Miss. Code § 17-17-317

Current through the 2024 Regular Session
Section 17-17-317 - Powers of authority generally

From and after the creation of an authority it shall be a public corporation participating under its corporate name and shall, in that name, be a body politic and corporate with all the rights and powers necessary or convenient to carry out the purposes of Sections 17-17-301 through 17-17-349, including, but not limited to the following:

(a) To sue and be sued in its own name;
(b) To adopt an official seal and alter the same at pleasure;
(c) To maintain an office or offices at such place or places within the management area as it may determine;
(d) To acquire, construct, improve, or modify, to operate or cause to be operated and maintained, either as owner of all or of any part in common with others, a project or projects within the counties or municipalities in the district and, to pay all or part of the cost of any such project or projects from the proceeds of bonds of the authority or from any contribution or loans by persons, firms, public agencies or corporations or from any other contribution or user fees, all of which the authority is authorized to receive, accept, and use and to pay all cost of operation and maintenance as may be determined as necessary for preparation of any project;
(e) To acquire, in its own name, by purchase on such terms and conditions and in such manner as it may deem proper, by condemnation in accordance with all laws applicable to the condemnation of property for public use, or by gift, grant, lease, or otherwise, real property or easements therein, franchises and personal property necessary or convenient for its corporate purposes. These purposes shall include, but are not limited to, the constructing or acquiring of a project; the improving, extending, reconstructing, renovating, or remodeling of any existing project or part thereof; or the demolition to make room for such project or any part thereof and to insure the same against any and all risks as such insurance may, from time to time, be available. The authority may also use such property and rent or lease the same to or from others including public agencies or make contracts for the use thereof or sell, lease, exchange, transfer, assign, pledge, mortgage or grant a security interest for any such property, provided that the powers to acquire, use, and dispose of property as set forth in this paragraph shall include the power to acquire, use, and dispose of any interest in such property, whether divided or undivided. Title to any such property of the authority, however, shall be held by the authority exclusively for the benefit of the public;
(f) To make, enforce, amend and repeal bylaws and rules and regulations for the management of its business and affairs and for the use, maintenance and operation of any of its project facilities and any other of its properties;
(g) To fix, charge, collect, maintain, and revise rates, fees and other charges for any services rendered by it to any person or public agency;
(h) To make contracts and leases with any person or public agency and to execute all instruments necessary or convenient for construction, operation, and maintenance of projects and leases of projects; and including the closure, post-closure maintenance and any required corrective action involving a project provided that all private persons, firms, and corporations, this state, and all units of local government, departments, instrumentalities, or agencies of the state or of local government are authorized to enter into contracts, leases or agreements with the authority, upon such terms and for such purposes as they deem advisable; and, without limiting the generality of the above, authority is specifically granted to municipalities and counties and to the authority to enter into contracts, lease agreements, or other undertaking relative to the furnishing of project activities and facilities or either of them by the authority to such municipalities and counties and by such municipalities and counties to the authority for a term not exceeding thirty (30) years;
(i) To borrow money and to issue bonds for any of its purposes, except bonds may not be issued for operating costs, to provide for and secure the payment thereof, and to provide for the rights of the holders thereof;
(j) To invest any monies of the authority, including proceeds from the sale of any bonds subject to any agreements with bondholders, on such terms and in such manner as the authority deems proper;
(k) To exercise any one or more of the powers, rights, and privileges conferred by Sections 17-17-301 through 17-17-349 either alone or jointly or in common with one or more other public or private parties. In any such exercise of such powers, rights, and privileges jointly or in common with others for the construction, operation, and maintenance of facilities, the authority may own an undivided interest in such facilities with any other party with which it may jointly or in common exercise the rights and privileges conferred by Sections 17-17-301 through 17-17-349 and may enter into an agreement or agreements with respect to any such facility with the other party or parties participating therein. An agreement may contain such terms, conditions, and provisions, consistent with this section, as the parties thereto shall deem to be in their best