N.H. Rev. Stat. § 169-B:19

Current through Chapter 380 of the 2024 Legislative Session
Section 169-B:19 - Dispositional Hearing
I. The department of health and human services shall provide the court with costs of the recommended services, placements and programs. If the court finds that a minor is delinquent, the court shall order the least restrictive of the following dispositions, which the court finds is the most appropriate:
(a) Return the minor to a parent, custodian or guardian.
(b) Fine the minor up to $250, require restitution or both. Restitution ordered by the court may be collected by the department or by the court or by an agency designated by the court to collect it. In any case where a parent is ordered to pay all or any portion of the fine or restitution pursuant to RSA 169-B:2-a, the parents shall have the right to a hearing before the court to contest the amount of restitution or their liability.
(c) Order the minor or the family or both to undergo physical treatment or treatment by a mental health center or any other psychiatrist, psychologist, psychiatric social worker or family therapist as determined by the court, or to attend mediation sessions, parenting programs, or any other such program or programs the court determines to carry out the purposes of this chapter, with expenses charged according to RSA 169-B:40. Utilization of community resource programs shall be encouraged.
(d) Place the minor on conditional release for a term no longer than 5 years.
(e) Release the minor in the care and supervision of a relative or friend; or to home detention for a period not to exceed 6 months. Such home detention shall be subject to the written consent of the parents to the terms and conditions established by the court. The court shall include in its order for home detention any restrictions on the hours of detention.
(f) Release the minor to the custody of the department of health and human services for placement with fictive kin, or in a foster home, as defined in RSA 169-C:3, XIII, a group home, a crisis home, a shelter care facility, or a child care institution, psychiatric residential treatment program, or a program otherwise certified by the commissioner of the department of health and human services or his or her designee.
(g) [Repealed.]
(h) Order the minor to perform up to 50 hours of uncompensated public service subject to the approval of the elected or appointed official authorized to give approval of the city or town in which the offense occurred. The court's order for uncompensated public service shall include the name of the official who will provide supervision to the minor. However, no person who performs such public service under this paragraph shall receive any benefits that such employer gives to its other employees, including, but not limited to, workers' compensation and unemployment benefits and no such employer shall be liable for any damages sustained by a person while performing such public service or any damages caused by that person unless the employer is guilty of gross negligence.
(i) Any combination of the above.
(j) Commit the minor to the custody of the department of health and human services for the remainder of minority. Commitment under this subparagraph may only be made following written findings of fact by the court, supported by clear and convincing evidence, that commitment is necessary to protect the safety of the minor or of the community, and may only be made if the minor has not waived the right to counsel at any stage of the proceedings. If there is a diagnosis or other evidence that a minor committed under this subparagraph may have a serious emotional disturbance or other behavioral health disorder, the minor shall, with the consent of the minor and the minor's family, be referred to a care management entity pursuant to RSA 135-F:4, III. The care management entity shall develop and oversee the implementation of a care plan for the minor, intended to reduce the period of commitment. Commitment may not be based on a finding of contempt of court if the minor has waived counsel in the contempt proceeding or at any stage of the proceedings from which the contempt arises. Commitment may include, but is not limited to, placement by the department of health and human services at a facility certified for the commitment of minors pursuant to RSA 169-B:19, VI, or administrative release to parole pursuant to RSA 621:19, provided that the appropriate juvenile probation and parole officer is notified. Commitment under this subparagraph shall not be ordered as a disposition for a violation of RSA 262 or 637, possession of a controlled drug without intent to sell under RSA 318-B, or violations of RSA 634, 635, 641, or 644, which would be a misdemeanor if committed by an adult. However, commitment may be ordered under this subparagraph for any offense which would be a felony or class A misdemeanor if committed by an adult if the minor has previously been adjudicated under this chapter for at least 3 offenses which would be felonies or class A misdemeanors if committed by an adult. A court shall only commit a minor based on previous adjudications if it finds by clear and convincing evidence that each of the prior offenses relied upon was not part of a common scheme or factual transaction with any of the other offenses relied upon, that the adjudications of all of the prior offenses occurred before the date of the offense for which the minor is before the court, and that the minor was represented by counsel at each stage of the prior proceedings following arraignment.
(k) Order the minor to register as a sexual offender or offender against children pursuant to RSA 651-B until the juvenile reaches the age of 18 if the court finds that the minor presents a risk to public safety.
(l) With the consent of the minor and the minor's family, refer the minor and family to a care management entity, as defined in RSA 135-F:4, III, for behavioral health services to be coordinated and supervised by that entity. Such referral may be accompanied by one or more other dispositions in this section, if otherwise authorized and appropriate.
