. Stat. § 54:49-19

Current through L. 2024, c. 40.
Section 54:49-19 - Set off against contract payment tax; notification
a. Whenever any taxpayer under contract to provide goods or services to the State of New Jersey or its agencies or instrumentalities, and including the legislative and judicial branches of State government, or under contract for construction projects of the State of New Jersey or its agencies or instrumentalities, and including the legislative and judicial branches of State government, is entitled to payment for the goods or services or on that construction project and at the same time the taxpayer is indebted for any State tax, the Director of the Division of Taxation shall seek to set off so much of that payment as shall be necessary to satisfy the indebtedness. The director, in consultation with the Director of the Division of Budget and Accounting in the Department of the Treasury, shall establish procedures and methods to effect a set-off. The director shall give notice of the set-off to the taxpayer, the provider of goods or services or the contractor or subcontractor of construction projects and provide an opportunity for a hearing within 30 days of such notice under the procedures for protests established under R.S. 54:49-18, but no request for conference, protest, or subsequent appeal to the Tax Court from any protest under this section shall stay the collection of the indebtedness. No payment shall be made to the taxpayer, the provider of goods or services or the contractor or subcontractor of construction projects pending resolution of the indebtedness. Interest that may be payable by the State pursuant to P.L. 1987, c.184 (C.52:32-32 et seq.), to the taxpayer, the provider of goods and services or the contractor or subcontractor of construction projects shall be stayed.
b. The Department of the Treasury shall notify each provider of goods or services and contractor or subcontractor of a construction project under contract with the State, its agencies or instrumentalities in an amount of $500,000 or greater on the effective date of P.L. 1995, c.159 (C.54:49-19 et seq.) of the provisions of this section in writing within 30 days after its effective date. A contract entered into by the State, its agencies or instrumentalities with a provider of goods or services or a contractor or subcontractor of a construction project after the effective date of P.L. 1995, c.159 (C.54:49-19 et seq.) shall contain a notice of the provisions in this section.

N.J.S. § 54:49-19

L.1995, c.159, s.1.