Miss. Code § 73-63-43

Current through the 2024 Regular Session
Section 73-63-43 - Grounds for disciplinary actions; disciplinary proceedings; sanctions
(1) The board, upon satisfactory proof and in accordance with this chapter and rules and regulations of the board, may take the disciplinary actions provided under this chapter against any person for the following reasons:
(a) Violation of this chapter, any rule or regulation or written order of the board, any condition of registration or standards of professional conduct;
(b) Fraud, deceit or misrepresentation in obtaining a certificate of registration as a registered professional geologist or certificate of enrollment as a geologist-in-training;
(c) Gross negligence, malpractice, incompetency, misconduct, or repeated incidents of simple negligence in or related to the practice of geology;
(d) Practicing or offering to practice geology, or holding oneself out as being registered or qualified to practice geology, by an individual who is not registered under this chapter, or by any other person not employing a registered professional geologist as required by this chapter;
(e) Using the seal of another, or using or allowing use of one's seal on geologic work not performed by or under the supervision of the registered professional geologist, or otherwise aiding or abetting any person in the violation of this chapter;
(f) Disciplinary action by any state agency, board of registration or similar licensing agency for geologists or any profession or occupation related to the practice of geology. The sanction imposed by the board shall not exceed in severity or duration the sanction upon which that action is based;
(g) Addiction to or chronic dependence on alcohol or other habit-forming drugs or being an habitual user of alcohol, narcotics, barbiturates, amphetamines, hallucinogens or other drugs having similar effect resulting in the impairment of professional or ethical judgment; or
(h) Injuring or damaging, or attempting to injure or damage, the professional reputation of another by any means whatsoever; this provision shall not relieve a registered professional geologist from the obligation to expose unethical or illegal conduct to the proper authorities nor shall it preclude confidential appraisals of geologists or other persons or firms under consideration for employment.
(2) Any person may bring a complaint alleging a violation of this chapter, any rule or regulation or written order of the board, any condition of registration or standards of professional conduct. Complaints shall be made in writing, sworn to by the person filing the complaint, and filed with the board. The board shall investigate all complaints and upon finding a basis for that complaint, shall notify the accused in writing specifying the provisions of this chapter, rule, regulation or order of the board or the condition or standard alleged to be violated and the facts alleged to constitute the violation. The notice shall require the accused to appear before the board at a time and place to answer the charges. The time of appearance shall be at least thirty (30) days from the date of service of the notice. Notice shall be made by service on the person or by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the last known business or residence address of the accused, as shown on the records of the board. Within fifteen (15) days following receipt of that notice, the accused shall file a written response, admitting, denying or taking exception to the charges. In the absence of a response or if the charges are admitted or if no exception is taken, the board may take disciplinary action without holding a hearing. A disciplinary action may be settled by the board and the accused, either before or after a hearing has begun.

A person who reports or provides information to the board in good faith is not subject to an action for civil damages.

(3) Any hearing under this section may be conducted by the board itself at a regular or special meeting of the board or by a hearing officer designated by the board. The hearing officer may conduct the hearings in the name of the board at any time and place as conditions and circumstances may warrant. The hearing officer or any member of the board may administer oaths or affirmations to witnesses appearing before the hearing officer or the board.

If any witness fails or refuses to attend upon subpoena issued by the board, refuses to testify or refuses to produce books, papers, reports, documents and similar material, the production of which is called for by a subpoena, the attendance of any witness and the giving of that person's testimony and the production of books, papers, reports, documents and similar material shall be enforced by any court of competent jurisdiction of this state in the manner provided for the enforcement of the attendance and testimony of witnesses in civil cases in the courts of this state.

All hearings before the board shall be recorded either by a court reporter or by tape or mechanical recorders and subject to transcription upon order of the board or any interested person. If the request for transcription originates with an interested person, that person shall pay the cost of transcription.

The accused shall have the right to be present at the hearing in person, by counsel or other representative, or both. The board may continue or recess the hearing as may be necessary.

(4) If a hearing officer conducts the hearing on behalf of the board, the hearing officer shall upon completion have the record of that hearing prepared. The record shall be submitted to the board along with that hearing officer's findings of fact and recommended decision. Upon receipt and review of the record of the hearing and the hearing officer's findings of fact and recommended decision, the board shall render its final decision as provided in subsection (5) of this section.