I-a. In the case of a child for whom behavioral health services are being coordinated by a care management entity as defined in RSA 135-F:4, III, the court shall solicit and consider treatment and service recommendations from the entity. If the court orders a disposition which is not consistent with the care management entity's recommendations, it shall make written findings regarding the basis for the disposition and the reasons for its determination not to follow the recommendations.
II. If a minor is placed out of state, the provisions of RSA 169-A and 170-A shall be followed.
II-a. When a minor is in an out-of-home placement, the court shall adopt a concurrent plan other than reunification for the minor. The other options for a permanency plan include termination of parental rights or parental surrender when an adoption is contemplated, guardianship with a fit and willing relative or another appropriate party, or another planned permanent living arrangement.
II-b. No minor may be placed in inpatient treatment at an alcohol or drug treatment facility unless a finding is made that the child requires substance use disorder services pursuant to an evaluation by any licensed health care professional making the decision based on American Society of Addiction Medicine criteria. In addition, no placement at such a facility may be made without the consent of the operator of such facility, and in the case of a serious violent offender as defined in RSA 621:19, IV, unless such consent is made in writing and transmitted to the court.
III. A minor found to be a delinquent on a petition filed after the minor's sixteenth birthday, in addition to or in place of the dispositions provided for in paragraph I, may be committed to a county correctional facility for no greater term than an adult could be committed for a like offense; provided, however, that during minority the minor shall not be confined in a county correctional facility and provided further that the term shall not extend beyond the minor's eighteenth birthday.
(a) Prior to the eighteenth birthday of a minor who had been adjudicated delinquent for committing a violent crime as defined in RSA 169-B:35-a, I(c), or who had been petitioned to court on 4 or more occasions and adjudicated delinquent in 4 separate adjudicatory hearings which alleged misdemeanor or felony offenses, the prosecutor or the department of health and human services may file a motion with the court to extend jurisdiction pursuant to RSA 169-B:4, V. The department of youth development services may file a motion to extend jurisdiction for any minor committed to its custody pursuant to RSA 169-B:19, I(j). The department of corrections shall be served a copy of the motion and be a party to the proceeding.
(b) For purposes of assessing whether a minor meets the criteria of RSA 169-B:4, V, the department may provide representatives of the department of corrections with access to the minor's case records.
(c) If the court retains jurisdiction over the minor pursuant to RSA 169-B:4, V, the court may modify any dispositional order to transfer supervision from the department of health and human services to the department of corrections, or to transfer the place of detention from the youth development center to an adult facility.
(d) If the court orders a transfer of placement or supervisory authority, the court shall also order the transfer of all of the minor's treatment records to the agency having supervisory authority over the minor.
(e) When a dispositional order is extended beyond the minor's eighteenth birthday, the court may enforce its order with a finding of criminal contempt. Notwithstanding RSA 169-B:35, the state may utilize any relevant portion of a juvenile's records in a criminal contempt proceeding.
(f) If the court retains jurisdiction over the minor pursuant to RSA 169-B:4, V, and the court has determined that the minor is required to register as a sexual offender or offender against children pursuant to RSA 169-B:19, I(k), the minor shall continue to register pursuant to RSA 651-B; provided, the court retains jurisdiction over the case.
III-b. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, a minor over whom the court has exercised jurisdiction pursuant to RSA 169-B:4, I or retained jurisdiction pursuant to RSA 169-B:4, V(c), may be committed or continue to be committed at the youth development center pursuant to RSA 169-B:19, I(j) until the minor's eighteenth birthday.
(a) A minor who meets the criteria for commitment to an adult correctional facility pursuant to RSA 169-B:4, RSA 169-B:19, III, or RSA 169-B:19, III-a, and whose disposition includes an order of conditional release extending beyond the juvenile's age of majority, or suspended, deferred, or imposed incarceration at an adult correctional facility shall not be committed without first being afforded the right to a jury trial or waiving the right to a jury trial.
(b) Any minor sentenced after a contested adjudicatory hearing to an order of conditional release extending beyond the juvenile's age of majority or suspended, deferred, or imposed incarceration at an adult correctional facility may, after the disposition is issued, request a de novo trial before a jury. To obtain a de novo jury trial under this chapter, the juvenile shall file a written request in the clerk's office within 3 days of the dispositional order. A copy of the written request shall also be provided to the local prosecutor and the county attorney. The request shall be given priority on the court's calendar. Whenever possible, any such hearing shall be held in a district court building equipped with jury capability. It shall be conducted by a district court judge specially assigned by the administrative judge of the district court. The jury panel shall be chosen from the jury pool of the superior court serving the county in which the court is located.
