Mo. Rev. Stat. § 247.031

Current with changes from the 2024 Legislative Session
Section 247.031 - Detachment from district, when - procedure - costs - petition form
1. Territory included in a district that is not being served by such district may be detached from such district provided that there are no outstanding general obligation or special obligation bonds and no contractual obligations of greater than twenty-five thousand dollars for debt that pertains to infrastructure, fixed assets or obligations for the purchase of water. If any such bonds or debt is outstanding, and the written consent of the holders of such bonds or the creditors to such debt is obtained, then such territory may be detached in spite of the existence of such bonds or debt, except such consent shall not be required for special obligation bonds if the district has no water lines or other facilities located within any of the territory detached. Detachment may be made by the filing of a petition with the circuit court in which the district was incorporated. The petition shall contain a description of the tract to be detached and a statement that the detachment is in the best interest of the district or the inhabitants and property owners of the territory to be detached, together with the facts supporting such allegation. The petition may be submitted by the district acting through its board of directors, in which case the petition shall be signed by a majority of the board of directors of the district. The petition may also be submitted by voters residing in or by landowners owning land in the territory sought to be detached. If there are more than ten voters and landowners in such territory, the petition shall be signed by five or more voters or landowners within the territory; if there are less than ten voters and landowners within such territory, the petition shall be signed by fifty percent or more of the voters and landowners within the territory. In the event there are no voters living within such territory proposed to be detached, then the petition may be submitted by owners of more than fifty percent of the land in the territory proposed to be detached, in which case said petition shall be signed by the owners so submitting the petition. In the event the petition is not submitted by the district acting through its board of directors, the petitioner shall name the district as a defendant and serve a copy of the petition upon the district by certified or registered mail with a return receipt requested at least thirty-five days before the date of the hearing of the petition.
2. Such petition shall be filed in the circuit court having jurisdiction and the court shall set a date for hearing on the proposed detachment and the clerk of the circuit court shall give notice of the filing of the petition and the hearing to the district by certified or registered mail with a return receipt requested if the district is not the petitioner, and in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the proceedings are pending and in a newspaper of general circulation in the territory proposed to be detached. Such notice shall be published in three consecutive issues of a weekly newspaper, or in lieu thereof, in twenty consecutive issues of a daily newspaper. The last insertion of the notice shall be made not less than seven nor more than twenty-one days before the hearing date. Such notice shall be substantially as follows:






To all voters and landowners of land within the boundaries of the above-described district:

You are hereby notified:


That a petition has been filed in this court for the detachment of the following tracts of land from the above-named public water supply district, as provided by law:

(Describe tracts of land).


That a hearing on said petition will be held before this court in ______ on the ______ day of ______, 20______, at ______, ______.m.


Exceptions or objections to the detachment of said tracts from said public water supply district may be made by the district or any voter or landowner of land within the district from which territory is sought to be detached, provided such exceptions or objections are in writing, specify the grounds on which they are made, and are filed with the court not later than five days prior to the date of the hearing of the petition.


The names and addresses of the attorneys for the petitioner are:


Clerk of the Circuit Court of

______ County, Missouri

3. The court, for good cause shown, may continue the case or the hearing thereon from time to time until final disposition thereof.
4. Exceptions or objections to the detachment of such territory may be made by any voter or landowner within the boundaries of the district, including the territory to be detached. In the event the petition is not submitted by the district acting through its board of directors, the district may file exceptions or objections. Exceptions or objections shall be in writing, shall specify the grounds upon which they are made, and shall be filed not later than five days before the date set for hearing the petition. In considering the petition for detachment, the court shall take into consideration the evidence in support of and opposition to the petition, including such exceptions and objections. If the court finds that the detachment will be in the best interest of the district and the inhabitants and landowners of the area to be detached will not be adversely affected or if the court finds that the detachment will be in the best interest of the inhabitants and landowners of the territory to be detached and will not adversely affect the remainder of the district, it shall approve the detachment and grant the petition.
5. If the court approves the detachment, it shall make its order detaching the territory described in the petition from the remainder of the district, or in the event it shall find that only a portion of said territory should be detached, the court shall order such portion detached from the district. The court shall also make any changes in subdistrict boundary lines it deems necessary to meet the requirements of sections 247.010 to 247.220. Any subdistrict line changes shall not become effective until the next annual election of a member of the board of directors.
6. A certified copy of the court's order shall be filed in the office of the recorder of deeds and in the office of the county clerk in each county in which any of the territory of the district prior to detachment is located, and in the office of the secretary of state. Costs of the proceeding shall be borne by the petitioner or petitioners.

§ 247.031, RSMo

L. 1988 H.B. 962, A.L. 2000 S.B. 741, A.L. 2002 S.B. 984 & 985, A.L. 2009S.B. 196