Mich. Comp. Laws § 117.14a

Current through Public Act 148 of the 2024 Legislative Session
Section 117.14a - Petition for vacating incorporation; initiation; election; certification; assets, disbursement; debts and obligations

Whenever the qualified electors of any city incorporated under the provisions of this act shall file a petition with the city clerk, which petition shall be addressed to the board of supervisors of the county in which the city is located, and signed by not less than 1/4 of the registered electors of such city as shown by the registration lists of the city on the date of such filing, praying that the incorporation of such city be vacated, the city clerk shall, after checking the signatures to such petition to determine their genuineness and sufficiency, refer the same to the county clerk of the county in which such city is located not less than 30 days before the convening of the board of supervisors in regular session: Provided, however, That no such petition may be initiated within 2 years of the effective date of incorporation of said city. Upon receipt of any such petition by any county clerk, the board of supervisors of such county, the county clerk, and the clerks of the city and township or townships affected shall be governed by and do and perform all acts required to be performed by them by sections 8, 9, 10 and 12 of this act with respect to calling and holding an election upon the question petitioned for, the same as though the question were upon the annexation of a part of a city to a township, except that the electors of the city and of the township to be affected shall each vote separately, unless 2 or more townships are to be affected, in which case the votes cast in all such townships shall be cumulated and the result of the election on such question in such townships determined by the total vote therein which is cast for and against such question. In case a 2/3 majority of the qualified electors of such city shall vote in favor of the vacation of the incorporation of the same and a majority of the qualified electors of the township or townships to be affected shall vote in favor of the annexation of the territory of such city to such township or townships, the county clerk shall, within 30 days after the canvass of such votes, make and certify 4 transcripts of all the proceedings in the matter and shall file 2 of such transcripts in the office of the secretary of state and the other 2 copies in his own office, and, upon such filing, the incorporation of such city shall be vacated and the territory thereof annexed to the township or townships from which such territory was detached at the time of the incorporation thereof and by subsequent annexations. Upon the vacation of the incorporation of any city, it shall be the duty of the officers of such city forthwith to deposit all books, papers, records and files relating to the organization of, or belonging or pertaining to such city, which are in their custody as such officers with the county clerk of the county in which such city is located, for safekeeping and reference. The assets of any city, the incorporation of which has been vacated, which have not been set aside or encumbered by the city for the payment of the funded debt or other outstanding obligations of the city, shall become the property of the township to which the territory of the city is annexed, or, if annexed to 2 or more townships, of said townships pro rata according to the assessed value of the portions of the city annexed to each of the townships as shown on the last assessment rolls of the city which were approved by the board of review of the city prior to the vacation of incorporation. The city clerk of such city shall certify to the board of supervisors of the county in which such city is located a statement of all outstanding debt and other obligations at the time the incorporation of such city was vacated, together with an accounting of all moneys on hand for the payment of such debt and other obligations. Said board of supervisors shall proceed to examine the same and shall pass a resolution authorizing the disbursement of such moneys and the assessment and collection of taxes within the area which had comprised the city for the purpose of paying such debt and other obligations in accordance with the conditions set forth in any bond or other instrument by which such debt or other obligations were incurred or secured. Assets of the city which had been set aside at the time of dissolution of incorporation for the payment of the debt or other obligations of the city shall be transferred to the township treasurer of the township to which the territory of such city is annexed or to which the largest portion of such city is annexed and shall be applied by him to the payment of such debt and other obligations in accordance with the conditions in any bond or other instrument by which such funds were set aside or encumbered. Upon the vacation or discontinuance of any city incorporation, under the preceding sections, the indebtedness of such city, whether bonded or otherwise, if any there be, shall be assessed, levied and collected upon the territory embraced within the boundaries of such city immediately prior to such vacation. It shall be the duty of the supervisor or supervisors of the township or townships in which the territory formerly embraced within the limits of any vacated city within 1 year from the date of the vacation of such city, except when such indebtedness falls due at some specified time, in which case such assessment shall be made so as to meet such indebtedness when the same falls due, to levy upon the assessment roll or rolls of his township upon the property formerly embraced within the limits of such city, the indebtedness of such city, or such portion of the same as shall be apportioned to the part of the territory formerly constituting such city as lies within his township as hereinafter provided. The taxes so assessed and levied shall be collected the same as other taxes, and shall be placed in a separate fund and applied to the payment of such indebtedness and the manner of the payment of such indebtedness shall be fixed by the board of supervisors in the resolution to be passed by said board for such purpose. For the purpose of paying the debt and other obligations of the city, as herein provided, the area comprising the city, the incorporation of which is sought to be vacated, shall constitute a de facto city for the purpose of assessing, levying, and collecting the taxes required therefor as a city tax, subject to the tax limitation provisions of the charter of such city and of the general law applicable thereto, and not as a township tax, notwithstanding the fact that the same are levied and spread upon the assessment rolls of any township.

MCL 117.14a

Add. 1949, Act 220, Eff. 9/23/1949.