(c) The court in which the petition originated shall retain jurisdiction over all matters and orders pertaining to the placement, supervision and treatment of the juvenile during the pendency of the pre-trial and trial proceedings. The request for jury trial shall not suspend any provisions of the original court's order regarding placement, supervision, evaluation, or treatment. All other orders shall be vacated pending the de novo jury trial. The judge assigned to conduct the jury trial shall have authority to preside over the jury trial, decide trial management issues, and rule on all pre-trial and post-trial adjudicatory findings. In the event the juvenile waives the right to jury trial after the case has been specially assigned, the case shall be returned to the court in which the petition originated for continued action pursuant to this chapter.
(d) In the event the jury returns a finding of not true on all charges, the dispositional order in its entirety shall be vacated. In the event the jury returns a finding of true on one or more of the charges, the trial judge shall review and may reinstate or modify only those portions of the dispositional order made by the originating court suspended under this section during the pendency of the de novo process. In all other respects, the original dispositional order shall remain in effect.
(e) The provisions of RSA 169-B:34 through 169-B:38, relating to confidentiality of proceedings and records, shall apply to all de novo trials conducted pursuant to this section.
IV. A summary of the investigative officer's report shall accompany each commitment order.
V. All dispositional orders issued pursuant to this section shall include written findings as to the basis for the disposition, and such conditions as the court may determine.
VI. A minor committed to the youth development center for the remainder of minority may be placed at any facility certified by the commissioner of the department of health and human services for the commitment of minors. The commissioner of the department of health and human services shall be responsible for notifying the court, within 5 business days, of any such placement and of any subsequent changes in placement made within 60 days of the original placement. The commissioner shall maintain certification of at least one Medicaid-eligible residential treatment facility for the transfer pursuant to this paragraph of offenders other than serious violent offenders beginning January 1, 2018, and no fewer than 2 such facilities no later than July 1, 2018. For purposes of this section, a "serious violent offender" is a minor subject to a commitment order for a serious violent offense as defined in RSA 169-B:31-c. The process for identification and certification of residential treatment facilities under this subparagraph may include consultation with the operators of existing facilities in the state about their physical and programmatic capacity and the identification of any necessary enhancements in programming or rate structure to develop the resources required by this subparagraph.
VII. If the judge orders services, placements or programs different from the recommendations of the department, the judge shall include a statement of the costs of services, placements and programs so ordered.
VIII. When a dispositional order places a minor in an out-of-home placement pursuant to RSA 169-B:19, I(e) or (f), prior to concluding the dispositional hearing the court shall set a date for a permanency hearing pursuant to RSA 169-B:31-a, I.
IX. Prior to any placement which will require educational services outside the minor's home school district, the court shall notify the school district and give the district the opportunity to send a representative to the hearing at which such placement is contemplated. At such hearing the court shall consider the recommendations of the school district and if such an out-of-district placement is ordered the court shall make written findings that describe the reasons for the placement.
X. The court may issue such orders as are necessary to ensure provision of services under this chapter, provided that any order issued involving the department of education or a legally liable school district shall comply with RSA 169-B:22.

RSA 169-B:19

Amended by 2024, 88:4, eff. 6/14/2024.
Amended by 2022 , 323: 4, eff. 9/6/2022.
Amended by 2021 , 91: 32, eff. 7/1/2021.
Amended by 2020 , 26: §47, eff. 9/18/2020 and 16 eff. 1/1/2021(later changed to 7/1/2020).
Amended by 2020 , 26: §§48, 49 eff. 9/18/2020.
Amended by 2019 , 346: §§336, 337 eff. 7/1/2019.
Amended by 2019 , 44: §§8, 9 eff. 8/2/2019.
Amended by 2017 , 156: §159, eff. 1/1/2018 and 161 eff. 3/1/2018.
Amended by 2017 , 156: 170, eff. 7/1/2017.
Amended by 2015 , 260: 6, eff. 7/1/2015.
Amended by 2014 , 215: §§10, 21 eff. 7/1/2015.
Amended by 2013 , 249: 16, eff. 9/22/2013.

1979, 361:2. 1982, 39:14. 1985, 376:3. 1987, 402:9. 1988, 89:16. 1989, 285:4. 1990, 201:4, 5. 1992, 18:4; 284:3. 1994, 81:3; 212:2. 1995, 181:2; 302:14-16; 308:59, 61; 308:104, 105; 310:171, 175, 181. 1997, 198:1, 2. 1999, 219:1; 305:9, 10. 2000, 294:9. 2001, 117:1; 286:5, 19, eff. Sept. 14, 2001. 2002, 168:1, eff. Jan. 1, 2003; 170:3, eff. July 14, 2002. 2006, 327:23, 24, eff. Jan. 1, 2007. 2007, 236: 3, 4, eff. Jan. 1, 2008; 295:2, eff. Sept. 11, 2007; 325:10, 15, II, eff. July 16, 2007; 325:16, eff. Jan. 1, 2008 at 12:01 a.m. 2008, 274:7, eff. July 1, 2008.