Miss. Code § 75-49-13

Current through the 2024 Regular Session
Section 75-49-13 - Hearings and appeals
(1) The commissioner shall not:
(a) Deny an application for a license without first giving the applicant a hearing, or an opportunity to be heard, on the question of whether he is qualified under the provisions of this chapter to receive the license applied for.
(b) Revoke or suspend a license without first giving the licensee a hearing, or an opportunity to be heard, on the question of whether there are sufficient grounds under the provisions of this chapter upon which to base such revocation or suspension.
(2) Any interested party shall have the right to have the commissioner call a hearing for the purpose of taking action in respect to any matter within the commissioner's jurisdiction by filing with the commissioner a verified complaint setting forth the grounds upon which the complaint is based.
(3) The commissioner may on his own motion call a hearing for the purpose of taking action in respect to any matter within his jurisdiction.
(4) When a hearing is to be held before the commissioner, the commissioner shall give written notice thereof to all parties whose rights may be affected thereby. The notice shall set forth the reason for the hearing and the questions or issues to be decided by the commissioner at such hearing and the time when and the place where the hearing will be held. All such notices shall be mailed to all parties, whose rights may be affected by such hearing by registered or certified mail, and addressed to their last known address.
(5) All parties whose rights may be affected at any hearing before the commissioner shall have the right to appear personally and by counsel, to cross-examine witnesses appearing against them, and to produce evidence and witnesses in their own behalf. The commissioner shall make and keep a record of each such hearing and shall provide a transcript thereof to any interested party upon his request and at his expense. Testimony taken at all such hearings shall be taken either stenographically or by machine.
(6) If any party who is notified of a hearing in accordance with the requirements of this chapter fails to appear at such hearing, either in person or by counsel, then and in that event the commissioner may make any decision and take any action he may deem necessary or appropriate with respect to any issue or question scheduled for hearing and decision by him at such hearing which affects or may affect the rights of such defaulting party, and such defaulting party shall have no right of appeal under the provisions of this chapter.
(7) All decisions of the commissioner with respect to the hearings provided for in this section shall be incorporated into orders of the commissioner. All such orders shall be made available during normal office hours for inspection by interested persons.
(8) It shall be the duty of the sheriffs and constables of the counties of this state and of any employee of the commissioner, when so directed by the commissioner, to execute any summons, citation or subpoena which the commissioner may cause to be issued and to make his return thereof to the commissioner. The sheriffs and constables so serving and returning same shall be paid for so doing fees provided for such services in the circuit court. Any person who appears before the commissioner or a duly designated employee of his department in response to a summons, citation or subpoena shall be paid the same witness fee and mileage allowance as witnesses in the circuit court. In case of failure or refusal on the part of any person to comply with any summons, citation or subpoena issued and served as above authorized or in the case of the refusal of any person to testify or answer to any matter regarding which he may be lawfully interrogated or the refusal of any person to produce his record books and accounts relating to any matter regarding which he may be lawfully interrogated, the chancery court of any county of the State of Mississippi, or any chancellor of any such court in vacation, may, on application of the commissioner, issue an attachment for such person and compel him to comply with such summons, citation or subpoena and to attend before the commissioner or his designated employee and to produce the documents specified in any subpoena duces tecum and give his testimony upon such matters as he may be lawfully required. Any such chancery court, or any chancellor of any such court in vacation, shall have the power to punish for contempt as in case of disobedience of like process issued from or by any such chancery court, or by refusal to testify therein in response to such process, and such person shall be taxed with the costs of such proceedings.
(9) The following procedure shall govern in taking and perfecting appeals:
(a) Any person who is a party to any hearing before the commissioner and who is aggrieved by any decision of the commissioner with respect to any hearing before him, unless prevented by the provisions of subsection (6) of this section, shall have the right of appeal to the chancery court of the county of such person's residence or principal place of business within this state, but if any such person is a nonresident of this state he shall have the right of appeal to the chancery court of the First Judicial District of Hinds County, Mississippi. All such appeals shall be taken and perfected within sixty (60) days from the date of the decision of the commissioner which is the subject of the appeal, and the chancery court to which such appeal is taken may affirm such decision or reverse and remand the same to the commissioner for further proceedings as justice may require or dismiss such decision. All such appeals shall be taken and perfected, heard and determined, either in term time or in vacation, on the record, including a transcript of pleadings and evidence, both oral and documentary, heard and filed before the commissioner. In perfecting any appeal provided by this chapter, the provisions of law respecting notice to the reporter and allowance of bills of exceptions, now or hereafter in force, respecting appeals from the chancery court to the supreme court shall be applicable, provided, however, that the reporter shall transcribe his notes, taken stenographically or by machine, and file the record with the commissioner within thirty (30) days after approval of the appeal bond, unless, on application of the reporter, or of the appellant, an additional fifteen (15) days shall have been allowed by the commissioner to the reporter within which to transcribe his notes and file the transcript of the record with the commission.
(b) Upon the filing with the commissioner of a petition of appeal to the proper chancery court, it shall be the duty of the commissioner, as promptly as possible, and in any event within sixty (60) days after approval of the appeal bond, to file with the clerk of said chancery court to which the appeal is taken, a copy of the petition for appeal and of the decision appealed from, and the original and one (1) copy of the transcript of the record of the proceedings and evidence before the commission. After the filing of said petition, the appeal shall be perfected by the filing of a bond in the penal sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) with two (2) sureties or with a surety company qualified to do business in Mississippi as surety, conditioned to pay the costs of such appeal, said bond to be approved by the commissioner or by the clerk of the chancery court to which such appeal is taken.
(10) No decision of the commissioner made as a result of a hearing under the provisions of this section shall become final with respect to any party affected and aggrieved by such decision until such party shall have exhausted or shall have had an opportunity to exhaust all of his remedies provided for by this section; provided, however, any such decision may be made final if the commissioner finds that failure to do so would be detrimental to the public interest or public welfare, but the finality of any such decision shall not prevent any party or parties affected and aggrieved thereby to appeal the same in accordance with the appellate procedure set forth in this section.
(11) The commissioner shall prescribe his rules of order or procedure in hearings or other proceedings before it under this chapter; provided, however, that such rules of order or procedure shall not be in conflict or contrary to the provisions of this section.

Miss. Code § 75-49-13

Codes, 1942, § 5131-107; Laws, 1970, ch. 494, § 7, eff. 7/1/1970.