N.J. Stat. § 32:1-35.9

Current through L. 2024, c. 62.
Section 32:1-35.9 - Condemnation proceedings

The powers hereinafter granted to the Port Authority to acquire real property by condemnation or the right of eminent domain shall be subject to the limitations set forth in section two hereof, and also to the following further limitations:

(a) Unless and until the State of New York otherwise provides by law, the Port Authority shall not have power to acquire real property in that State for air terminal purposes by condemnation or the right of eminent domain except for the purpose of making conditions, extensions and improvements to the three air terminals in New York City known as LaGuardia Airport, Idlewild Airport, (sometimes known as Major General Alexander E. Anderson Airport), and Floyd Bennett Airport, for the purpose of acquiring air rights or preventing or removing actual or potential hazards to air navigation within three miles of the runways at said air terminals as such runways may now or hereafter exist, and for the purpose of establishing or maintaining beacons and other aids to air navigation in connection with said three air terminals, whether or not within three miles of said runways.
(b) Unless and until the State of New Jersey otherwise provides by law, the Port Authority shall not have the power to acquire real property in the State of New Jersey for air terminal purposes by condemnation or the right of eminent domain except for the purpose of making additions, extensions and improvements to the air terminal known as Newark Airport (including additions, extensions and improvements thereto located in the city of Elizabeth), for the purpose of acquiring air rights or preventing or removing actual or potential hazards to air navigation within three miles of the runways at said air terminal as such runways may now or hereafter exist, and for the purpose of establishing or maintaining beacons and other aids to air navigation in connection with said air terminal, whether or not within three miles of said runways.
(c) Unless otherwise provided by law by the State in which such real property is located, the Port Authority shall not have power to acquire for air terminal purposes by condemnation or the right of eminent domain subsequent to June thirtieth, one thousand nine hundred and fifty-two, any real property taken for and actually devoted to a public use; provided, that this limitation shall not apply to real property a proceeding for the acquisition of which was initiated prior to that date.

The foregoing limitations shall not be construed to limit, affect or impair the power of the Port Authority to acquire real property at any time and place for air terminal purposes by negotiation or in any other manner than by condemnation or the exercise of the right of eminent domain.

Subject to the foregoing limitations, if the Port Authority shall find it necessary or convenient to acquire any real property for air terminal purposes, whether for immediate or future use, the Port Authority may find and determine that such property, whether a fee simple absolute or a lesser interest, is required for a public use, and upon such determination the said property shall be and shall be deemed to be required for such public use until otherwise determined by the Port Authority, and such determination shall not be affected by the fact that such property has theretofore been taken for and is then devoted to a public use; but the public use in the hands or under the control of the Port Authority shall be deemed superior to the public use in the hands of any other person, association or corporation. The Port Authority may acquire and is hereby authorized to acquire such property, whether a fee simple absolute or a lesser estate, by condemnation or the exercise of the right of eminent domain under and pursuant to the condemnation law of the State of New York, in the case of property located in such State, and Revised Statutes of New Jersey, Title 20:1-1 et seq., in the case of property situated in such State, or at the option of the Port Authority pursuant to such other and alternate procedure in each State as may be provided by law by such State. The Port Authority shall have such power of condemnation or eminent domain not only in respect to real property located within the Port of New York District but also as to any real property located outside of the Port District which is necessary, incidental or convenient for the effectuation, establishment, acquisition, construction, rehabilitation or improvement, and maintenance and operation of air terminals within the Port District. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent the Port Authority from bringing any proceedings to remove a cloud on title or such other proceedings as it may, in its discretion, deem proper and necessary, or acquiring any such property by negotiation or purchase.

In the event the Port Authority shall deem that the use by it of any real property for any purpose hereunder will be necessary either immediately or by a definite future date, it may file with any petition in any condemnation proceeding brought pursuant to law or at any time thereafter a notice that it requires the possession thereof, either immediately or at a date specified in such notice. In such event, the Port Authority shall cause a duplicate of such notice and an affidavit of the filing thereof to be recorded in the office in which deeds are required to be recorded in the county wherein the land involved is situated and upon such recording the Port Authority may enter upon and shall be entitled to the possession, use and occupation of such real property at the time specified in said notice without suit or other judicial proceedings; provided, that it shall first deposit with the court a sum equal to the assessed valuation of such real property, or in the event that the assessed valuation thereof cannot be readily ascertained such sum as in the judgment of the Port Authority shall be sufficient as compensation for the real property acquired. The sum so deposited with the court shall be applied to the satisfaction of any award thereafter made in any condemnation proceeding. Such filing and recording of said notice shall be conclusive evidence of the entry upon and appropriation of said property by the Port Authority, and title to said property shall vest in the Port Authority on the date specified in such notice.

N.J.S. § 32:1-35.9

L.1947, c.43, p.123, s.9.