N.J. Stat. § 19:31A-8

Current through L. 2024, c. 40.
Section 19:31A-8 - Signature comparison records; identification statements; disability certificates

Every person qualified to vote in any election shall at any time after the opening of the polls be at liberty to enter the polling place or room and claim his right to vote at such election in his proper district, and he shall claim such right in person before the district board in the district. The board shall permit no person to vote whose name does not appear in the signature copy register of its election district. Each voter in claiming the right to vote shall first give his full name and address to the member of the district board having charge of the duplicate permanent registration binder and voting record and the signature comparison record. Such clerk shall thereupon locate the permanent registration form and voting record and signature comparison record of the voter and shall require the voter to thereupon sign his name in the proper space on his signature comparison record if the voter has previously signed his name on the line marked sample signature. If the voter has not so signed the member of the district board shall require the voter to sign the line marked sample signature and compare the sample signature with the signature made by such person at the time he registered and if satisfied that they were made by one and the same person he shall then permit the voter to sign his name in the proper space on the signature comparison record. The voter shall sign his name without assistance using black ink in the proper column on the signature comparison record. Such signature being completed on the signature comparison record the member of the board having charge of the duplicate permanent registration binder shall audibly and publicly announce the name of the claimant and if the member of the board has ascertained from the duplicate permanent registration binder that the claimant is registered as a qualified voter and upon comparison the member of the board is satisfied that the signature of the claimant and the sample signature on the signature copy register has been made by one and the same person, the member of the board who compared the signature of the voter shall place his initials in the proper column on the signature comparison record signifying that he has made such comparison and is satisfied that the signature of the claimant and sample signature has been made by one and the same person; whereupon the voter shall be eligible to receive a ballot unless it be shown to the satisfaction of a majority of the members of the district board that he is not entitled to vote in the district or has otherwise become disqualified.

In addition to signing the signature comparison record and after the comparison of the signature with the signature in the register, a person offering to vote at a primary election for the general election shall announce his name and the party primary in which he wishes to vote.

After a person has voted, the member of the district board having charge of the signature copy register shall place the number of the person's ballot in the proper column on the record of voting form of such person, which number shall constitute a record that the person has voted. In the case of a primary election for the general election such member of the district board shall also place in the proper column on the record of voting form the first three letters of the name of the political party whose primary ballot such person has voted.

No person shall be required to sign the signature comparison record as a means of identification if he shall have been unable to write his name when he registered, or if, having been able to write his name when registered, he subsequently shall have lost his sight or lost the hand with which he was accustomed to write or shall by reason of disease or accident be unable to write his name when he applies to vote, but each such person who alleges his inability to sign his name on the signature comparison record shall establish his identity as follows: one of the members of the district board shall read the same list of questions to the voter as were required upon registration, such questions shall be provided at each election by the commissioner of registration and are to be known as "identification statements for election day." The member of the board shall write the answers of the voter upon the identification statement. These statements shall be inserted in the front of the duplicate registry binders, at each election, and shall be numbered serially from one to twenty.

Each statement shall contain the same questions as the voter was required to answer upon registration. The questions answered upon registration shall not be turned to or inspected until the answers to the questions shall have been written on election day by the member of the board.

At the end of each list of questions shall be printed the following statement: "I certify that I have read to the above named voter each of the foregoing questions and that I have duly recorded his answers as above to each of said questions"; and the member of the board who has made the above record shall sign his name to such certificate and date the same, and note the time of day of making such record. If the answers to the questions asked of the voter on election day agree with the answers given by him to the same questions at the time he registered, he shall then be eligible to receive a ballot. Any person who shall permit or attempt to furnish the answers on behalf of the voter shall be guilty of a crime of the fourth degree. The commissioner of registration shall furnish sufficient identification statements for each election district in each county. The statements shall be printed on sheets approximately ten by sixteen inches and shall contain a margin of approximately two inches for binding and shall be inserted in the front of the duplicate registry binders each election and shall be in substantially the following form:


At any election any person who declares under oath and establishes to the satisfaction of a majority of all the members of the district board, that by reason of an inability to read or write, blindness or other physical disability he is unable to mark his ballot without assistance, shall have the assistance of two members of the board who shall not be members of the same political party, to be assigned by the board, in preparing his ballot. Such members shall retire with such voter to the booth and assist him in the preparation of his ballot and folding the same. The member acting as clerk of the district board shall make an entry on a disability certificate for assistance, which entry shall be in the form of an oath and be inserted in the front of the duplicate registry binders each election.

In every instance when such oath was administered to a voter as herein provided, it shall state briefly what facts were sworn to and the names of the members of the board who aided such voter. Any members of the district board shall be eligible to witness the preparation of the ballot of any such voter, but no other person shall be allowed to assist him in marking his ballot or to witness the marking of the same. No member of the board shall reveal the name of any person for whom such voter has voted or anything that took place while he was being assisted.

Such voter, if blind, disabled, or unable to read or write, may, in lieu of the assistance of the board as above provided, have assistance of some person of his own selection in preparing his ballot. Such person shall retire with such voter to the booth and assist him in the preparation of his ballot and folding the same. The name and address of such person shall be recorded as above. In such case, no other person than the one so selected by the voter shall be allowed to assist such voter in marking his ballot or witness the marking of the same. No person so selected shall reveal the name of any person for whom such voter has voted or anything that took place while he was being assisted.

The disability certificates shall be numbered serially one to twenty. The commissioner of registration shall furnish sufficient disability certificates for assistance for each election district in his county. The disability certificates for assistance shall be printed on sheets approximately ten by sixteen inches and shall contain a margin of approximately two inches for binding and shall be in substantially the following form:


The commissioner of registration in each county shall furnish sufficient certificates of signature comparison records for each election district in his county to be filled in and signed at the close of the polls by the members of the district board. A blank space shall also be provided for on the certificate for the signatures of the members of the election board. Under said certificate there shall also be printed the word "Remarks" together with a number of blank lines. The commissioner shall insert one of such certificates in the front of the signature copy register in each election district in the county. At primary elections the certificate shall be in substantially the following form:



The undersigned constituting the district board of election in the County of....................................................... in the.................................................................

(City, Town, Township, Borough or Village)

..... Ward .......................................... District hereby

certify that (................................................................) is the correct total of the


number of names of voters who actually signed the signature comparison records and voted in the DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY ELECTION held on the

...................... day of..................................... 20....

And hereby certify that (.........................) is the correct total of the number of


names of voters who actually signed the signature comparison records and voted in the REPUBLICAN PRIMARY ELECTION held on the............... day of..............................., 20....


...................................................Judge................................... Clerk.


...................................Inspector........................ Clerk.



At all other elections the certificates shall be in substantially the following form:


The undersigned constituting the district board of election in the County of.......................... in the.......................................................................

(City, Town, Township, Borough or Village)

..... Ward ............................................. District hereby

certify that (................................................................) is the correct total of the


number of names of voters who actually signed the signature comparison records and voted in the.................................................................................election held on the (General, Special or other Election as the case may be)

.................. day of..............., 20......


.................... Judge.................................... Clerk.


....................Inspector................................ Clerk. ELECTION


After each election the commissioner of registration shall remove from the binders the identification statements, the disability certificates for assistance, and certifications of signature comparison records and shall preserve them in his office in a suitable place for a period of two years.

N.J.S. § 19:31A-8

Amended by L. 2005, c. 154, s. 9, eff. 7/12/2005, op. 10/10/2005.
L.1944, c.230, s.2; amended 1985, c.20, s.1; 1996 c. 120, s. 6.