Any person ordered to appear for an alleged violation may request a hearing before a majority of the board. A verbatim record of any previous hearings on that matter shall be filed with the board, together with findings of fact and conclusions of law made by the board based on the record.

(5) At the conclusion of the hearing, the board may either decide the issue at that time or take the case under advisement for further deliberation. The board shall render its decision not more than ninety (90) days after the close of the hearing, and shall forward to the last known business or residence address of the accused, by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, a written statement of the decision of the board.

If a majority of the board finds the accused guilty of the charges filed, the board may take any combination of the following actions:

(a) Deny the renewal of a certificate of registration or certificate of enrollment;
(b) Suspend the certificate of registration or certificate of enrollment of any registrant for a specified period of time, not to exceed three (3) years, or revoke the certificate of registration or certificate of enrollment of any registrant;
(c) Censure, reprimand or issue a public or private admonishment to an applicant, a registrant or any other person engaged in the practice of geology under this chapter;
(d) Impose limitations, conditions or restrictions upon the practice of an applicant, a registrant or upon any other person engaged in the practice of geology;
(e) Require the guilty party to complete a course, approved by the board, in ethics;
(f) Impose probation upon a registrant, requiring regular reporting to the board;
(g) Require restitution, in whole or in part, of the compensation or fees earned by a registrant or by any other person engaging in the practice of geology; or
(h) Assess and levy upon the guilty party a monetary penalty not to exceed Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) for each violation.
(6) Any monetary penalty assessed and levied under this section shall be paid to the board upon the expiration of the period allowed for appeal of that penalty, or may be paid sooner if the guilty party elects. Money collected by the board under this section shall be deposited to the credit of the Registered Professional Geologists Fund.

When payment of a monetary penalty assessed and levied by the board in accordance with this section is not paid when due, the board may begin and maintain proceedings in its name for enforcement of payment in the chancery court of the county and judicial district of residence of the guilty party and if the guilty party is a nonresident of the State of Mississippi, the proceedings shall be in the Chancery Court of the First Judicial District of Hinds County, Mississippi.

(7) The board may assess and impose the costs of any disciplinary proceedings conducted under this section against either the accused, the charging party, or both, as it may elect.
(8) The authority of the board to assess and levy the monetary penalties under this section shall not be affected or diminished by any other proceeding, civil or criminal, concerning the same violation or violations, unless provided in this section.
(9) If the board determines there is an imminent danger to the public welfare, the board may issue an order for the immediate suspension of a certificate of registration or a certificate of enrollment. The registrant may request a hearing on the matter within fifteen (15) days after receipt of the order of suspension. The board shall file charges as provided in this section within thirty (30) days after the issuance of an order, or the suspension shall be of no further force and effect. If charges are filed, the order of suspension shall remain in effect until disposition of all charges.
(10) The board, for sufficient cause, may reissue a revoked certificate of registration or certificate of enrollment, upon written application to the board by the applicant. The application shall be made not less than three (3) years after the revocation. The board may impose reasonable conditions or limitations in connection with any reissuance.
(11) In addition to the reasons named in subsection (1) of this section, the board may suspend the certificate of registration or certificate of enrollment of any person for being out of compliance with an order for support, as defined in Section 93-11-153. The procedure for suspension of a certificate for being out of compliance with an order for support, and the procedure for the reissuance or reinstatement of a certificate suspended for that purpose, and the payment of any fees for the reissuance or reinstatement of a certificate suspended for that purpose, shall be governed by Section 93-11-157 or 93-11-163, as the case may be. Actions taken by the board in suspending a certificate when required by Section 93-11-157 or 93-11-163 are not actions from which an appeal may be taken under Section 73-63-49. Any appeal of a suspension of a certificate that is required by Section 93-11-157 or 93-11-163 shall be taken in accordance with the appeal procedure specified in Section 93-11-157 or 93-11-163, as the case may be, rather than the procedure specified in Section 73-63-49. If there is any conflict between Section 93-11-157 or 93-11-163 and this chapter, Section 93-11-157 or 93-11-163, as the case may be, shall control.

Miss. Code § 73-63-43

Laws, 1997, ch. 522, § 22; Laws, 2006, ch. 598, § 6, eff. 7/1/2006.