P.R. Laws tit. 21, § 862

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 862. Conditioned transfer—Requirements

The conditioned transfer of the stadiums to the municipalities shall be conducted through a certification, with the effect of a public deed, according to the procedure and the requirements established below:

(a) The Department shall solicit that the corresponding Property Registry issue a certification of registration for each parcel of land on which the stadiums are built after having identified these.

(b) Once the certification of registration has been issued, the Secretary shall be authorized to conduct the conditioned transfer of the stadium to the corresponding municipality subject to the following directives.

The Secretary and the mayor of the municipality concerned or their authorized representatives shall subscribe a certification including the following information:

(1) Statement of the Secretary or the official authorized by him/her, in representation of the Department, containing their personal information.

(2) Power of the Secretary to conduct the conditioned transfer of the stadiums pursuant to this chapter.

(3) Statement of the mayor or the official authorized by him/her, in representation of the municipality in question, containing their personal information.

(4) Power of the mayor of the municipality concerned to accept the conditioned transfer in representation and on behalf of the municipality.

(5) The following information about the property to be transferred:

(A) Common name by which the facility is known.

(B) Registry description of the property.

(C) Number of property, volume and folio where it is registered.

(D) Section of the Property Registry where it appears registered.

(E) Application for the transfer of the property to the corresponding municipality.

(F) Value of the property being transferred.

(G) Cost of maintenance per year; information that the Department must accredit on the basis of its experience in the last year.

(6) Mention of the ordinance that endorses the transfer, including its date of approval.

(7) Conditions for the transfer being conducted, pursuant to what has been established in §§ 864 and 865 of this title.

(8) Date on which the certification is subscribed.

(9) Signatures of the Secretary and of the mayor of the municipality concerned or of their authorized representatives.

(10) Seal of the Department.

(c) Once the certification has been subscribed, it shall be filed by the mayor with the corresponding Property Registry, free of charge.

History —Sept. 30, 2004, No. 537, § 5.