La. Stat. tit. 9 § 1131.12

Current with changes from the 2024 Legislative Session
Section 9:1131.12 - Regulations of timeshare advertising
(1) No person shall intentionally, directly or indirectly, authorize, use, direct, or aid in the dissemination, publication, distribution, or circulation of any statement, advertisement, radio broadcast, or telecast concerning a timeshare property, or promotion thereof, that contains any statement or sketch that is false, misleading, or without substantiation at the time the statement is made.
(2) Nothing in this Section shall be construed to hold the publisher or employee of any newspaper, or any job printer, or any broadcaster or telecaster, or any magazine publisher, or any of the employees thereof, liable for any publication herein referred to unless the publisher, employee, or printer has actual knowledge of the falsity thereof.
B. All advertising materials must be substantially in compliance with this Part and in full compliance with the mandatory provisions of this Part. In the event that any such material is not in compliance, the commission may require any developer to correct the deficiency.
C. The term advertising material includes but is not limited to:
(1) Any promotional brochure, pamphlet, advertisement, or other material to be disseminated to the public in connection with the sale of a timeshare plan.
(2) A transcript of any radio or television advertisement.
(3) Any telephone solicitation.
(4) Any lodging or vacation certificate.
(5) A transcript of any standard oral sales presentation or solicitation, if any.
(6) A picture or proof of any billboard or sign posted on or off the premises.
(7) Any photograph, drawing, or artist's representation of accommodations or facilities of a timeshare plan which exists or which will or may exist.
(8) Any paid publication relating to a timeshare plan which exists or which will or may exist.
(9) Any other promotional device or statement related to a timeshare plan, including any prize and gift promotional offer.
D. The following communications are exempt from the provisions of this Section:
(1) Any stockholder communication such as an annual report, interim financial report, proxy material, registration statement, securities prospectus, registration, property report, or other material required to be delivered to a prospective purchaser by an agency of any other state or the Federal Government.
(2) Any communication addressed to and relating to the account of the person who has previously executed a contract for the sale and purchase of a timeshare period in the timeshare plan to which the communication relates, except when directed to the sale of additional timeshare interests.
(3) Any audio, written, or visual publication or material relating to an exchange company or exchange program.
(4) Any audio, written, or visual publication or material relating to the promotion of the availability of any accommodations for transient rental, provided a mandatory sales presentation is not a term or condition of the availability of such accommodations and provided the failure of any transient renter to take a tour of a timeshare property or attend a sales presentation does not result in any reduction in the level of services which would otherwise be available to such transient renter.
(5) Any oral or written statement disseminated by a developer to broadcast or print media, other than paid advertising or promotional material, regarding plans for the acquisition or development of timeshare property. However, any rebroadcast or any other dissemination of such oral statements to a prospective purchaser by a seller in any manner, or any distribution of copies of newspapers, magazine articles, press releases, or any other dissemination of such written statements to a prospective purchaser by a seller in any manner, shall constitute an advertisement.
(6) Any advertisement or promotion, not clearly directed to Louisiana residents, in any medium to the general public if such advertisement or promotion clearly states that it is not an offer in any jurisdiction in which any applicable registration requirements have not been fully satisfied.
(7) Any communication by a developer to encourage a person who has previously acquired a timeshare interest from the developer to acquire additional use or occupancy rights or benefits, or additional timeshare interests, offered by the same developer or in the same timeshare plan.
E. No advertising or oral statement made by any developer, affiliate, or their agents shall:
(1) Misrepresent a fact or create a false or misleading impression regarding the timeshare plan or property or promotion thereof.
(2) Make a prediction of specific or immediate increases in the price or value of timeshare periods.
(3) Contain a statement concerning future price increases which are non-specific or not bona fide.
(4) Contain any asterisk or other reference symbol as a means of contradicting or substantially changing any previously made statement or as a means of obscuring a material fact.
