N.J. Stat. § 40:56-80

Current through L. 2024, c. 62.
Section 40:56-80 - Annual report; costs of operation and maintenance and annual improvements; hearing on and approval of estimates; assessments; disposition of funds
a. Concurrently with the submission of a plan for a pedestrian mall improvement or special improvement district, and annually thereafter, the mayor or other chief executive officer of the municipality shall, with the assistance of the advisory board, if any, or district management corporation, if appropriate, report to the governing body an estimate of the cost of operating and maintaining and annually improving the pedestrian mall or special improvement district, as the case may be, for the next fiscal year, to be incurred under the plan, and an estimate of changes in the amounts of such costs which would follow upon the adoption of any addition or amendment to the plan recommended to or under consideration by the governing body. Such estimate shall be reasonably itemized and shall include a summary of the categories of cost properly chargeable as follows:
(1) The amount of such costs to be charged against the general funds of the municipality, which shall be that amount which the municipality would pay from its general funds for street maintenance and operation on a street of similar size and location, but not improved as a pedestrian mall or included in a special improvement district, as the case may be;
(2) The amount of costs to be charged and assessed against properties benefited in the district in proportion to benefits which shall be the aggregate of costs of annual improvements to be made in the district during the ensuing year;
(3) The amount of costs, if any, to be specially taxed against properties in the district.
b. The governing body shall receive and consider such estimate and the items of cost after such notice and hearing before it or its appropriate committee as it shall deem necessary or expedient, and shall approve the same, with such amendments thereto as it shall find necessary, and the amounts of each item of cost estimated shall be deemed appropriated and expendable to operate and maintain the pedestrian mall or special improvement district, as the case may be, during the ensuing fiscal year.
c. Each year, when the governing body shall have acted on the estimate of costs for the ensuing year, the municipal assessor shall prepare an assessment roll setting forth separately the amounts to be specially assessed against the benefited and assessable properties in the district, as recorded and listed in connection with the procedures prescribed by this act for the adoption of the pedestrian mall or special improvement district ordinance, in proportion to the benefits. Descriptions of such properties, and the names of the then current owners of such properties, so far as names are available, shall be included in each annual assessment roll. The assessment roll, when so prepared, shall be filed in the office of the municipal clerk and be there available for inspection. The governing body shall annually meet to consider objections to the amounts of such special assessments at least 10 days after a notice of hearing has been published once in the official newspaper and mailed to the named owners of all tracts, parcels and lots of property proposed to be assessed. The notice shall set forth the time and place of meeting, and set forth the purpose of such meeting, but may refer to the assessment roll for further particulars. When the governing body shall have approved the amounts of the special assessments set forth therein, or as may be changed by it, the municipal clerk shall forthwith certify a copy of the assessment roll, with such changes, if any, to the county tax board.
d. For the purpose of this section, "annual improvements" shall, with respect to pedestrian malls or special improvement districts, mean and include any reconstruction, replacement or repair of trees and plantings, furniture, shelters and other facilities of a pedestrian mall or special improvement district, furnishing overhead or underground heating for snow removal or for enjoyment of pedestrians, and any other local improvement which benefits properties within the district. For the purpose of this act, "costs" shall, with respect to annual improvements to and operation and maintenance of pedestrian malls or special improvement districts, mean costs of annual improvements; fees of consultants employed by the governing body to assist in the planning of annual improvements; and all other costs incurred or to be incurred in connection with annual improvements to and operation and maintenance of pedestrian malls or special improvement districts, as the case may be.
e. Moneys appropriated and collected on account of annual improvement costs, and costs of operating and maintaining a pedestrian mall or special improvement district shall be credited to a special account. The governing body is authorized to incur the annual costs of improving, operating and maintaining a pedestrian mall or special improvement district, as the case may be, during any fiscal year, though not specifically provided for by line item or other category in an approved estimate for such fiscal year, if in its discretion it shall be deemed necessary to provide for such annual improvements or operation or maintenance prior to the succeeding fiscal year and so long as the total amount of the account as approved for that year is not exceeded by that expenditure. Any balances to the credit of the account and remaining unexpended at the end of the fiscal year shall be conserved and applied towards the financial requirements of the succeeding year.

N.J.S. § 40:56-80

L.1972, c.134, s.16, eff. 8/17/1972; amended by L.1984, c.151, s.16, eff. 9/10/1984.