La. Stat. tit. 33 § 2740.19

Current with changes from the 2024 Legislative Session
Section 33:2740.19 - Baton Rouge Inner City Economic Development District; creation, composition and powers
A. The Baton Rouge Inner City Economic Development District, hereinafter referred to as the "district", is hereby created, and the boundaries of the district shall be coterminous with the boundaries of the Fourteenth Senatorial District as they exist on September 8, 1989.
B. The district is established for the primary object and purpose of promoting and encouraging industrial and commercial redevelopment, and to stimulate the economy of the district through renewed commerce, industry, and for the utilization and development of human resources of the area by providing information and assistance to help alleviate physical and economic deterioration.
C. In order for the orderly development and effectuation of the services to be furnished by the district and to provide for the representation in the affairs of the district of those persons and interests immediately concerned with and affected by the purposes and development of the district, there is hereby authorized to be created a board of commissioners for the district, hereinafter referred to as the "board".
(1) The board shall be composed of fifteen members, all of whom shall be qualified voters of the parish of East Baton Rouge. The members shall be appointed as follows:
(a) One member of the board shall be appointed from the faculty of the Business Administration College at Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, Baton Rouge campus, to be appointed by the chancellor.
(b) One member of the board shall be appointed from the faculty of the Business College at Southern University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, Baton Rouge campus, to be appointed by the chancellor.
(c) One member of the board shall be appointed by the Scotlandville Business Association.
(d) One member of the board shall be appointed by Downtown Development District of Baton Rouge, from its membership.
(e) One member shall be appointed by the president of the Baton Rouge Chamber of Commerce.
(f) One member shall be appointed by the state senator from the Fourteenth Senatorial District.
(g) One member shall be appointed by the state representative from the Sixty-first Representative District.
(h) One member shall be appointed by the state representative from the Sixty-third Representative District.
(i) One member shall be appointed by the state representative from the Sixty-seventh Representative District.
(j) One member shall be appointed by the state representative from the Sixty-sixth Representative District.
(k) One member shall be appointed by the Second District council member of the Metropolitan Council of the city of Baton Rouge and the parish of East Baton Rouge.
(l) One member shall be appointed by the Third District council member of the Metropolitan Council of the city of Baton Rouge and the parish of East Baton Rouge.
(m) One member shall be appointed by the Fifth District council member of the Metropolitan Council of the city of Baton Rouge and the parish of East Baton Rouge.
(n) One member shall be appointed by the Seventh District council member of the Metropolitan Council of the city of Baton Rouge and the parish of East Baton Rouge.
(o) One member shall be appointed by the Tenth District council member of the Metropolitan Council of the city of Baton Rouge and the parish of East Baton Rouge.
(a) The members of the board initially appointed shall have terms of office as follows:
(i) Five members for one year each.
(ii) Five members for two years each.
(iii) Five members for three years each.
(b) The length of the term of each individual appointed shall be determined by lot at the first meeting of the board.
(c) The members of the board shall serve until their successors have been appointed and qualified.
(d) The terms of members of the board appointed upon the expiration of the initial terms shall be three years, and upon expiration of a term of office, the successor shall be appointed in accordance with the procedures herein prescribed for the appointment of the original members.
(e) Any vacancy which occurs prior to the expiration of the term for which a member of the board has been appointed shall be filled by appointment in the same manner as the original appointment for the unexpired term.
(3) Any public official authorized to appoint a member of the board may, in lieu of such appointment, serve as a member of the board.
(1) As soon as practical after their appointment, the board shall meet and elect from their number a chairman, a vice chairman, a secretary, a treasurer, and such other officers as it may deem appropriate.
(2) The minute books and archives of the board shall be maintained by the board's secretary. The monies, funds, and accounts of the district shall be in the official custody and control of the board's treasurer.
(3) The duties of the officers shall be fixed by bylaws adopted by the board. The board shall adopt such rules and regulations as it deems necessary or advisable for conducting its business and affairs and, to the extent that funds are available, shall hire such assistants and employees as are needed to assist the board in the performance of its duties. It shall hold regular meetings as shall be provided in the bylaws and may hold special meetings at such time and places within or outside the district as may be prescribed in the bylaws.
(4) A majority of the members of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The board shall keep minutes of all meetings and shall make them available to the public in conformance with law.
(5) The members of the board shall serve without compensation; however, if funds are available they may receive a travel allowance as reimbursement for expenses incurred while attending to the business of the board or the district.
F. The district shall have the power to cooperate with and to engage in cooperative endeavors with other persons and entities as provided by Article VII, Section 21(H) of the Constitution of Louisiana to provide a means by which owners of such properties who expand, restore, improve, or develop them may pay ad valorem taxes for five years based upon the assessed valuation of the property for the year prior to the commencement of the expansion, restoration, improvement, or development.
G. In order to provide growth and development of the district and the prosperity and welfare of the people of the district to expand, restore, improve, and develop existing commercial structures within the district and to encourage the fullest use of underutilized resources, and the enhancement of the tax base and in order to improve communication and coordination among the economic and human development efforts of state, federal, and local governments and to encourage maximum local participation in the development and coordination of federal, state, regional, and local programs in Louisiana and in order to better coordinate state plans and programs with one another, as well as with programs in the federal, regional, local, and private sectors, the board shall:
(1) Make recommendations concerning natural and environmental factors, trends of industrial, population, or other developments; the habits and lifestyles of the people of the district; the relation of land use within the district as it relates to the city as a whole; areas for the concentration of wholesale, retail, business, and other commercial uses; and areas for recreational uses, and for spaces and areas of mixed uses.
(2) Make recommendations concerning the need for and the proposed general location of public and private works and facilities, including but not limited to pollution control facilities.
(3) Make or assist in studies and investigations of the resources of the district and the existing and emerging problems of industry, commerce, transportation, population, housing, public service affecting the redevelopment of the district, and in making such studies to seek the cooperation and collaboration of the appropriate state departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of federal, state, and local government, educational institutions, research organizations, whether public or private, and of civic groups and private persons and organizations.
(4) Prepare and from time to time revise inventory listings of the district's resources and of the major public and private works and facilities of all kinds which are deemed necessary to the redevelopment of the district.
(5) Cooperate and confer with, and upon request supply information to federal agencies, and to local and regional agencies created pursuant to a federal program or which receive federal support, and shall cooperate and confer, as far as possible, with economic development districts in and outside of the state.
(6) Advise and supply information, as far as available, to civic groups and private persons and organizations who may request such information or advice, and who study or otherwise concern themselves with the district's problems and development of the fields of business and industry, labor, natural resources, urban growth, housing and public service activities such as public health and education, insofar as such problems and development may be relevant to the district's redevelopment.
(7) Provide information to officials of departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of state and local government and to the public at large, in order to foster public awareness and understanding of the objectives of the district in order to stimulate public interest and participation in the orderly, integrated development of the district.
(8) Accept and receive, in furtherance of its functions, funds, grants, and services from the federal government or its agencies, from departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of state, parish, municipal, or local government, or from private or civic sources.
(9) Solicit the assistance and active cooperation of industry and private civic organizations which are active in anti-litter and recycling efforts to assist in the control and reduction of litter in the district. The district may also encourage industry and private civic organizations to participate in the "adopt-a-road" program as provided in R.S. 25:1114 for the purpose of controlling litter along the highways in the district.
(10) Hold public hearings and sponsor public forums whenever it deems necessary or useful in the execution of its functions.
(11) Exercise all other powers necessary and proper for the discharge of its duties.

La. R.S. § 33:2740.19

Acts 1989, 2nd Ex. Sess., No. 19, §1.