(5) Describe or portray any improvement to the timeshare plan that is not required to be built or that is uncompleted unless the description or portrayal is conspicuously labeled or identified as "NEED NOT BE BUILT," or "UNDER CONSTRUCTION" with the date of promised completion clearly indicated.
(6) Materially misrepresent the size, nature, extent, qualities, or characteristics of any offered accommodations or facilities or property or the amenities available to the occupant of those facilities or properties.
(7) Misrepresent the amount or period of time during which the accommodations or facilities will be available to any purchaser.
(8) Misrepresent the nature or extent of any facilities or services incident to the timeshare plan.
(9) Make any misleading or deceptive representation with respect to the contents of the timeshare instrument, timeshare documents including the public offering statement and the contract or the rights, privileges, benefits, or obligations of the purchaser under these documents or this Part.
(10) Misrepresent the conditions under which a purchaser may exchange the right to use accommodations or facilities in one location for the right to use accommodations or facilities in another location.
(11) Misrepresent the availability of a resale or rental program offered by or on behalf of the developer.
(12) Contain an offer or inducement to purchase which purports to be limited as to quantity or restricted as to time unless the numerical quantity or time limit applicable to the offer or inducement is clearly stated.
(13) Misrepresent or imply that a facility or service is available for the exclusive use of purchasers if the facility or service may actually be shared by others or by the general public.
(14) Repealed by Acts 2003, No. 978, §3.
(15) Misrepresent the source of the advertising or statement by leading a prospective purchaser to believe that the advertising material is mailed by a governmental or official agency, credit bureau, bank, or attorney, if that is not the case.
(16) Misrepresent the nature or value of any prize, gift, or other item to be awarded in connection with any prize and gift promotional offer.
(17) Contain any representation as to the availability of a resale program or rental program offered by or on behalf of the developer or its affiliate, unless the resale program and/or rental program has been made a part of the offering, and substantiation is available at the time of the representation to show that a resale market exists.
(18) Repealed by Acts 2003, No. 978, §3.
(19) Contain any statement that the timeshare interest being offered for sale can be further divided, unless a full disclosure of the legal requirements for further division of the timeshare interest is included.
(20) Misrepresent the conditions under which a purchaser or timeshare interest owner may participate in any exchange program.
(21) Describe any proposed or uncompleted private facilities over which the developer has no control, unless the estimated date of completion is set forth, and completion and operation of the facilities are reasonably assured within the time represented in the advertisement.
F. No written advertising material relating to a timeshare property, including any lodging certificate, gift award, premium, discount, or display booth may be utilized without a disclosure that: "This advertising material is being used for the purpose of soliciting sales of timeshare interests" or a substantially similar disclosure.
G. Prize and gift promotional offers:
(1) As used herein, the term "prize and gift promotional offer" means any advertising material wherein a prospective purchaser may receive goods or services other than the timeshare property itself, either free or at a discount, including, but not limited to, the use of any prize, gift, award, premium, or lodging or vacation certificate.
(2) A developer or other person using a prize and gift promotional offer in connection with the offering of a timeshare interest shall clearly disclose all of the following:
(a) That the purpose of the promotion is to sell timeshare interests, which shall appear in boldface or other conspicuous type.
(b) The name of each developer or other person trying to sell a timeshare interest through the promotion and the name of each person paying for the promotion.
(c) The complete rules of the promotion.
(d) The method of awarding prizes, gifts, vacations, discount vacations, or other benefits under the promotion, a complete and fully detailed description, including approximate retail value of all prizes, gifts, or benefits under the promotion, the quantity of each prize, gift, or benefit to be awarded or conferred, and the date by which each prize, gift, or benefit will be awarded or conferred, and if a game of chance, the odds of winning.
(e) Such other disclosures as provided by rule.
(3) If a person represents that a prize, gift, or benefit will be awarded in connection with a promotion, the prize, gift, or benefit must be awarded or conferred in the manner represented and on or before the date represented.
(4) - (8) Repealed by Acts 2003, No. 978, §3.

La. R.S. § 9:1131.12

Added by Acts 1983, No. 552, §1; Acts 1985, No. 999, §1; Acts 2003, No. 978, §§1 and 3.
Added by Acts 1983, No. 552, §1; Acts 1985, No. 999, §1; Acts 2003, No. 978, §§1 and 3.