Mo. Rev. Stat. § 94.360

Current with changes from the 2024 Legislative Session
Section 94.360 - May collect license tax on certain businesses

The council of any incorporated town or city in this state having a special charter and which contains not more than thirty thousand inhabitants may by ordinance levy and collect a license tax on wholesale houses, auctioneers, architects, druggists, grocers, banks, brokers, wholesale merchants, merchants of all kinds, confectioners, delivery trucks, ice trucks, transfer trucks, laundry wagons, milk wagons, merchant delivery companies, cigar and tobacco stands, hay scales, wood dealers, coal dealers, coal distributors, coal truckers, lumber dealers, real estate agents, loan companies, abstracters, abstract agencies, loan agents, collection agencies, undertakers, public buildings, office buildings, public halls, public grounds, concerts, photographers in office or upon streets, canvassers, artists, drummers, patent right dealers, insurance companies, insurance agents, taverns, hotels, rooming houses, boarding houses, sanitariums, hospitals, health schools, telephone companies, street contractors, paperhanger contractors, painting contractors, plastering contractors, and all subcontractors, flour mills, express company agencies, opticians, wagons, buggies, carriages, tinners, barbers, barbershops, hairdressers, hair dressing shops, whether conducted in connection with other business or separate, beauty parlors, tailors, florists, nursery stock agents, bookbinders, monument dealers, and agencies, manufacturing agents, shoe cobbler shops, storage warehouses, shoe shining parlors, job printing plants, outdoor advertising, ready-to-wear clothing agencies, tailor-made clothing agencies, sewing machine agencies, piano and organ dealers and agents, foreign coffee and tea dealers, and agents or all other vocations whatsoever, and fix the rate of carriage of persons and wagonage, drayage and cartage of property; and may levy and collect a license tax and regulate hawkers, peddlers, pawnbrokers, restaurants, butchers, wholesale butchers, bathhouses and masseurs, lunch stands, lunch counters, lunch wagons, soft drink and ice cream stands and vendors, ice cream parlors, peanut and popcorn stands, and stands of every kind, hucksters, opera houses, moving picture shows, private parks, public lectures, public meetings, baseball parks, horse and cattle dealers, stockyards, wagon yards, auto yards, oil stations, wholesale and retail inspectors, gaugers, mercantile agents, manufacturing and other corporations, or institutions, machine shops, blacksmith shops, radio repair shops, foundries, sewer contractors, building contractors, stone contractors, sidewalk contractors, bridge contractors, plumbing contractors, brick contractors, cement contractors, and all subcontractors, street railroad cars, gas companies, light companies, power companies, and water companies, laundries, laundry agencies, rug and carpet cleaners, linen supply rental service, conditioning and renting for use, bed linen, table linen, towels, rugs, uniform aprons, coats, caps, coveralls, chair covers, automobile seat covers or any other items, ice plants and ice plant agencies, ice dealers, omnibuses, automobiles, automobile trailers, tractors, carts, drays, milk wagons, laundry wagons, delivery wagons, transfer and job wagons, ice wagons, and all other vehicles, traveling and auction stores, plumbers, pressing establishments, installment houses and agencies, produce and poultry dealers, feather renovators, baker and bakeries, bakery delivery wagons, and delivery autos, bottling works, dye works, cleaning establishments, sand plants, steamfitters, corn doctors, chiropodists, hackmen, taxicabs, buses, draymen, omnibus drivers, porters, dairies, and regulate the same, and all others pursuing like occupations; and may levy and collect a license tax, regulate, restrain, prohibit and suppress ordinaries, money brokers, money changers, intelligence and employment offices, and agencies, public masquerades, balls, street exhibitions, dance halls, fortune tellers, pistol galleries, shooting galleries, palmists, private venereal hospitals, museums, menageries, equestrian performances, fluoroscopic views, picture shows, telescopic views, lung testers, muscle developers, magnifying glasses, ten pin alleys, ball alleys, bowling alleys, billiard tables, pool and other tables, miniature golf courses, theatrical or other exhibitions, boxing and sparring exhibitions, shows and amusements, amusement parks, and the sale of unclaimed goods by express companies or common carriers, auto wrecking shops, bill posters, junk dealers, porters, carnival and street fairs, circuses and shows for parade and exhibition, or both, skating rinks and runners, and solicitors for steamboats, cars, stages, taxicabs, hotels, rooming houses, boarding houses, bathhouses, masseurs, hospitals, sanitariums, health schools, and all others pursuing like occupations.

§ 94.360, RSMo

RSMo 1939 § 7451, A.L. 1943 p. 706, A.L. 1953 p. 292, A.L. 1957 p. 240, A.L. 1971 H.B. 128

Prior revisions: 1929 § 7298; 1919 § 8713; 1909 § 9591