Nev. Rev. Stat. § 107.030

Current through 82nd (2023) Legislative Session Chapter 535 and 34th (2023) Special Session Chapter 1 and 35th (2023) Special Session Chapter 1
Section 107.030 - Adoption of covenants by reference

Every deed of trust made after March 29, 1927, may adopt by reference all or any of the following covenants, agreements, obligations, rights and remedies:

1. Covenant No. 1. That grantor agrees to pay and discharge at maturity all taxes and assessments and all other charges and encumbrances which now are or shall hereafter be, or appear to be, a lien upon the premises, or any part thereof; and that grantor will pay all interest or installments due on any prior encumbrance, and that in default thereof, beneficiary may, without demand or notice, pay the same, and beneficiary shall be sole judge of the legality or validity of such taxes, assessments, charges or encumbrances, and the amount necessary to be paid in satisfaction or discharge thereof.
2. Covenant No. 2. That the grantor will at all times keep the buildings and improvements which are now or shall hereafter be erected upon the premises insured against loss or damage by fire, to the amount of at least $........, by some insurance company or companies approved by beneficiary, the policies for which insurance shall be made payable, in case of loss, to beneficiary, and shall be delivered to and held by the beneficiary as further security; and that in default thereof, beneficiary may procure such insurance, not exceeding the amount aforesaid, to be effected either upon the interest of trustee or upon the interest of grantor, or his or her assigns, and in their names, loss, if any, being made payable to beneficiary, and may pay and expend for premiums for such insurance such sums of money as the beneficiary may deem necessary.
3. Covenant No. 3. That if, during the existence of the trust, there be commenced or pending any suit or action affecting the premises, or any part thereof, or the title thereto, or if any adverse claim for or against the premises, or any part thereof, be made or asserted, the trustee or beneficiary may appear or intervene in the suit or action and retain counsel therein and defend same, or otherwise take such action therein as they may be advised, and may settle or compromise same or the adverse claim; and in that behalf and for any of the purposes may pay and expend such sums of money as the trustee or beneficiary may deem to be necessary.
4. Covenant No. 4. That the grantor will pay to trustee and to beneficiary respectively, on demand, the amounts of all sums of money which they shall respectively pay or expend pursuant to the provisions of the implied covenants of this section, or any of them, together with interest upon each of the amounts, until paid, from the time of payment thereof, at the rate of ................ percent per annum.
5. Covenant No. 5. That in case grantor shall well and truly perform the obligation or pay or cause to be paid at maturity the debt or promissory note, and all moneys agreed to be paid, and interest thereon for the security of which the transfer is made, and also the reasonable expenses of the trust in this section specified, then the trustee, its successors or assigns, shall reconvey to the grantor all the estate in the premises conveyed to the trustee by the grantor. Any part of the trust property may be reconveyed at the request of the beneficiary.
6. Covenant No. 6. That if default be made in the performance of the obligation, or in the payment of the debt, or interest thereon, or any part thereof, or in the payment of any of the other moneys agreed to be paid, or of any interest thereon, or if any of the conditions or covenants in this section adopted by reference be violated, and if the notice of breach and election to sell, required by this chapter, be first recorded, then trustee, its successors or assigns, on demand by beneficiary, or assigns, shall sell the above-granted premises, or such part thereof as in its discretion it shall find necessary to sell, in order to accomplish the objects of these trusts, in the manner following, namely:

The trustee shall first give notice of the time and place of such sale, in the manner provided in NRS 107.080 and may postpone such sale not more than three times by proclamation made to the persons assembled at the time and place previously appointed and advertised for such sale, and on the day of sale so advertised, or to which such sale may have been postponed, the trustee may sell the property so advertised, or any portion thereof, at public auction, at the time and place specified in the notice, at a public location in the county in which the property, or any part thereof, to be sold, is situated, to the highest cash bidder. The beneficiary, obligee, creditor, or the holder or holders of the promissory note or notes secured thereby may bid and purchase at such sale. The beneficiary may, after recording the notice of breach and election, waive or withdraw the same or any proceedings thereunder, and shall thereupon be restored to the beneficiary's former position and have and enjoy the same rights as though such notice had not been recorded.

7. Covenant No. 7. That the trustee, upon such sale, shall make (without warranty), execute and, after due payment made, deliver to purchaser or purchasers, his, her or their heirs or assigns, a deed or deeds of the premises so sold which shall convey to the purchaser all the title of the grantor in the premises, and shall apply the proceeds of the sale thereof in payment, firstly, of the expenses of such sale, together with the reasonable expenses of the trust, including counsel fees, in an amount equal to ................ percent of the amount secured thereby and remaining unpaid or reasonable counsel fees and costs actually incurred, which shall become due upon any default made by grantor in any of the payments aforesaid; and also such sums, if any, as trustee or beneficiary shall have paid, for procuring a search of the title to the premises, or any part thereof, subsequent to the execution of the deed of trust; and in payment, secondly, of the obligation or debts secured, and interest thereon then remaining unpaid, and the amount of all other moneys with interest thereon herein agreed or provided to be paid by grantor; and the balance or surplus of such proceeds of sale it shall pay to grantor, his or her heirs, executors, administrators or assigns.
8. Covenant No. 8. That in the event of a sale of the premises, or any part thereof, and the execution of a deed or deeds therefor under such trust, the recital therein of default, and of recording notice of breach and election of sale, and of the elapsing of the 3-month period, and of the giving of notice of sale, and of a demand by beneficiary, his or her heirs or assigns, that such sale should be made, shall be conclusive proof of such default, recording, election, elapsing of time, and of the due giving of such notice, and that the sale was regularly and validly made on due and proper demand by beneficiary, his or her heirs and assigns; and any such deed or deeds with such recitals therein shall be effectual and conclusive against grantor, his or her heirs and assigns, and all other persons; and the receipt for the purchase money recited or contained in any deed executed to the purchaser as aforesaid shall be sufficient discharge to such purchaser from all obligation to see to the proper application of the purchase money, according to the trusts aforesaid.
9. Covenant No. 9. That the beneficiary or his or her assigns may, from time to time, appoint another trustee, or trustees, to execute the trust created by the deed of trust. An instrument executed and acknowledged by the beneficiary is conclusive proof of the proper appointment of such substituted trustee. Upon the recording of such executed and acknowledged instrument, the new trustee or trustees shall be vested with all the title, interest, powers, duties and trusts in the premises vested in or conferred upon the original trustee. If there be more than one trustee, either may act alone and execute the trusts upon the request of the beneficiary, and all of the trustee's acts thereunder shall be deemed to be the acts of all trustees, and the recital in any conveyance executed by such sole trustee of such request shall be conclusive evidence thereof, and of the authority of such sole trustee to act.

NRS 107.030

[2:173:1927; NCL § 7711]-(NRS A 1967, 143; 2005, 1621; 2013, 1013; 2019, 1345; 2021, 1416)
Amended by 2021, Ch. 268,§15, eff. 1/1/2022.
Amended by 2019, Ch. 238,§4, eff. 10/1/2019.
Amended by 2013, Ch. 236,§1, eff. 10/1/2013.
[2:173:1927; NCL § 7711] - (NRS A 1967, 143; 2005, 1621)