interest, including, but not limited to, provisions for the construction, operation, and maintenance of such facility by any one or more party of the parties to such agreement. The party or parties shall be designated in or pursuant to such agreement as agent or agents on behalf of itself and one or more of the other parties thereto, or by such other means as may be determined by the parties thereto, and including provisions for a method or methods of determining and allocating, among or between the parties, costs of construction, operation, maintenance, renewals, replacements, improvements, and disposal related to such facility. In carrying out its functions and activities as such agent with respect to construction, operation, and maintenance of such a facility, such agent shall be governed by the laws and regulations applicable to such agent as a separate legal entity and not by any laws or regulations which may be applicable to any of the other participating parties. The agent shall act for the benefit of the public. The authority shall not delegate its right of eminent domain or power of condemnation. Pursuant to any such agreement, the authority may delegate its powers and duties related to the construction, operation, and maintenance of such facility to the party acting as agent and all actions taken by such agent in accordance with the agreement may be binding upon the authority without further action or approval of the authority;
(l) To apply, contract for, accept, receive and administer gifts, grants, appropriations, and donations of money, materials, and property of any kind, including loans and grants from the United States, the state, a unit of local government, or any agency, department, authority, or instrumentality of any of the foregoing, upon such terms and conditions as the United States, the state, a unit of local government, or such agency, department, authority, or instrumentality shall impose; to administer trusts; and to sell, lease, transfer, convey, appropriate and pledge any and all of its property and assets;
(m) To do any and all things necessary or proper for the accomplishment of the objectives of this section and to exercise any power usually possessed by private corporations performing similar functions which is not in conflict with the Constitution and laws of the state, including the power to employ professional and administrative staff and personnel and to retain legal, engineering, fiscal, accounting and other professional services; the power to purchase all kinds of insurance, including without limitations, insurance against tort liability and against risks of damage to property; and the power to act as self-insurer with respect to any loss or liability. The obligations of the authority other than revenue bonds shall be payable from the general funds of the authority and shall not be a charge against any special fund allocated to the payment of revenue bonds;
(n) To borrow money and issue its bonds from time to time and to use the proceeds to pay all or part of the capital costs of any project, or for closure, corrective action or post-closure maintenance of such project or for refunding any such bonds of the authority; and otherwise to carry out the purposes of this section and to pay all other capital costs but not operating costs of the authority incident to, or necessary and appropriate to, such purposes, including the providing of funds to be paid into any fund to secure such bonds and notes and to provide for the rights of the holder thereof;
(o) To assume or continue any contractual or other business relationships entered into by the municipalities or counties who are members of the authority, including the rights to receive and acquire transferred rights under option to purchase agreements and permit application;
(p) To enter on any lands, waters, or premises for the purpose of making surveys, borings, soundings and examinations for the purposes of the authority;
(q) To do and perform any acts and things authorized by Sections 17-17-301 through 17-17-349 under, through or by means of its officers, agents and employees, or by contracts with any person;
(r) To enter into any and all contracts, execute any and all instruments, and do and perform any and all acts or things necessary, convenient or desirable for the purposes of the authority, or to carry out any power expressly granted in Sections 17-17-301 through 17-17-349 including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, contracts with public agencies, and such public agencies are hereby also empowered to enter into such contracts with the authority, which may include provisions for exclusive dealing, fee payment requirements, territorial division, and other conduct or arrangements which may have an anticompetitive effect;
(s) To enter into contracts with any municipality or county which is a member of the authority for the closure or post-closure maintenance of a municipal solid waste management facility owned and operated by such county or municipality; and
(t) To exercise the power of eminent domain for the particular purpose of the acquisition of property designated by plan to sufficiently accommodate the location of facilities, and such requirements related directly thereto pursuant to Chapter 27, Title 11, Mississippi Code of 1972.

Miss. Code § 17-17-317

Laws, 1991, ch. 581, § 9, eff. 4/12/1991.