N.J. Stat. § 34:8-66

Current through L. 2024, c. 62.
Section 34:8-66 - Registration of prepaid computer job matching service or job listing service; annual fee; bond; contract; refund conditions; violations
a. Every prepaid computer job matching service or job listing service operating or providing services or products within this State shall, within 60 days following the effective date of this act and annually thereafter, register, in writing, with the chief on a form prescribed by regulation.
b. Each registration form shall state the service's name and fictitious or trade name used in its operation, each primary location, including street and street number of the building and place where its business is to be conducted, and the names and residence addresses of its principal owners or officers.
c. In addition to registering pursuant to this section, a prepaid computer matching service or job listing service shall notify the bureau in writing whenever it utilizes any location, including mobile units, other than its primary location for the provision of services or products to job seekers.
d. Every agent, duly authorized and empowered by the owner of the registered service to solicit business or otherwise act as an agent of the registered service, shall, within 60 days following the effective date of this act and annually thereafter, register, in writing, with the chief on a form prescribed by regulation.
e. The director shall establish by rule and collect an annual fee from service and agent registrants, which shall not be more than that paid by employment agencies or agents, to be used to the extent necessary to defray all expenses incurred by the bureau in the performance of its duties under this section.
f. Each service applicant shall at the time of its initial registration with the director and annually thereafter, post a bond in the amount of $10,000 with a duly authorized surety company as surety, to be approved by the director. The bond shall be retained by the chief until 90 days after either the expiration or revocation of the registration. The director shall promulgate rules and regulations setting forth the terms and conditions of this bond and supply the service applicant firm with an approved form.
g. Prior to the acceptance of a fee from a job seeker, a registered service shall provide the job seeker with a written contract which shall include the following:
(1) The name of the registered service and the address and telephone number of each primary or other location of the registered service providing the listing to the job seeker.
(2) Acknowledgement of receipt of the registered service's fee schedule.
(3) A description of the service or product to be performed or product to be provided by the registered service, including significant conditions, restrictions, and limitations where applicable.
(4) A description of the job seeker's specifications for the employment opportunity, including, but not limited to, the following:
(a) Type of job.
(b) Interests of job seeker.
(c) Qualifications of job seeker.
(d) Salary, benefits, and other conditions of employment.
(e) Location of job.
(5) The contract expiration date, which shall not be later than 90 days from the date of execution of the contract.
(6) A clause setting forth the right to a full refund of the fee paid in advance.
(7) The signature of the registered service's agent.
(8) The following statement, printed on the face of the contract in type no smaller than 10-point bold-faced type:

"This service is registered with the Bureau of Employment and Personnel Services of the State of New Jersey, (current address of bureau). Inquiries concerning your contract may be sent to this address."

(9) At the bottom of the contract a notice to the effect that the contract is the property of the job seeker and shall not be taken from the job seeker.
h. Every contract or receipt shall be made and numbered consecutively in original and duplicate, both to be signed by the job seeker and the service's agent. The original shall be given to the job seeker and the duplicate shall be kept on file at the service's primary location.
i. The form of contract proposed to be used by a registrant to effect compliance with this section shall be filed with the bureau prior to use. Any modification of a form previously filed with the bureau, including a change in the name or a primary location of the registered service, shall also be filed prior to use.
j. A registered service shall refund in full the advance fee paid by a job seeker if the service does not, within five calendar days after execution of the contract, supply at least three employment opportunities then available to the job seeker and meeting the specifications of the contract. A registered service will be deemed to have supplied information meeting the specifications of the job seeker if the information supplied meets the contract specifications with reference to:
(1) Name of employer and type of job;
(2) Interests of job seeker;
(3) Qualifications of job seeker;
(4) Salary, benefits, and other conditions of employment;
(5) Location of job; and
(6) Any other specification expressly set forth in the contract.

A demand for the return of the fee shall be made by or on behalf of the job seeker within 10 calendar days following the expiration of the five-day period referred to above by delivery or by registered or certified mail to the address of the office or location set forth in the contract.

k. A registered service shall refund any amount in excess of a $25 service charge to the job seeker if the job seeker does not obtain a job, provided that the job seeker demands a return of that part of the fee within 10 calendar days after the expiration of the contract.
l. If employment, once obtained, lasts less than 90 days, the fee paid shall be refunded as specified in subsection b. of section 10 of this act.
m. Each contract shall also contain refund provisions, approved by the bureau, which shall, unless different language is approved in writing by the bureau prior to use, read as follows:


If within five calendar days after payment of any advance fee, the registrant has not supplied the job seeker with at least three available employment opportunities meeting the specifications of the contract as to (1) name of the employer and type of job; (2) interest of job seeker; (3) qualifications of job seeker; (4) salary, benefits, and other conditions of employment; (5) location of job; and (6) any other specification expressly set forth in the contract, the full amount of the fee paid shall be refunded to the job seeker within 10 calendar days after the expiration of the five-day period."

If the job seeker does not obtain a job through the services of the registered service, any amount paid in fees in excess of a $25 service charge shall be refunded to the job seeker, upon demand by the job seeker made within 10 calendar days of the expiration of the contract.

n. Every registered service shall respond, in writing, within nine calendar days of receipt of any written complaint by a job seeker, stating the registered service's position with respect to that complaint. A copy of a job seeker's complaint and the response shall be kept in a separate file by the registered service for a period of one year after the date of the resolution of the complaint, or two years after the date of the complaint, whichever is later.
o. If a demand for refund is denied by a registered service, and if the denial is found to have been in bad faith or if the registered service fails to respond to a demand for a refund, a court in an action instituted by the job seeker shall award damages to the job seeker in an amount not to exceed $200.00 in addition to actual damages sustained by the job seeker, together with reasonable attorneys' fees, filing fees, and reasonable costs of suit. If the registered service refuses or is unable to pay the amount awarded by the court, the award may be satisfied out of the registered service's bond.
p. In addition to any act or practice in violation of P.L. 1960, c.39 (C.56:8-1 et seq.), it shall be a violation of this act for any registrant or its agent to:
(1) Make, or cause to be made, publish or cause to be published, any false, misleading, or deceptive advertisement or representations concerning the services or products that the registrant provides to job seekers; or
(2) Disseminate information to a job seeker knowing or recklessly disregarding information that:
(a) The job does not exist or the job seeker is not qualified for the job;
(b) The job has been described or advertised by or on behalf of the registered service in a false, misleading, or deceptive manner;
(c) The registrant has not confirmed the availability of the job at the time of dissemination of the information; or
(d) The registrant has not obtained written or oral permission to list the job from the employer or an authorized agent of the employer.
q. The director may refuse to issue, and may revoke, any registration for any failure to comply with, or any violation of, the provisions of this section or for any other good cause shown, within the meaning and purpose of this section. A refusal shall not be made except upon reasonable notice to, and opportunity to be heard by, the applicant or registrant as the case may be. The director instead of revoking any registration may suspend the registration for a period of time as determined to be proper, or assess a penalty in lieu of suspension, or both; and may issue a new registration notwithstanding the revocation of a prior registration provided that the applicant is found to have become entitled to the new registration.
r. Any person who fails to comply with the provisions of this section or rules and regulations promulgated by the director shall be subject to the provisions of sections 14 through 22 of this act.

N.J.S. § 34:8-66

L.1989, c.331, s.25.