P.R. Laws tit. 23, § 5041

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 5041. Support from public agencies of the Commonwealth

The public agencies of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico are hereby directed to offer support and cooperation to the Corporation, including the special assignment of personnel, the granting of unpaid leave to serve the Corporation for the amount of time necessary, and the transfer of resources and property deemed pertinent, except for those that are subject to liens, including mortgages, bond issues, or which serve as surety or collateral for lines of credit. The Corporation may hire personnel regularly employed in any public agency, department, instrumentality, public or municipal corporation, municipality, municipal consortium, or political or administrative subdivision of Puerto Rico, subject to the consent of the corresponding appointing authority, to render services outside of their workday, without being subject to what is otherwise provided in the Political Code of Puerto Rico.

All public agencies of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico shall contribute to the development of their corresponding projects and programs identified in the Integrated Development Plan and the Land Use Plan of the District to make viable the implementation of the ENLACE Project, and shall collaborate with and support the activities, initiatives and projects furthered by the Corporation, according to their responsibilities, functions and capabilities, and in close coordination with the Corporation. In the preparation of their Capital Improvements Program, the public agencies shall include their corresponding projects and programs out of those identified in the Integrated Development Plan and the Land Use Plan of the District, whose development is directed through this chapter, according to their possibilities and the priorities to be established in coordination with the Corporation.

The General Services Administration is hereby directed to carry out, in coordination with the Corporation, all the necessary actions to include the Martín Peña Canal Community Business and Bidder Registry to the Exclusive Register of Bidders under the charge of such agency. Public agencies shall be exempt from the strict application of the Standard General Conditions (set forth in §§ 61-64 of Title 22, known as the “Standard Contract Documents for the Scheduling, Management, Design, Inspection, and Construction of Public Works in Puerto Rico Act”, and the regulations adopted thereunder) when contracting Martín Peña Canal Community Businesses and Bidders to carry out works in the District whose unit cost does not exceed the amount of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00). Such public works shall be governed only by such Standard General Conditions that are not inconsistent with the public policy of economic development for the community adopted herein in order to grant preferential treatment to community businesses in the District and the Cantera Peninsula.

Within thirty (30) days after the approval of this act, the Department of Natural and Environmental Resources (DRNA, Spanish acronym) and the Corporation shall execute a co-management agreement for the public property located within the maritime-terrestrial area of the District. Through this agreement, the DRNA shall delegate to the Corporation the measures or actions to clean such property. The actions taken by the Corporation are directed to rehabilitate the environment and prevent or eliminate threats to the life, health, safety, property, or the environment. Such action shall not entail the establishment of new permanent structures. The co-management agreement shall remain in effect until the works related to the environmental rehabilitation of the Martín Peña Canal are completed.

Once the dredging is completed and the time comes for granting permits for the enjoyment of the public property located within the maritime-terrestrial area of the District, the custodian public agency shall give preferential treatment to community businesses and exempt them from the payment of fees, insofar as the proposed activities and temporary uses are consistent with the public policy in effect.

The Company for the Integrated Development of the Cantera Peninsula shall be covered by the provisions in this section.

History —Sept. 24, 2004, No. 489, § 12; Aug. 14, 2013, No. 104, § 8.